Library EraVM.Introduction

This is the specification of the instruction set of EraVM 1.4.1, a language virtual machine for zkSync Era. It describes the virtual machine’s architecture, instruction syntax and semantics, and some elements of system protocol.

Table of contents

  • Overview

    • Glossary : a list of all important recurring terms and notations defined in this document.
    • ArchOverview : a bird’s eye overview of EraVM architecture with links to more detailed descriptions of its parts.
    • PrimitiveValue : defines a tagged 256-bit word datatype; can be an integer or a pointer.
  • EraVM Structure

    StateDefinitions collects all system state, persistent and transient.

    • Registers : a group of isolated read/write memory cells available to all instructions.
    • Flags : special registers showing the status of the latest computations.
    • Predication : how setting flags makes EraVM skip of execute instructions.
    • Memory : transient memory (heap, stack) for supporting computations and persistent storages of contracts.
    • PointerDefinitions : definition of pointers to transient memory and operations on them.
    • Slices : how individual pointers are restricted to selected subranges of memory addresses.
    • Callstack : states of running functions and contracts.
    • MemoryContext : how new transient memory is allocated when a contract is called.
  • Instruction Set

  • EraVM operation

    • Ergs : resource/gas system and basic operation costs.

    • MemoryOps : precise formalization of memory writes and reads.

    • MemoryForwarding : a mechanism to pass memory slices between contracts.

    • Events : different types of events emitted when EraVM is operating.

    • KernelMode : privileged mode of execution for system contracts allowing a restricted part of the instructions set.

    • StaticMode : mode of execution with limited effects on persistent state.

    • SmallStep : formal semantics of instruction execution cycle, in small-step operational style

    • Panics : a mechanism of signaling irrecoverable errors and a list of situations where they occur.

  • Instruction set semantic

    • Stack manipulation

    • Arithmetic

    • Bitwise logical

    • Bitwise shifts

    • Control flow

      • Nop : NoOpDefinition : do nothing.

      • Jump : JumpDefinition : jump to code (conditional jumps are implemented through Predication).

      • NearCall : NearCallDefinition : call a function in the same contract.

      • Ret (from near call) : NearRetDefinition : when used after near call, normal return to the call location, also returning unspent ergs.

      • Revert (from near call) : NearRevertDefinition : when used after near call, return from near call due to a recoverable error, return unspend ergs, roll back storage/events, execute exception handler.

      • NearRetTo : NearRetToDefinition : Like Ret but returns to explicit label.

      • NearRevertTo : NearRevertToDefinition : like NearRevert but executes code at label instead of exception handler.

      • Panic : PanicDefinition : trigger panic.

      • NearPanicTo : NearPanicToDefinition : trigger panic and return to label.

      • Farcall : FarcallDefinition : call a contract

      • Ret (from far call) : FarRetDefinition : when used after far call, normal return to the call location, also returning unspent ergs.

      • Revert (from far call) : FarRevertDefinition : when used after far call, recover (from an error), return unspend ergs, roll back storage/events, execute exception handler.

    • Operations with heaps

    • Operations with static memory page (unique “heap”-like unbound page, kernel-only)

    • Operations with pointers

    • Operations with storage

      • SStore : SStoreDefinition : store value at a key in storage of the current contract.
      • SLoad : SLoadDefinition : load value by key from storage of the current contract.
    • Operations with transient storage (resets after each transaction)

    • Events and precompiles

      • OpEvent : OpEventDefinition : emit an event.
      • ToL1 : ToL1Definition : emit a message to L1.
      • PrecompileCall : PrecompileCallDefinition : call an extension of VM specific to currently executing system contract.
      • Context : ContextDefinition : access the context register and context captured value (used to emulate msg.value).
      • Contract : ContractDefinition : access associated contract addresses (current, caller, or code)
      • VM : VMDefinition : access some parts of VM execution state such as stack pointer.
  • ABI (memory layouts of compound data structures serialized to 256-bit words.)

  • Instruction encoding

    • EncodingTools : binary encoding of different parts of instruction layout.
    • encode_opcode : encoding source/destination, addressing modes, and all modifiers as a single 11-bit opcode value.
    • MachEncoder : the main assembly instruction encoder definition.
  • Elements of protocol

Library EraVM.Glossary

Section Glossary.


  • Definitional equality is denoted with A:=B. Its meaning is: A can be substituted with B.

  • Ranges of numbers are denoted as follows:

    \mathit{[start, limit) := \{n | start \leq n \lt limit\}}

    In other words, start of the range is included, and limit is excluded.

  • Accessing subranges of a binary representation of a number is denoted with \{low, high\}. For example, this denotes a binary number obtained by taking bits from 128-th inclusive to to 256-th exclusive of the value \mathit{op}:

    \mathit{op}\{128, 256\}

  • Concatenation of sequences of binary numbers is denoted with \#\#

    For example, the following denotes concatenating bit representations of the numbers a and b: a \#\# b


