This information is requested a System Contract called SystemContext.
On how the contract is called, see the relevant section.
Original EVM instruction.
This value is fetched with a native EraVM instruction: context.this
Original EVM instruction.
Original EVM instruction.
Original EVM instruction.
This value is fetched with a native EraVM instruction: context.caller
Original EVM instruction.
This value is fetched with a native EraVM instruction: context.get_context_u128
Original EVM instruction.
Calldata is accessed using a generic memory access instruction, but the memory chunk itself references the caller’s heap. A “fat pointer” to the parent contract is passed via ABI through registers.
@ptr_calldata = private unnamed_addr global ptr addrspace(3) null ; global variable declaration
store ptr addrspace(3) %0, ptr @ptr_calldata, align 32 ; saving the pointer from `r1` to the global variable
%calldata_pointer = load ptr addrspace(3), ptr @ptr_calldata, align 32 ; loading the pointer from the global variable to `calldata_pointer`
%calldata_value = load i256, ptr addrspace(3) %calldata_pointer, align 32 ; loading the value from the calldata pointer
EraVM Assembly
ptr.add r1, r0, stack[@ptr_calldata] ; saving the pointer from `r1` to the global variable
ptr.add stack[@ptr_calldata], r0, r1 ; loading the pointer from the global variable to `r1`
ld r1, r1 ; loading the value to `r1`
Original EVM instruction.
The calldata size is stored in the fat pointer from the parent contract (see CALLDATALOAD), and it can be extracted using bitwise operations, as demonstrated below.
@calldatasize = private unnamed_addr global i256 0 ; global variable declaration
%abi_pointer_value = ptrtoint ptr addrspace(3) %0 to i256 ; converting the pointer to an integer
%abi_pointer_value_shifted = lshr i256 %abi_pointer_value, 96 ; shifting the integer right 96 bits
%abi_length_value = and i256 %abi_pointer_value_shifted, 4294967295 ; keeping the lowest 32 bits of the integer
store i256 %abi_length_value, ptr @calldatasize, align 32 ; saving the value to the global variable
EraVM Assembly
ptr.add r1, r0, stack[@ptr_calldata] ; saving the pointer from `r1` to the global variable
shr.s 96, r1, r1 ; shifting the integer right 96 bits
and @CPI0_0[0], r1, stack[@calldatasize] ; keeping the lowest 32 bits of the integer, saving the value to the global variable
.cell 4294967295
Original EVM instruction.
Unlike on EVM, EraVM employs a simple loop over memory operations on 256-bit values.
; loading the pointer from the global variable to `calldata_pointer`
%calldata_pointer = load ptr addrspace(3), ptr @ptr_calldata, align 32
; shifting the pointer by 122 bytes
%calldata_source_pointer = getelementptr i8, ptr addrspace(3) %calldata_pointer, i256 122
; copying 64 bytes from calldata at offset 122 to the heap at offset 128
call void @llvm.memcpy.p1.p3.i256(ptr addrspace(1) align 1 inttoptr (i256 128 to ptr addrspace(1)), ptr addrspace(3) align 1 %calldata_source_pointer, i256 64, i1 false)
EraVM Assembly
shl.s 5, r2, r3 ; shifting the offset by 32
ptr.add r1, r3, r4 ; adding the offset to the calldata pointer
ld r4, r4 ; reading the calldata value
add 128, r3, r3 ; adding the offset to the heap pointer
st.1 r3, r4 ; writing the calldata value to the heap
add 1, r2, r2 ; incrementing the offset
sub.s! 2, r2, r3 ; checking the bounds
jump.lt @.BB0_3 ; loop continuation branching
Original EVM instruction.
See the EraVM docs.
Original EVM instruction.
See the EraVM docs.
Original EVM instruction.
Original EVM instruction.
Original EVM instruction.
Not supported. Triggers a compile-time error.
Original EVM instruction.
Similarly to CALLDATASIZE, return data size is read from the fat pointer that the child contract returns. It can also be extracted with bitwise operations.
%contract_call_external = tail call { ptr addrspace(3), i1 } @__farcall(i256 0, i256 0, i256 undef, i256 undef, i256 undef, i256 undef, i256 undef, i256 undef, i256 undef, i256 undef, i256 undef, i256 undef)
%contract_call_external_result_abi_data = extractvalue { ptr addrspace(3), i1 } %contract_call_external, 0
%contract_call_memcpy_from_child_pointer_casted = ptrtoint ptr addrspace(3) %contract_call_external_result_abi_data to i256
%contract_call_memcpy_from_child_return_data_size_shifted = lshr i256 %contract_call_memcpy_from_child_pointer_casted, 96
%contract_call_memcpy_from_child_return_data_size_truncated = and i256 %contract_call_memcpy_from_child_return_data_size_shifted, 4294967295
EraVM Assembly
near_call r0, @__farcall, @DEFAULT_UNWIND ; calling a child contract
shr.s 96, r1, r1 ; shifting the pointer value right 96 bits
and @CPI0_1[0], r1, r1 ; keeping the lowest 32 bits of the pointer value
.cell 4294967295
Original EVM instruction.
Unlike on EVM, EraVM employs a simple loop over memory operations on 256-bit values.
; loading the pointer from the global variable to `return_data_pointer`
%return_data_pointer = load ptr addrspace(3), ptr @ptr_return_data, align 32
; shifting the pointer by 122 bytes
%return_data_source_pointer = getelementptr i8, ptr addrspace(3) %return_data_pointer, i256 122
; copying 64 bytes from return data at offset 122 to the heap at offset 128
call void @llvm.memcpy.p1.p3.i256(ptr addrspace(1) align 1 inttoptr (i256 128 to ptr addrspace(1)), ptr addrspace(3) align 1 %return_data_source_pointer, i256 64, i1 false)
EraVM Assembly
shl.s 5, r2, r3 ; shifting the offset by 32
ptr.add r1, r3, r4 ; adding the offset to the return data pointer
ld r4, r4 ; reading the return data value
add 128, r3, r3 ; adding the offset to the heap pointer
st.1 r3, r4 ; writing the return data value to the heap
add 1, r2, r2 ; incrementing the offset
sub.s! 2, r2, r3 ; checking the bounds
jump.lt @.BB0_3 ; loop continuation branching
Original EVM instruction.