pub trait EvmNamespaceT: Sized + Send + Sync + 'static {
    // Required methods
    fn increase_time(&self, time_delta_seconds: u64) -> RpcResult<u64>;
    fn evm_mine(&self) -> RpcResult<String>;
    fn set_next_block_timestamp(&self, timestamp: u64) -> RpcResult<u64>;
    fn set_time(&self, time: u64) -> RpcResult<i128>;
    fn snapshot(&self) -> RpcResult<U64>;
    fn revert_snapshot(&self, snapshot_id: U64) -> RpcResult<bool>;

    // Provided method
    fn to_delegate<M: Metadata>(self) -> IoDelegate<Self, M> { ... }

Required Methods§


fn increase_time(&self, time_delta_seconds: u64) -> RpcResult<u64>

Increase the current timestamp for the node

  • time_delta: The number of seconds to increase time by

The applied time delta to current_timestamp value for the InMemoryNodeInner.


fn evm_mine(&self) -> RpcResult<String>

Force a single block to be mined.

Will mine an empty block (containing zero transactions)


The string “0x0”.


fn set_next_block_timestamp(&self, timestamp: u64) -> RpcResult<u64>

Set the current timestamp for the node. The timestamp must be in future.

  • timestamp: The timestamp to set the time to

The new timestamp value for the InMemoryNodeInner.


fn set_time(&self, time: u64) -> RpcResult<i128>

Set the current timestamp for the node. Warning: This will allow you to move backwards in time, which may cause new blocks to appear to be mined before old blocks. This will result in an invalid state.

  • time: The timestamp to set the time to

The difference between the current_timestamp and the new timestamp for the InMemoryNodeInner.


fn snapshot(&self) -> RpcResult<U64>

Snapshot the state of the blockchain at the current block. Takes no parameters. Returns the id of the snapshot that was created. A snapshot can only be reverted once. After a successful evm_revert, the same snapshot id cannot be used again. Consider creating a new snapshot after each evm_revert if you need to revert to the same point multiple times.


The U64 identifier for this snapshot.


fn revert_snapshot(&self, snapshot_id: U64) -> RpcResult<bool>

Revert the state of the blockchain to a previous snapshot. Takes a single parameter, which is the snapshot id to revert to. This deletes the given snapshot, as well as any snapshots taken after (e.g.: reverting to id 0x1 will delete snapshots with ids 0x1, 0x2, etc.)

  • snapshot_id: The snapshot id to revert.

true if a snapshot was reverted, otherwise false.

Provided Methods§


fn to_delegate<M: Metadata>(self) -> IoDelegate<Self, M>

Create an IoDelegate, wiring rpc calls to the trait methods.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