  • ABI – application binary interface. See ABI.
  • Active external frame – the closest external frame to the top of call stack. For example, in a callstack (InternalCall (InternalCall (ExternalCall (InternalCall …)))) the active external frame will be the third frame in stack. See active_extframe.
  • Auxheap – one of two heap variants (heap and auxheap), mostly used by system contracts. Executing one of far call instructions creates a new external frame and allocates pages for code, constants, data stack, heap and aux heap.
  • Burning ergs – setting ergs to zero in topmost call stack frame, external or internal. See Ergs.
  • Callstack – a stack of context information. Executing one of near call instructions pushes a frame of type InternalCall to the callstack, executing one of far call instructions pushes a frame of type ExternalCall. See CallStack.
  • Checkpoint – see state_checkpoint. Not to confuse with EraVM snapshot.
  • Code page – a read only page filled with instruction_predicated. Created by far calls, filled with code obtained from Decommitter. See code_page.
  • Const page – a read only page filled with constant data. Created by far calls, filled with constants obtained from Decommitter. Can be implemented by putting constants to code pages instead. See const_page.
  • Context instructions – instructions implemented as variants of context machine instruction:
    • OpContextCaller
    • OpContextCodeAddress
    • OpContextErgsLeft
    • OpContextGetContextU128
    • OpContextIncrementTxNumber
    • OpContextMeta
    • OpContextSetContextU128
    • OpContextSetErgsPerPubdataByte
    • OpContextSp
    • OpContextThis
  • Running instance of a contract, or a function – a set of memory pages, call stack frames, and other resources associated with a running contract or function. They are distinct per function/contract call.
  • Current contract – contract currently being executed. See ecf_this_address and active_extframe.
  • Current function – the most recent of functions currently being executed.
  • Data page – one of types of memory pages. See data_page.
  • Data stack – a stack implicitly operated upon by instructions using address modes like RelSpPop or RelSP. Located on pages of type stack_page. Every contract instance has its own stack; functions invoked by OpNearCall share the stack with their caller.
  • Decommitter – a module responsible for storing contract code and providing it upon query.
  • Exception handler – a code_address of a piece of code associated to a call stack frame. This code will be executed if the corresponding function reverts or panics.
  • External/internal frame, function/contract frame
  • Far call – execution of one of the following instructions: OpFarCall, OpMimicCall, OpDelegateCall.
  • Fat pointer – a full 128-bit data_page pointer encoding page id, a span of addresses from some starting address and with a specified length, and an offset inside this span. See fat_ptr.
  • GPR, general purpose register – one of 16 registers r0r15 containing primitive values. Register r0 is a constant register, can not be written to and is read-only.
  • Heap – one of two heap variants (heap and auxheap), mostly used by system contracts. Executing one of far call instructions creates a new external frame and allocates pages for code, constants, data stack, heap and aux heap.
  • Heap pointer – a pair of address in heap and a limit; it is associated with a span [0; limit). See heap_ptr.
  • Heap variant – either Heap or Auxheap, depending on the context.
  • Integer value – a primitive_value with a reset pointer tag. See IntValue.
  • L1 – level-1, refers to the main Ethereum blockchain, also known as the Ethereum Mainnet. Used to distinguish from scaling solutions or Layer 2 solutions that aim to improve the scalability and throughput of the Ethereum blockchain.
  • Log instructions – variations of log machine instruction: OpSLoad, OpSStore, OpEvent, OpToL1Message, OpPrecompileCall.
  • Memory forwarding – a mechanism of sharing a read-only fragment ofmemory between contracts. The memory fragment is created from span and described by fat_ptr. This fragment can be narrowed or shrunk as a result of far call or executing OpPtrShrink.
  • Machine instruction – a low-level machine instruction with a fixed format. The high-level instruction_predicated is encoded to machine instructions.
  • Memory growth – a process, where an access to a heap variant beyond its bound leads to increasing the bound and payment.
  • Narrowing a fat pointer – subtract a given number from its length and add it to its start; it is guaranteed to not overflow. See fat_ptr_narrow. Used when passing a fat pointer to a far call, or returning it from a contract.
  • Near call – calling a function that belongs to the same contract.
  • Operand – data or the address that is operated upon by the instruction. It represents the input or output values used by the instruction to perform a specific operation or computation. See InstructionArguments.
  • Page – see page_type.
  • Pointer value – a primitive_value with a set pointer tag. May contain a fat pointer. See PtrValue.
  • Precompile call – an invokation of OpPrecompileCall. Precompiles are extensions of EraVM bound to one of the system contracts. When this contract executes an instruction OpPrecompileCall, EraVM executes an algorithm specific to this contract. See Precompiles.
  • Precompile processor – a module responsible for encoding the algorithms of precompile calls and executing them.
  • Primitive value – a tagged word. See primitive_value.
  • Shrinking a fat pointer – subtract a given number from its length; it is guaranteed to not overflow. See fat_ptr_shrink. Triggered by OpPtrShrink instruction.
  • Slice – see slice.
  • Span – see span.
  • Stack page – a type of pages. See stack_page.
  • System contracts – contracts with addresses from 0 to KERNEL_MODE_MAXADDR_LIMIT. They are executed in KernelMode.
  • Topmost callstack frame – the last frame pushed to call stack.
  • Word – 256-bit unsigned untagged integer value.
  • Address resolution – a matching between instruction operands and locations using the supported address modes. See resolve.
  • Base cost – the fixed cost of executing instruction, in ergs. Some instructions imply additional costs, e.g. far calls may require paying for code decommitment.
  • Bootloader – a system contract written in YUL in charge of block construction.
  • Cell – alias to “word”. Often used to distinguish between values themselves and the memory locations holding them.
  • Depot – all storages in all shards. See depot.
  • Ergs – resource spent on actions such as executing instructions. See Ergs.
  • Instruction predicate – see Predication.
  • Flag – see flag_state.
  • Fully qualified address – see fqa_key.
  • Instruction – low-level command or operation that is executed by a virtual machine to perform a specific task. Instructions supported by EraVm are described by the type instruction_predicated.
  • Kernel mode – a mode of execution for system contracts opening access to full instruction set, containing instructions potentially harmful to the global state e.g. OpContextIncrementTxNumber. See KernelMode.
  • Key – a 256-bit address of a cell in storage.
  • Location – see loc.
  • Panic – irrecoverable error. Handled by formally executing OpPanic.
  • Revert – execution of OpRevert, usually as a consequence of recoverable error.
  • Malformed transaction – a transaction rejected by the bootloader. Handling it is the responsibility of the server that controls EraVM.
  • Predicate – see Predication.
  • Predication – see Predication.
  • Program counter – the code_address of the next instruction to be executed. See cf_pc.
  • Rollback – restoration of the gs_revertable portion of state as a result of revert or panic. The state is saved at every near or far call. See also state_checkpoint.
  • Shard – a collection of storages. See shard.
  • Snapshot – a copy of the full state of EraVM. Server makes a snapshot of VM state every time a transaction is successfully completed. When the bootloader encounters a malformed transaction, it fails, and the server restarts EraVM from the most recent snapshot, skipping this transaction.
  • Server – a program that launches EraVM and controls it. Feeds the transactions to the bootloader, provides decommitter and other external modules, restarts EraVM from the latest snapshot in case of malformed transactions.
  • Stack pointer – the stack_address where the next element will be pushed. It is the address of the (top of the stack + 1).
  • Static mode – see StaticMode.
  • Storage – see storage.
  • Total cost – a sum of base_cost of an instruction and all its additional costs.
  • Versioned hash – a key used to retrieve the contract code from decommitter. See versioned_hash and Decommitter.
  • VM – the same as EraVM, the abstract virtual machine that this document specifies.

End Glossary.

Library EraVM.Core

Require Common.
Import Common ZArith Types.

Section Parameters.

EraVM architecture overview

EraVM is a 256-bit register-based language machine with two stacks and dedicated memory for code, data, stack and constants.

  Definition word_bits: nat := 256.

  Definition word: Type := BITS word_bits.

word0 is a word with a zero value.

  Definition word0: word := fromZ 0%Z.
  Definition bytes_in_word : nat := word_bits/bits_in_byte.
  Definition z_bytes_in_word : Z := Z.of_nat bytes_in_word.

  Definition word_to_bytes (w:u256) : tuple.tuple_of 32 u8 := @bitsToBytes 32 w.
  Definition bytes_to_word (bs: tuple.tuple_of 32 u8) : word := @bytesToBits _ bs.

End Parameters.

Section ArchOverview.

  • Memory provides access to transient memory pages. See Memory.
  • Storage provides access to persistent storage with two shards, each shard maps 2^{160} contracts, to a key-value storage. See Depot.
  • EventSink collects events and messages to L1. See Events.
  • Precompile processor executes system contract-specific extensions to the EraVM instruction set, called precompiles, e.g. keccak256, sha256, and so on. See Precompiles.
  • Decommitment processor stores and decommits the code of contracts. See Decommitter.

Functions and contracts

In EraVM, contracts are the coarse-grained execution units. Contracts may have multiple functions in them; a contract may execute its functions by using near call instruction OpNearCall. A contract may also call other contracts by using far call instructions OpFarCall, OpMimicCall, or OpDelegateCall.

A running instance of a function or a contract is a piece of VM runtime state associated with the current execution of a function or a contract, as described by callstack.

EraVM allows recursive execution of functions and contracts. For example, a contract A calls a function f_1 which calls a function f_2 which calls a contract B, which calls a function g_1, which calls A again …

A \rightarrow f_1 \rightarrow f_2 \rightarrow B \rightarrow g_1 \rightarrow A \rightarrow \dots

During the execution of g_1, running instances of A, f_1, f_2 keep existing, waiting for the control to return to them.

Executing a contract allocates memory pages dedicated to it (see alloc_pages_extframe). In a running instance of a contract, this contract’s functions share these memory pages.

Contracts have more contract-specific state associated to them than functions (compare InternalCall and ExternalCall). However, running instances of both functions and contracts have their own exception handlers, program counters, stack pointers and allocated ergs (see callstack_common).

Execution state

EraVM’s functionality is to sequentially execute instructions.

The main components of EraVM’s execution state are:

  • 256-bit tagged general-purpose registers R1–R15 and a reserved constant register R0 holding 0. See regs_state.
  • Three flags: OverFlow/Less-Than, EQuals, Greater-Than. See flags_state.
  • Data stack containing tagged words. It is located on a dedicated stack_page.
  • Callstack, holding callframes, which contain such information as the program counter, data stack pointer, ergs for the current function/contract instance, current contract’s address, and so on. See CallStack.
  • Frames in callstack; can be internal (belong to a function, near called) frames or external frames (belong to a contract, far called, richer state).
  • Read-only pages for constants and code, one per contract stack frame.


