1. Introduction
  2. Guides
  3. Basic
    1. Setup Dev
    2. Development
    3. Launch
    4. Architecture
    5. Build Docker
    6. Repositories
  4. Advanced
    1. Local initialization
    2. Deposits
    3. Withdrawals
    4. Contracts
    5. Calls
    6. Transactions
    7. Fee Model
    8. L2 Messaging
    9. Pubdata
    10. Pubdata with Blobs
    11. Bytecode compression
    12. EraVM intro
    13. ZK Intuition
    14. ZK Deeper Dive
    15. Prover Keys
    16. Advanced Debugging
    17. Docker and CI
  5. External Node
  6. External node
    1. Quick Start
    2. Configuration
    3. Running
    4. Observability
    5. Troubleshooting
    6. Components
    7. Snapshots Recovery
    8. Pruning
    9. Treeless Mode
    10. Decentralization
  7. Specs
  8. Introduction
    1. Overview
    2. Blocks and Batches
    3. L1 Smart Contracts
  9. Data Availability
    1. Pubdata
    2. Compression
    3. Reconstruction
    4. Validium ZK Porter
  10. L1 L2 Communication
    1. L1 to L2
    2. L2 to L1
  11. Prover
    1. Getting Started
    2. ZK Terminology
    3. Function Check if Satisfied
    4. Gadgets
    5. Circuit Testing
    6. Circuits Overview
  12. ZK Chains
    1. Gateway
    2. Interop
    3. Shared Bridge
  13. ZK EVM
    1. Account Abstraction
    2. Bootloader
    3. Fee Model
    4. Precompiles
    5. System Contracts
  14. Announcements
  15. Announcements
    1. Attester Committee