pub trait HardhatNamespaceT: Sized + Send + Sync + 'static {
    // Required methods
    fn set_balance(&self, address: Address, balance: U256) -> RpcResult<bool>;
    fn set_nonce(&self, address: Address, balance: U256) -> RpcResult<bool>;
    fn hardhat_mine(
        num_blocks: Option<U64>,
        interval: Option<U64>
    ) -> RpcResult<bool>;
    fn reset_network(&self, reset_spec: Option<ResetRequest>) -> RpcResult<bool>;
    fn impersonate_account(&self, address: Address) -> RpcResult<bool>;
    fn stop_impersonating_account(&self, address: Address) -> RpcResult<bool>;
    fn set_code(&self, address: Address, code: Vec<u8>) -> RpcResult<()>;
    fn set_storage_at(
        address: Address,
        slot: U256,
        value: U256
    ) -> RpcResult<bool>;

    // Provided method
    fn to_delegate<M: Metadata>(self) -> IoDelegate<Self, M> { ... }

Required Methods§


fn set_balance(&self, address: Address, balance: U256) -> RpcResult<bool>

Sets the balance of the given address to the given balance.

  • address - The Address whose balance will be edited
  • balance - The new balance to set for the given address, in wei

A BoxFuture containing a Result with a bool representing the success of the operation.


fn set_nonce(&self, address: Address, balance: U256) -> RpcResult<bool>

Modifies an account’s nonce by overwriting it.

  • address - The Address whose nonce is to be changed
  • nonce - The new nonce

A BoxFuture containing a Result with a bool representing the success of the operation.


fn hardhat_mine( &self, num_blocks: Option<U64>, interval: Option<U64> ) -> RpcResult<bool>

Sometimes you may want to advance the latest block number of the network by a large number of blocks. One way to do this would be to call the evm_mine RPC method multiple times, but this is too slow if you want to mine thousands of blocks. The hardhat_mine method can mine any number of blocks at once, in constant time. (It exhibits the same performance no matter how many blocks are mined.)

  • num_blocks - The number of blocks to mine, defaults to 1
  • interval - The interval between the timestamps of each block, in seconds, and it also defaults to 1

A BoxFuture containing a Result with a bool representing the success of the operation.


fn reset_network(&self, reset_spec: Option<ResetRequest>) -> RpcResult<bool>

Reset the state of the network back to a fresh forked state, or disable forking.

  • reset_spec - The requested state, defaults to resetting the current network.

A BoxFuture containing a Result with a bool representing the success of the operation.


fn impersonate_account(&self, address: Address) -> RpcResult<bool>

Hardhat Network allows you to send transactions impersonating specific account and contract addresses. To impersonate an account use this method, passing the address to impersonate as its parameter. After calling this method, any transactions with this sender will be executed without verification. Multiple addresses can be impersonated at once.

  • address - The address to impersonate

A BoxFuture containing a Result with a bool representing the success of the operation.


fn stop_impersonating_account(&self, address: Address) -> RpcResult<bool>

Use this method to stop impersonating an account after having previously used hardhat_impersonateAccount The method returns true if the account was being impersonated and false otherwise.

  • address - The address to stop impersonating.

A BoxFuture containing a Result with a bool representing the success of the operation.


fn set_code(&self, address: Address, code: Vec<u8>) -> RpcResult<()>

Modifies the bytecode stored at an account’s address.

  • address - The address where the given code should be stored.
  • code - The code to be stored.

A BoxFuture containing a Result with a bool representing the success of the operation.


fn set_storage_at( &self, address: Address, slot: U256, value: U256 ) -> RpcResult<bool>

Directly modifies the storage of a contract at a specified slot.

  • address - The contract address whose storage is to be modified.
  • slot - The storage slot to modify.
  • value - The value to be set at the specified slot.

A BoxFuture containing a Result with a bool representing the success of the operation.

Provided Methods§


fn to_delegate<M: Metadata>(self) -> IoDelegate<Self, M>

Create an IoDelegate, wiring rpc calls to the trait methods.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