The type asm_instruction describes the supported instructions.

All instructions are predicated: they contain an explicit condition related to the current flags state. If the condition is satisfied, they are executed, otherwise they are skipped (but their basic_cost is still paid).

Instructions accept data and return results in various formats:

  • The formats of instruction operands are described in Addressing.
  • The address resolution to locations in memory/registers is described in resolve
  • Reading and writing to memory is described in MemoryOps.


EraVM has two modes which can be independently turned on and off.

  1. Kernel mode/User Mode

First KERNEL_MODE_MAXADDR_LIMIT contracts are marked as system contracts. EraVM executes them in kernel mode, allowing an access to a richer instruction set, containing instructions potentially harmful to the global state e.g. OpContextIncrementTxNumber. See KernelMode.

  1. Static mode/Non-static mode

    Intuitively, executing code in static mode aims at limiting its effects on the global state, similar to executing pure functions. Globally visible actions like emitting events or writing to storage are forbidden in static mode. See StaticMode.


Instructions and some other actions should be paid for with a resource called ergs, similar to Ethereum’s gas. See the overview in Ergs.


The VM is started by a server that controls it and feeds the transactions to the Bootloader.

Context of EraVM

When the server needs to build a new batch, it starts an instance of EraVM.

EraVM accepts three parameters:

  1. Bootloader’s versioned_hash. It is used to fetch the bootloader code from Decommitter.
  2. Default code hash DEFAULT_AA_VHASH. It is used to fetch the default code from Decommitter in case of a far call to a contract without any associated code.
  3. A boolean flag is_porter_available, to determine the number of shards (two if zkPorter is available, one otherwise).

Bootloader is a contract written in YUL in charge of block construction. See Bootloader.

EraVM retrives the code of bootloader from Decommitter and proceeds with sequential execution of instructions on the bootloader’s code page.

Failures and rollbacks

There are three types of behaviors triggered by execution failures.

  1. Skipping a malformed transaction. It is a mechanism implemented by the server, external to EraVM. Server makes a snapshot of EraVM state after completing every transaction. When the bootloader encounters a malformed transaction, it fails, and the server restarts EraVM from the most recent snapshot, skipping this transaction.

    This behavior is specific to bootloader; the contract code has no ways of invoking it.

  2. Revert is triggered by the contract code explicitly by executing OpRevert. EraVM saves its persistent state to state_checkpoint on every near or far call. If the contract code identifies a recoverable error, it may execute OpRevert. Then EraVM rolls the storage and event queues back to the last state_checkpoint and executes the exception handler. See rollback.

  3. Panic is triggered either explicitly by executing OpPanic/OpNearPanicTo, or internally when some execution invariants are violated. For example, attempting to execute in user mode an instruction, which is exclusive to kernel mode, results in panic.

    On panic, the persistent state of EraVM is rolled back in the same way as on revert. See rollback.

End ArchOverview.
Definition timestamp := nat.
Definition tx_num := u16.

Library EraVM.PrimitiveValue

Require Types.

Section PrimitiveValue.

Primitive values

Primitive value is a tagged word. The tag is_ptr is a boolean.

  • If is_ptr is set, it is guaranteed that the lowest 128-bits of the word contain a serialized fat_ptr. Such values can be used as operands in instructions that require pointer arguments, for example, OpPtrAdd. The other half (128 most significant bits) may hold meaningful data, e.g. when forming a value according to FarCall ABI using Assembly.OpPtrPack instruction.
  • If is_ptr is cleared, there are no guarantees to its value. It may contain an integer, a representation of a heap_ptr, a representation of a span of addresses, etc.

Context {word:Type}.
Inductive primitive_value :=
  mk_pv {
      is_ptr: bool;
      value: word;

Only Registers and stack_pages hold primitive values; other types of memory, including storage and heap pages, contain non-tagged data.

Function clear_pointer_tag clears the pointer tag of a primitive value.

Definition clear_pointer_tag (pv:primitive_value): primitive_value :=
  match pv with | mk_pv _ valuemk_pv false value end.

End PrimitiveValue.

For brevity, a primitive value is called a pointer value if its tag is set, and integer value otherwise.

Notation IntValue := (mk_pv false).
Notation PtrValue := (mk_pv true).

Definition pv0 := IntValue Types.zero256.

Library EraVM.State

From RecordUpdate Require Import RecordSet.
Require ABI Core Decommitter GPR Ergs Event History CallStack TransientMemory VMPanic.

Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssreflect.tuple zmodp.
Import RecordSetNotations.

Import Core Flags ZArith ABI Common GPR Ergs Event CallStack History MemoryBase memory.Depot Decommitter Predication PrimitiveValue TransientMemory VMPanic.

Section StateDefinitions.

Definition exception_handler := code_address.


EraVM state

EraVM employs a state that comprises the following components:

  1. The global_state contains:
  • before 1.5: current price of publishing one byte of pubdata to L1 gs_current_ergs_per_pubdata_byte.

  • since 1.5: of publishing one byte of pubdata to L1 gs_current_ergs_per_pubdata_byte.

  • transaction number in the current block gs_tx_number_in_block

  • decommitter gs_contracts

  • a revertable part state_checkpoint. It houses the depot state, embodying all contracts storages across all shards, as well as two queues for events and L1 messages.

    Launching a contract (far call) or a function (near call) defines a checkpoint. If a contract or a function reverts or panics, the state rolls back to the latest snapshot (see rollback).

    The rollback may be implemented in any efficient way conforming to this behavior.

Record state_checkpoint := {
    gs_depot: depot;
    gs_events: @history [eqType of query];
    gs_l1_msgs: @history [eqType of event];

Record global_state :=
  mk_gstate {
    gs_current_ergs_per_pubdata_byte: ergs;
    gs_tx_number_in_block: tx_num;
    gs_contracts: decommitter;
    gs_revertable:> state_checkpoint;

Inductive rollback checkpoint: global_state global_state Prop :=
| rb_apply: e tx ccs _cp,
  rollback checkpoint (mk_gstate e tx ccs _cp) (mk_gstate e tx ccs checkpoint).

  1. The transient_state contains:
    • flags gs_flags: boolean values representing some characteristics of the computation results. See Flags.
    • general purpose registers gs_regs: 15 mutable tagged words (primitive values) r1r15, and a reserved read-only zero valued r0. See Registers.
    • all memory gs_pages allocated by VM, including code pages, data stack pages, data pages for heap variants etc. See memory.
    • gs_callstack, where each currently running contract and function has a stack frame. Note, that program counter, data stack pointer, and the remaining ergs allocated for the current function’s run are parts of a stack frame. See Callstack.
    • 128-bit register gs_context_u128. Its usage is detailed below.


Record transient_state :=
  mk_transient_state {
      gs_flags : flags_state;
      gs_regs: regs_state;
      gs_pages: memory;
      gs_callstack: callstack;
      gs_context_u128: u128;
      gs_status: status;

Record state :=
  mk_state {
      gs_transient :> transient_state;
      gs_global :> global_state;

Context register

The 128-bit context value occurs in two places in EraVM:

These values are distinct: the value in callstack is a snapshot of the register gs_context_u128 in a moment of a far call.

The typical usage of the context value is as follows:

  1. Set the value of gs_context_u128 to C by executing the instruction OpContextSetContextU128.
  2. Launch a contract using one of the far call instructions. This action pushes a new callstack_external frame F onto the gs_callstack. The value of the F’s field ecf_context_u128_value is equal to C. In addition, far calls reset gs_context_u128 to 0.
  3. Retrieve the context value by executing the instruction OpContextGetContextU128 to use it.
  4. On contract code completion, the gs_context_u128 is reset to zero by either OpRet, OpRevert, or OpPanic.

