Attester Committee


The Attester committee is a subset of Nodes. After each l1 batch execution, participating nodes sign its execution result and send back to the network.

The ultimate goal is to make L1 commit operation contingent on such signatures. This will improve the security and finality guarantees: having these signatures on L1 shows that additional actors executed the corresponding blocks - and ended up with the same state root hash.

Current State

Before starting the L1 integration, we want to ensure that we can to consistently reach the quorum and collect the signatures in a timely manner. Currently the main node just stores the signatures in the local DB (l1_batches_consensus table).

We run a (temporary) PoA network of attesters where the Main Node administrator defines the committee for every L1 batch. There is currently no tangible incentive or any kind of actual or implied reward for the participants - we’ll be developing these and potential tokenomics later on.

We are looking for participants to this network.

Participating in the Attester Committee

Joining the attester committee imposes no additional computational, operational, security, or business overhead for EN operators.

The only difference in behavior is that the node would asynchronously sign batches and send those signatures to the main node. Node checks if its public key is part of the committee for the current l1 batch - if it is, this logic kicks in. We expect the participating nodes to have very high uptime, but there are no penalties for not submitting votes (and we wouldn’t have any way to impose this).

Participants can leave the committee at any time.

The only action that is required to participate is to share your attester public key with the Main Node operator (by opening an issue in this repo or using any other communication channel). You can find it in the comment in the consensus_secrets.yaml file (that was - in most cases - generated by the tool described here)


Never share your private keys. Make sure you are only sharing the public key. It looks like this: # attester:public:secp256k1:02e7b1f24fb58b770cb722bf08e9512c7d8667ec0befa37611eddafd0109656132