Note that setting the context register gs_context_u128 is forbidden in StaticMode. See forbidden_static.

Context is used to simulate msg.value, a Solidity construction standing for the amount of wei sent in a transaction. The system contract MsgValueSimulator is responsible for ensuring that whenever this context value is set to C, there are indeed C wei transferred to the callee.

Inductive global_state_new_depot: depot global_state global_state Prop :=
| gsnd_apply: current_ergs_per_pubdata_byte tx codes d evs l1s d',
  global_state_new_depot d'
    gs_current_ergs_per_pubdata_byte := current_ergs_per_pubdata_byte;
    gs_tx_number_in_block := tx;
    gs_contracts := codes;
    gs_revertable := {| gs_depot := d; gs_events := evs; gs_l1_msgs := l1s |} ;
    gs_current_ergs_per_pubdata_byte := current_ergs_per_pubdata_byte;
    gs_tx_number_in_block := tx;
    gs_contracts := codes;
    gs_revertable := {| gs_depot := d'; gs_events := evs; gs_l1_msgs := l1s |} ;

Inductive emit_event e: global_state global_state Prop :=
| ee_apply: current_ergs_per_pubdata_byte tx codes d evs l1s d',
  emit_event e
    gs_current_ergs_per_pubdata_byte := current_ergs_per_pubdata_byte;
    gs_tx_number_in_block := tx;
    gs_contracts := codes;
    gs_revertable := {| gs_depot := d; gs_events := evs; gs_l1_msgs := l1s |} ;
    gs_current_ergs_per_pubdata_byte := current_ergs_per_pubdata_byte;
    gs_tx_number_in_block := tx;
    gs_contracts := codes;
    gs_revertable := {| gs_depot := d'; gs_events := e::evs; gs_l1_msgs := l1s |} ;

Inductive emit_l1_msg e: global_state global_state Prop :=
| eel1_apply: current_ergs_per_pubdata_byte tx codes d evs l1s d',
  emit_l1_msg e
    gs_current_ergs_per_pubdata_byte := current_ergs_per_pubdata_byte;
    gs_tx_number_in_block := tx;
    gs_contracts := codes;
    gs_revertable := {| gs_depot := d; gs_events := evs; gs_l1_msgs := l1s |} ;
    gs_current_ergs_per_pubdata_byte := current_ergs_per_pubdata_byte;
    gs_tx_number_in_block := tx;
    gs_contracts := codes;
    gs_revertable := {| gs_depot := d'; gs_events := evs; gs_l1_msgs := e::l1s |} ;

Inductive tx_inc : tx_num tx_num Prop := | txi_apply: n m, uinc_of n = (false, m) tx_inc n m.

Inductive global_state_increment_tx tx_mod: global_state global_state Prop :=
| gsit_apply: current_ergs_per_pubdata_byte tx new_tx codes rev ,
  tx_mod tx new_tx
  global_state_increment_tx tx_mod
    gs_current_ergs_per_pubdata_byte := current_ergs_per_pubdata_byte;
    gs_tx_number_in_block := tx;
    gs_contracts := codes;
    gs_revertable := rev;
    gs_current_ergs_per_pubdata_byte := current_ergs_per_pubdata_byte;
    gs_tx_number_in_block := new_tx;
    gs_contracts := codes;
    gs_revertable := rev;

End StateDefinitions.

Definition heap_variant_page_id (page_type: data_page_type)
  : callstack page_id :=
  match page_type with
  | Heap ⇒ @active_heap_id state_checkpoint
  | AuxHeap ⇒ @active_auxheap_id state_checkpoint

Definition heap_variant_page (page_type: data_page_type) (cs:callstack) (mem:memory) :=
    match page_type with
    | Heapactive_heappage
    | AuxHeapactive_auxheappage
    end (page_has_id mem) cs .

Definition heap_variant_id (page_type: data_page_type)
  : callstack page_id :=
  match page_type with
  | Heap ⇒ @active_heap_id
  | AuxHeap ⇒ @active_auxheap_id
  end state_checkpoint.

Library EraVM.GPR

From RecordUpdate Require Import RecordSet.
Require Core List PrimitiveValue.

Import Core PrimitiveValue.

Section Registers.
  Import RecordSetNotations.
  Context (pv := @primitive_value Core.word).

GPR (General Purpose Registers)

EraVM has 15 mutable general purpose registers R1, R2, …, R15. They hold primitive_value word, so they are tagged 256-bit words. The tag is set when the register contains a fat pointer in its 128 least significant bits (it may contain other useful data in topmost 128-bits; this is used e.g. for encoding parameters of FarCall).

Additionally, EraVM has one read-only, constant register R0 which evaluates to IntValue 0, that is, an untagged integer 0.

  Inductive reg_name : Set :=
    R0 | R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 | R5 | R6 | R7 | R8 | R9 | R10 | R11 | R12 | R13
  | R14 | R15.

  Record regs_state := mk_regs {
                            r1 : pv;
                            r2 : pv;
                            r3 : pv;
                            r4 : pv;
                            r5 : pv;
                            r6 : pv;
                            r7 : pv;
                            r8 : pv;
                            r9 : pv;
                            r10 : pv;
                            r11 : pv;
                            r12 : pv;
                            r13 : pv;
                            r14 : pv;
                            r15 : pv;

Function fetch_gpr loads a value from register.

  Definition fetch_gpr (rs:regs_state) (r:reg_name) : pv :=
    match r with
    | R0IntValue word0
    | R1r1 rs
    | R2r2 rs
    | R3r3 rs
    | R4r4 rs
    | R5r5 rs
    | R6r6 rs
    | R7r7 rs
    | R8r8 rs
    | R9r9 rs
    | R10r10 rs
    | R11r11 rs
    | R12r12 rs
    | R13r13 rs
    | R14r14 rs
    | R15r15 rs


  #[export] Instance etaGPRs : Settable _ := settable! mk_regs < r1; r2; r3; r4; r5; r6; r7; r8; r9; r10; r11; r12; r13; r14; r15 >.

Predicate store_gpr stores value to a general purpose register. Storing to R0 is ignored.

  Definition store_gpr (rs: regs_state) (name: reg_name) (pv: primitive_value) : regs_state :=
    match name with
    | R0rs
    | R1rs <| r1 := pv|>
    | R2rs <| r2 := pv|>
    | R3rs <| r3 := pv|>
    | R4rs <| r4 := pv|>
    | R5rs <| r5 := pv|>
    | R6rs <| r6 := pv|>
    | R7rs <| r7 := pv|>
    | R8rs <| r8 := pv|>
    | R9rs <| r9 := pv|>
    | R10rs <| r10 := pv|>
    | R11rs <| r11 := pv|>
    | R12rs <| r12 := pv|>
    | R13rs <| r13 := pv|>
    | R14rs <| r14 := pv|>
    | R15rs <| r15 := pv|>

  Definition reg_map f (rs:regs_state) : regs_state :=
    match rs with
    | mk_regs r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 r8 r9 r10 r11 r12 r13 r14 r15
        ( mk_regs (f r1) (f r2) (f r3) (f r4) (f r5) (f r6) (f r7) (f r8) (f r9) (f r10) (f r11) (f r12) (f r13) (f r14) (f r15))
End Registers.

Library EraVM.Flags

Require Bool.
Import Bool.

Section Flags.


Flags are boolean values, which reflect certain characteristics of the result of the last instruction.

It is commonly said that a flag is set if its value is true, and a flag is cleared if its value is false.

In EraVM there are three flags:

  1. OF_LT : overflow or less than;

  Inductive OF_LT := Set_OF_LT | Clear_OF_LT.

  1. EQ : equals;

  Inductive EQ := Set_EQ | Clear_EQ.
  1. GT : greater than.

  Inductive GT := Set_GT | Clear_GT.

More specifically:

  1. OF_LT is set in the following cases:
    • Overflow
    • Underflow
    • Division by zero
    • Panic, then when the exception handler starts execution, OF_LT is set.
  2. EQ is set when the result of a binary operation is zero.
  3. GT is set when the first operand of a binary operation was greater than the second.

  Definition OF_LT_to_bool (f:OF_LT) := if f then true else false.
  Definition EQ_to_bool (f:EQ) := if f then true else false.
  Definition GT_to_bool (f:GT) := if f then true else false.

    Coercion OF_LT_to_bool : OF_LT >-> bool.
    Coercion EQ_to_bool : EQ >-> bool.
    Coercion GT_to_bool : GT >-> bool.

  Definition EQ_of_bool (f:bool) := if f then Set_EQ else Clear_EQ.
  Definition OF_LT_of_bool (f:bool) := if f then Set_OF_LT else Clear_OF_LT.
  Definition GT_of_bool (f:bool) := if f then Set_GT else Clear_GT.

State of three flags flags_state is stored in the global state in the field gs_xstate in the field gs_flags.

  Record flags_state := mk_fs {
                            fs_OF_LT: OF_LT;
                            fs_EQ: EQ;
                            fs_GT: GT;


Flags are used to control the execution flow. See Predication.

  Definition set_overflow fs := match fs with
                              | mk_fs _ EQ GTmk_fs Set_OF_LT EQ GT

  Definition bflags (OF EQ GT: bool) : flags_state :=
      fs_OF_LT := OF_LT_of_bool OF;
      fs_EQ := EQ_of_bool EQ;
      fs_GT := GT_of_bool GT

Library EraVM.Predication

Require Common Flags.

Import Common Flags.
Import ssrbool.

Section Predication.


Every instruction on the code_page is predicated, meaning it is augmented with a predicate. A predicate describes a condition on flags; if this condition is satisfied, then the instruction is executed; otherwise, EraVM skips the instruction.

When an instruction is skipped, its base cost is still paid.

  Inductive predicate : Set :=
  | IfAlways | IfGT | IfEQ | IfLT | IfGE | IfLE | IfNotEQ | IfGTOrLT.

  Definition predicate_holds (c:predicate) (fs:flags_state) : bool :=
    match c, fs with
    | IfAlways, _
    | IfGT, mk_fs _ _ Set_GT
    | IfEQ, mk_fs _ Set_EQ _
    | IfLT, mk_fs Set_OF_LT _ _
    | IfGE, mk_fs _ Set_EQ _
    | IfGE, mk_fs _ _ Set_GT
    | IfLE, mk_fs _ Set_EQ _
    | IfLE, mk_fs Set_OF_LT _ _
    | IfNotEQ, mk_fs _ Clear_EQ _
    | IfGTOrLT,mk_fs Set_OF_LT _ _
    | IfGTOrLT,mk_fs _ _ Set_GTtrue
    | _,_false

  Inductive predicate_spec: predicate flags_state Prop
  | ac_Always: fs,
      predicate_spec IfAlways fs

  | ac_GT: of_lt eq,
      predicate_spec IfGT (mk_fs of_lt eq Set_GT)

  | ac_EQ: of_lt gt,
      predicate_spec IfEQ (mk_fs of_lt Set_EQ gt)

  | ac_LT: eq gt,
      predicate_spec IfLT (mk_fs Set_OF_LT eq gt)

  | ac_GE1: fs,
      predicate_spec IfEQ fs
      predicate_spec IfGE fs

  | ac_GE2: fs,
      predicate_spec IfGT fs
      predicate_spec IfGE fs

  | ac_LE1: fs,
      predicate_spec IfLT fs
      predicate_spec IfLE fs
  | ac_LE2: fs,
      predicate_spec IfEQ fs
      predicate_spec IfLE fs

  | ac_NotEQ: of_lt gt,
      predicate_spec IfNotEQ (mk_fs of_lt Clear_EQ gt)

  | ac_IfGTOrLT1: fs,
      predicate_spec IfGT fs
      predicate_spec IfGTOrLT fs

  | ac_IfGTOrLT2: fs,
      predicate_spec IfLT fs
      predicate_spec IfGTOrLT fs
  Hint Constructors predicate_spec:flags.

  Theorem predicate_holds_spec :
     c fs, predicate_holds c fs = true predicate_spec c fs.
    split; destruct c, fs as [[] [] []];
      simpl in *; try solve [auto with flags| inversion 1; inversion H0].

  Theorem predicate_activated_dec: ec flags, decidable (predicate_spec ec flags).
    intros ec flags.
    unfold decidable.
    destruct ec, flags as [[][][]]; solve [left;constructor| right;inversion 1 | auto with flags | right; inversion 1; subst; inversion H0].

  Record predicated (instruction:Type): Type :=
    Ins {
        ins_spec: instruction;
        ins_cond: predicate;

Invalid instruction. It is a default value on code_pages. See code_page.

  Definition invalid {I} (ins:I) : predicated I :=
      ins_spec := ins;
      ins_cond:= IfAlways

End Predication.

Library EraVM.TransientMemory

Informal overview

All memory available to the contract code can be divided into transient and persistent memory.

  • Transient memory exists to enable computations and does not persist between VM, like the main memory of personal computers.
  • Persistent memory exists as a storage of untagged 256-bit words shared between the network participants.

Contract code uses transient memory to perform computations and uses the storage to publish its results

Persistent memory

The global persistent data structure is the depot. It holds untagged 256-bit words.

Depot is split in two shards: one corresponds to rollup, another to porter (see shard_exists).

Each shard is a map from a contract_address (160 bit, might be extended in future to up to 256 bits) to contract storage.

Each contract storage is a linear mapping from 2^{256} keys to 256-bit untagged words.

To address a word in any contract’s storage, it is sufficient to know:

  • shard
  • contract address
  • key

See fqa_key.

Contract has one independent storage per shard.

One shard is selected as currently active in state.

Contract code is global and shared between shards.

Transient memory

Transient memory consists of pages (page_type) holding data or code. Each page holds 2^{32} bytes; all bytes are initialized to zero at genesis.

New pages are allocated implicitly when the contract execution starts; calling another contract allocates more pages. Pages persist for as long as they are referenced from the live code.

Pages hold one of:

  • data: 2^{32} byte-addressable data for heap or auxheap; bounded, so reading or writing outside bounds leads to a paid growth of available portion.
  • code: instruction-addressable, read-only;
  • constants: 2^{16} word-addressable, read-only;
  • stack: 2^{16} words, word-addressable, tagged words. When the execution of a contract starts, the initial value of stack pointer is INITIAL_SP_ON_FAR_CALL.

The following describes all types of memory formally and with greater detail.

The definition vm_page collects the specific types of pages used by EraVM semantic.

Library EraVM.memory.Depot

Storage of a contract

A storage is a persistent linear mapping from 2^{256} addresses to words.

Therefore, given a storage, each word storage is addressed through a 256-bit address.

In storage, individual bytes inside a word can not be addressed directly: a load or a store happen on a word level.

Both word address in storage and word width are 256 bits.

All words in a storage are zero-initialized on genesis. Therefore, reading storage word prior to writing yields zero. It is a well-defined behavior.

  Definition storage_params := {|
                                addressable_block := word;
                                address_bits := 256;
                                default_value := word0;
                                writable := true

  Definition storage_address := BITS (address_bits storage_params).
  Definition storage: Type := mem_parameterized storage_params.

Storage start blanks.

  Definition storage_empty : storage := empty storage_params.

Storage does not hold contract code, it is a responsibility of decommittment processor decommitter.

Storage is a part of a shard, which is a part of depot.

One storage is selected as an active storage, it is the storage corresponding to the current_shard and current_contract.

Use the instruction OpSStore to write to the active storage, OpSLoad to read from the active storage.


Instruction OpSLoad implements reading from storage; instruction OpSStore implements writing to storage.

Memory model

Storage has a sequentially-consistent, strong memory model. All writes are atomic and immediately visible; reads are guaranteed to return the last value written.

Shards and contracts

A contract is uniquely identified by its 160-bit address contract_address. In future, the address could be seamlessly extended to up to 256 bits.

A shard is a mapping of contract addresses to storages.

Therefore, every contract is associated with as many storages as there are shards.

  Definition shard_params := {|
                              addressable_block := storage;
                              address_bits := 160;
                              default_value := storage_empty;
                              writable := true

  Definition contract_address := address shard_params.
  Definition contract_address_bits := address_bits shard_params.
  Definition shard := mem_parameterized shard_params.

Contracts are also associated with code. The association is global per depot and implemented by Decommitter. Therefore, the contract code is the same for all shards, but the storages of a contract in different shards differ.

Unlike in Ethereum, there is only type of accounts capable of both transacting coins and executing contracts.

Contracts with addresses in range from 0 (inclusive) to KERNEL_MODE_MAXADDR (exclusive) are system contracts; they are allowed to execute all instructions.


Depot is a collection of shards. Depot is the global storage of storages of all contracts.

  Definition depot_params :=
      addressable_block := shard;
      address_bits := 8;
      default_value := empty _;
      writable := true

  Definition depot := mem_parameterized depot_params.

  Definition shard_id := BITS (address_bits depot_params).

There are currently two shards: one for zkRollup, one for zkPorter.

  Inductive shard_exists: shard_id Prop :=
  | se_rollup: shard_exists (fromZ 0)
  | se_porter: shard_exists (fromZ 1)

The fully qualified address of a word in depot is a triple:

(\texttt{shard\_id}, \texttt{contract\_id} , \texttt{key})

It is formalized by fqa_key.

  Record fqa_storage := mk_fqa_storage {
                            k_shard: shard_id;
                            k_contract: contract_address;
  Record fqa_key := mk_fqa_key {
                        k_storage :> fqa_storage;
                        k_key: storage_address

  Inductive storage_get (d: depot): fqa_storage storage Prop :=
  | sg_apply: storage shard s c st,
      shard_exists s
      MemoryBase.load_result depot_params s d shard
      MemoryBase.load_result shard_params c shard storage
      storage_get d (mk_fqa_storage s c) st .

  Inductive storage_read (d: depot): fqa_key word Prop :=
  | sr_apply: storage sk c w,
      storage_get d sk storage
      storage_read d (mk_fqa_key sk c) w.

  Inductive storage_write (d: depot): fqa_key word depot Prop :=
  | sw_apply: storage shard sk s c k w shard' depot' storage',
      storage_get d sk storage
      MemoryBase.store_result storage_params k storage w storage'
      MemoryBase.store_result shard_params c shard storage' shard'
      MemoryBase.store_result depot_params s d shard' depot'
      storage_write d (mk_fqa_key sk k) w depot'.

End Depot.

Library EraVM.memory.Pages

Require Common MemoryBase.
Import Common MemoryBase.

Section Pages.

Main memory (transient)

Memory structure

Contract execution routinely uses main memory to hold instructions, stack, heaps, and constants.

When the execution of a contract starts, new pages are allocated for:

Therefore, the types of pages are: data pages, stack pages, constant data pages, and code pages.

  Context {code_page const_page data_page stack_page: Type}.

  Inductive page_type :=
  | DataPage : data_page page_type
  | StackPage : stack_page page_type
  | ConstPage : const_page page_type
  | CodePage : code_page page_type

  Record page := mk_page {
                     type:> page_type

Memory is a collection of pages memory, each page is attributed a unique identifier page_id. Pages persist for as long as they can be read by some code; in presence of FatPointer the page lifetime may exceed the lifetime of the frame that created it.

  Definition page_id := nat.
  Definition pages := list (page_id × page).
  Record memory := mk_pages {
                       mem_pages:> pages;

  Inductive page_has_id : memory page_id page Prop :=
  | mpid_select : mm id page,
      List.In (id, page) mm
      page_has_id (mk_pages mm) id page.

The set of identifiers has a complete linear order, ordering the pages by the time of creation. The ability to distinguish older pages from newer is necessary to prevent returning fat pointers to pages from older frames. See e.g.  step_RetExt_ForwardFatPointer.

  Section Order.
    Definition page_ordering := Nat.leb.
    Definition page_eq x y := page_ordering x y && page_ordering y x.
    Definition page_neq x y := negb (page_eq x y).
    Definition page_older (id1 id2: page_id) : bool :=
      page_ordering id1 id2.
  End Order.

Predicate page_replace describes a relation between two memories m1 and m2, where m2 is a copy of m1 but a page with it id is replaced by another page p.

Function page_alloc creates a new page in memory.

  Definition page_alloc (p:page) (m: memory) : memory :=
    let new_id := length (mem_pages m) in
    match m with
    | mk_pages mem_pagesmk_pages (cons (new_id, p) mem_pages)

End Pages.

Library EraVM.memory.PageTypes

Require List Core MemoryBase.
Import Common Core MemoryBase List.

Section Memory.

Data pages

A data page contains individually addressable bytes. Each data page holds 2^{32} bytes.

  Definition data_page_params := {|
                                  addressable_block := u8;
                                  address_bits := 32;
                                  default_value := zero8;
                                  writable := true
  Definition mem_address := address data_page_params.
  Definition mem_address_zero: mem_address := zero32.
  Definition mem_address_bits := data_page_params.(address_bits).

  Definition data_page := mem_parameterized data_page_params.

There are currently two types of data pages:

  • Heap

  • AuxHeap.

    We call both of them heap variants for brevity, as in almost all cases they are handled in a similar way.

  Inductive data_page_type := Heap | AuxHeap.
  Definition page_bound := prod data_page_type mem_address.

  Local Open Scope ZMod_scope.
  Definition growth (current_bound: mem_address) (query_bound: mem_address)
    : mem_address :=
    if query_bound < current_bound then zero32 else
      snd (query_bound - current_bound)

Note: only selected few instructions can access data pages:

Every byte on data pages has an address, but these instructions read or store 32-byte words.

Fat pointers fat_ptr define slices of data pages and allow passing them between contracts.

Stack pages

A stack page contains 2^{16} primitive values (see primitive_value). Reminder: primitive values are tagged words.

  Context {primitive_value: Type} (pv0: primitive_value).
  Definition stack_page_params := {|
                                   addressable_block := primitive_value;
                                   address_bits := 16;
                                   default_value := pv0;
                                   writable := true

  Definition stack_address := address stack_page_params.
  Definition stack_address_bits := stack_page_params.(address_bits).
  Definition stack_address_zero: stack_address := zero16.

  Definition stack_page := mem_parameterized stack_page_params.

Data stack in EraVM

There are two stacks in EraVM: call stack to support the execution of functions and contracts, and data stack to facilitate computations. This section details the data stack.

At each moment of execution, one stack page is active; it is associated with the topmost of external frames, which belongs to the contract currently being executed. See active_extframe, its field ecf_mem_ctx and subfield ctx_stack_page_id.

Each contract instance has an independent stack on a separate page. Instead of zero, stack pointer on new stack pages start with a value INITIAL_SP_ON_FAR_CALL. Stack addresses in range [0; INITIAL_SP_ON_FAR_CALL) can be used as a scratch space.

Topmost frame of the callstack, whether internal or external, contains the stack pointer (SP) value cf_sp; which points to the address after the topmost element of the stack. That means that the topmost element of the stack is located in word number (\mathit{SP}-1) on the associated stack page.

Data stack grows towards greater addresses. In other words, pushing to stack increases stack pointer value, and popping elements decreases stack pointer.

Const pages

A const page contains 2^{16} non tagged words. They are not writable.

Implementation may put constants and code on the same pages. In this case, the bytes on the same virtual page can be addressed in two ways:

  • For instructions OpJump and OpNearCall, the code addressing will be used: consecutive addresses correspond to 8-bytes instructions.
  • For instructions like OpAdd with CodeAddr addressing mode, the const data addressing will be used: consecutive addresses correspond to 32-bytes words.

For example, OpJump 0, OpJump 1, OpJump 2, OpJump 3 will refer to the first four instructions on the page; their binary representations, put together, can be fetched by addressing the const page’s 0-th word e.g. OpAdd (CodeAddr R0 zero_16 ) (Reg R0) (Reg R1).

  Definition const_address_bits := 16.

  Definition const_page_params := {|
                                   addressable_block := word;
                                   address_bits := const_address_bits;
                                   default_value := word0;
                                   writable := false
  Definition const_address := address const_page_params.
  Definition const_page := mem_parameterized const_page_params.

Code pages

A code page contains 2^{16} instructions. They are not writable.

On genesis, code pages are filled as follows:

  • The contract code is places starting from the address 0.
  • The rest is filled with a value guaranteed to decode as invalid instruction.

Const pages can coincide with code pages.

  Context {ins_type: Type} (invalid_ins: ins_type).

  (* Implementation note: code_address should be address code_page_params but we don't want to introduce
      dependency between code_address and instruction type *)

  Definition code_address_bits := 16.
  Definition code_address := BITS code_address_bits.
  Definition code_address_zero: stack_address := zero16.

  Definition code_page_params := {|
                                  addressable_block := ins_type;
                                  address_bits := code_address_bits;
                                  default_value := invalid_ins;
                                  writable := false
  Record code_page := mk_code_page {
                          cp_insns:> mem_parameterized code_page_params;
  Definition code_length := code_address.

End Memory.

Library EraVM.Pointer

From RecordUpdate Require Import RecordSet.

Require memory.Pages memory.PageTypes.

Import Arith Core Common MemoryBase PageTypes Pages RecordSetNotations BinInt zmodp.
Import ssreflect.tuple ssreflect.eqtype.

Section PointerDefinitions.
  Context (bytes_in_word := u32_of z_bytes_in_word).

  Open Scope ZMod_scope.

This library describes concepts related to data_pages: spans, heap pointers, and fat pointers.


A span is a range of addresses from s_start inclusive to s_start + s_length exclusive. It is not bound to a specific page.

  Record span :=
    mk_span {
        s_start : mem_address;
        s_length: mem_address;

  Definition span_empty := mk_span zero32 zero32.

  Inductive span_limit: span mem_address Prop :=
    | sl_apply: start length limit,
      (false, limit) = start + length
      span_limit (mk_span start length) limit.

  Inductive bound_of_span : span data_page_type page_bound Prop :=
    | qos_apply: s limit hv,
        span_limit s limit
        bound_of_span s hv (hv, limit).


Passing a span in ForwardNewHeapPointer as an argument to far calls or far returns creates a fat pointer. The required encoding is described by FarRetABI or FarCallABI. See FarCallDefinitions and FarRet.

See also: Slices.

In EraVM, heap variants have a bound, stored in call stack frames (see ctx_heap_bound of ecf_mem_ctx). If memory is accessed beyond this bound, the bound is adjusted and the growth (difference between bounds) is paid in ergs. Definition span_induced_growth computes how many bytes should the user pay for.

Heap pointer

A heap pointer is an absolute address hp_addr on some data page. Heap pointers are used in instructions:

    Record heap_ptr :=
          hp_addr: mem_address;
    Definition heap_ptr_empty : heap_ptr := mk_hptr zero32.

    Inductive hp_resolves_to : heap_ptr mem_address Prop :=
    | tpr_apply: addr,
        hp_resolves_to (mk_hptr addr) addr.

Incrementing a heap pointer with hp_inc increases its offset by 32, the size of a word in bytes. This is used by instructions OpLoadInc and OpStoreInc.

    Inductive hp_inc : heap_ptr heap_ptr Prop :=
    |fpi_apply :
       ofs ofs',
        ofs + bytes_in_word = (false,ofs')
        hp_inc (mk_hptr ofs) (mk_hptr ofs' ).

    Definition hp_inc_OF (hp: heap_ptr) : option heap_ptr :=
      match hp with
      | mk_hptr ofs
          match ofs + bytes_in_word with
          | (false, ofs')Some (mk_hptr ofs')
          | _None


Heap pointers are used by the following instructions:

The layout of a heap pointer in a 256-bit word is described by decode_heap_ptr.

Relation to fat pointers

Heap pointers are bearing a similarity to fat pointers. They can be thought about as fat pointers where:

  • the span starts at 0;
  • an offset is the address;
  • length is the limit, and
  • page ID is ignored.

Heap pointers are not necessarily tagged and do not receive any special treatment from the VM’s side.

  End HeapPointer.

Definition free_ptr is auxiliary and is only used to facilitate the definition of fat_ptr.

  Record free_ptr :=
    mk_ptr {
        p_span :> span;
        p_offset: mem_address;

  Definition fresh_ptr (s:span) : free_ptr :=
    mk_ptr s zero32.

  Definition validate_in_bounds (p:free_ptr) : bool := p.(p_offset) < p.(s_length) .

  Inductive ptr_resolves_to : free_ptr mem_address Prop :=
  | upr_apply: addr start ofs length,
      (ofs < length) = true
      (false, addr) = start + ofs
      ptr_resolves_to (mk_ptr (mk_span start length) ofs) addr.

  Inductive word_upper_bound : heap_ptr mem_address Prop :=
  | qbu_apply : start upper_bound,
      let bytes_in_word := fromNat Core.bytes_in_word in
      start + bytes_in_word = (false,upper_bound)
      word_upper_bound (mk_hptr start) upper_bound.

  Section FatPointer.

Fat pointer

A fat pointer defines an address inside a span of a specific data memory page fp_page. We may denote is as a 4-tuple: (\mathit{page, start, length, offset}). These four components are enough to unambiguously identify a slice of a data memory page.

    Record fat_ptr :=
      mk_fat_ptr {
          fp_page: page_id;
          fp_ptr :> free_ptr;


  • Fat pointers are used to pass read-only spans of data_pages between contracts.

  • Fat pointers are created from spans by OpFarCall/OpMimicCall/OpDelegateCall or through OpRet/OpRevert.

    • Far calls accept a serialized instance of FarCall.params in a register. If it contains a span in fwd_memory, then when the contract starts executing, r1 is assigned the fat pointer obtained from the slice.
    • Far returns accept a serialized instance of FarRet.fwd_memory in a register. If it contains a span in fwd_memory, then after return r1 is assigned the fat pointer obtained from the slice.
  • An existing fat pointer is passed by using ForwardFatPointer.

Pointers may be created only by far calls (OpFarCall, OpMimicCall, OpDelegateCall) or far returns (OpRet, OpRevert).

    Record validation_exception :=
          ptr_deref_beyond_heap_range : bool;
          ptr_bad_span: bool;

    Definition no_exceptions : validation_exception
      := mk_ptr_validation_exception false false.

    Inductive fat_ptr_nullable :=
    | NullPtr
    | NotNullPtr (ptr: fat_ptr)

A fat pointer (\mathit{page}, \mathit{start}, \mathit{length}, \mathit{offset}) is invalid if:

  • \mathit{start}_{\mathbb{N}}+\mathit{length}_{\mathbb{N}} \geq 2^{32}, or
  • \mathit{offset} > \mathit{length}.

By a subscript \mathbb{N} we denote that we explicitly interpret \mathit{start} and \mathit{length} as natural numbers, and addition on natural numbers does not overflow.

If \mathit{offset} = \mathit{length}, the span of the pointer is empty, but it is still valid.

    Import ssrbool.
    Definition validate (p:free_ptr) : validation_exception :=
      match p with
      | mk_ptr (mk_span start len) ofs
            ptr_deref_beyond_heap_range := fst (start + len);
            ptr_bad_span := ofs > len ;

    Definition is_trivial (p:free_ptr) := (p.(s_length) == zero32) && (p.(p_offset) == zero32).

Narrowing a fat pointer moves its \mathit{start} to where \mathit{start} + \mathit{offset} was, and sets \mathit{offset} to zero:

(\mathit{page}, \mathit{start}, \mathit{length}, \mathit{offset}) \mapsto (\mathit{page}, \mathit{start}+\mathit{offset}, \mathit{length}-\mathit{offset}, 0)

A fat pointer is automatically narrowed in two situations:

Attention: shrinking and narrowing far pointers are different. See fat_ptr_shrink and fat_ptr_narrow.

Shrinking a fat pointer with fat_ptr_shrink subtracts a given number diff from its length; it is guaranteed to not overflow.

Shrinking may result in a pointer with \mathit{offset}>\mathit{length}, but such pointer will not resolve to a memory location.

    Inductive free_ptr_shrink (diff: mem_address) : free_ptr free_ptr Prop :=
    | tptl_apply: start ofs length length',
        length - diff = (false, length')
        free_ptr_shrink diff (mk_ptr (mk_span start length) ofs) (mk_ptr (mk_span start length') ofs).

    Definition free_ptr_shrink_OF (diff: mem_address) : free_ptr option free_ptr :=
      fun fpmatch fp with
              | mk_ptr (mk_span start length) p_offset
                  match length - diff with
                  | (false, length')Some (mk_ptr (mk_span start length') p_offset)
                  | _None

    Definition fat_ptr_shrink diff := fat_ptr_liftP (free_ptr_shrink diff).
    Definition fat_ptr_shrink_OF diff := fat_ptr_opt_map (free_ptr_shrink_OF diff).

Incrementing a fat pointer with fp_inc increases its offset by 32, the size of a word in bytes. This is used by the instruction OpLoadPointerInc.

    Definition ptr_inc_OF (p: free_ptr) : option free_ptr :=
      match p with
      | mk_ptr s ofs
        match ofs + bytes_in_word with
        | (false, ofs')Some (mk_ptr s ofs')
        | _None

    Inductive ptr_inc : free_ptr free_ptr Prop :=
    |fpf_apply :
       ofs ofs' s,
        ofs + bytes_in_word = (false, ofs')
        ptr_inc (mk_ptr s ofs) (mk_ptr s ofs').

    Definition fat_ptr_inc := fat_ptr_liftP ptr_inc.
    Definition fat_ptr_inc_OF := fat_ptr_opt_map ptr_inc_OF.
  End FatPointer.

End PointerDefinitions.

Library EraVM.Slice

From RecordUpdate Require Import RecordSet.

Require Pointer TransientMemory lib.PMap_ext.

Section Slices.
Import Bool Core Common MemoryBase RecordSetNotations Pointer TransientMemory PMap_ext.
Open Scope ZMod_scope.


Data slice is a virtual memory page holding a read-only fragment of a data_page.

Accesses through a fat pointer should be in bounds of its span. However, loads by fat pointer return words, not individual bytes, so it is important to cut off parts of the memory page outside the pointer’s span.

For example, suppose P is a fat pointer (page, 0, 33, 10). Reading 32-byte word yields bytes from the offset 10-th to 42-th (excluded). However, the span of P is [0,33) so the bytes from 33-th to 42-th are outside of this span. EraVM treats the bytes outside P’s span as if they were zeros.

More generally, suppose P:=(\mathit{page, start, length, offset}) is a fat pointer. Accesses through OpLoadPtr and OpLoadPtrInc return 32-byte words starting at an address \mathit{start + offset}.

However, a 32-byte word spans across addresses in range [\mathit{start + offset, start + offset + 32}) and therefore can surpass the upper bound \mathit{start + length}) if \mathit{length-offset} \leq 32.

Reading past \mathit{start+offset} yields zero bytes. In other words, attempting to read a word that spans across the pointer bound \mathit{start + offset} will return zero bytes for the addresses [\mathit{start+length, start+offset+32}).

Predicate slice_page describes a slice visible to a fat pointer.

Library EraVM.CallStack

From RecordUpdate Require Import RecordSet.
Import RecordSetNotations.
Require Common Ergs KernelMode memory.Depot TransientMemory MemoryContext.

Import Common Ergs KernelMode memory.Depot TransientMemory MemoryContext List ListNotations.

Section Callstack.

  Context (CALLSTACK_LIMIT : nat).
  Context {state_checkpoint: Type} {ins: Type} (ins_invalid: ins).

  Definition exception_handler := code_address.

Call stack

EraVM operates with two stacks:

  1. call stack, which supports function and contract execution
  2. data stack, aiding in computations.

Data stack has a role similar to the stack in JVM and other language virtual machines. Call stack may be implemented in any way, but it is separated from data stack. This section covers the call stack in detail.

A stack frame, or call frame, is a data structure representing a fragment of current execution environment associated with a running instance of a contract or a function.

There are two types of stack frames:

Each external frame is associated with a contract address. It means that it was created when the associated contract address was far called. Naturally, each contract may be called many times recursively, therefore at each moment of time any contract may have multiple external frames associated to it.

callstack is a stack of a maximum of CALLSTACK_LIMIT stack frames. It is unrelated to the stack_page which holds data stack.

There is one callstack per execution, stored in state in gs_callstack field.

Internal call frames hold the following information:

  • cf_exception_handler_location: a code_address of an exception handler. On revert or panic VM destroys the topmost frame and jumps to this handler.
  • cf_sp: current data stack pointer. The topmost element in data stack is located at cf_sp-1 in the currently active_stackpage.
  • cf_ergs_remaining: ergs allocated for the current function or contract. It decreases as VM spends ergs for its operation.
  • cf_saved_checkpoint : a snapshot of the state for a rollback. In case of panic or revert, the state of storage and event queues will be restored.

  Record callstack_common := mk_cf {
                                 cf_exception_handler_location: exception_handler;
                                 cf_sp: stack_address;
                                 cf_pc: code_address;
                                 cf_ergs_remaining: ergs;
                                 cf_saved_checkpoint: state_checkpoint;

External call frames hold the same information as internal. Additionally, they hold:

  Record active_shards := mk_shards {
                              shard_this: shard_id;
                              shard_caller: shard_id;
                              shard_code: shard_id;

  Record associated_contracts :=
    mk_assoc_contracts {
        ecf_this_address: contract_address;
        ecf_msg_sender: contract_address;
        ecf_code_address: contract_address;

  Record callstack_external :=
    mk_extcf {
        ecf_associated:> associated_contracts;
        ecf_mem_ctx: mem_ctx;
        ecf_is_static: bool; (* forbids any write-like "log" and so state modifications, event emissions, etc *)
        ecf_context_u128_value: u128;
        ecf_shards:> active_shards;
        ecf_common :> callstack_common

  Inductive callstack :=
  | InternalCall (_: callstack_common) (tail: callstack): callstack
  | ExternalCall (_: callstack_external) (tail: option callstack): callstack.

  Fixpoint callstack_depth cf :=
    (match cf with
     | InternalCall x tail ⇒ 1 + callstack_depth tail
     | ExternalCall x (Some tail)=> 1 + callstack_depth tail
     | ExternalCall x None ⇒ 1


When the server starts forming a new block, it starts a new instance of VM to execute the code called Bootloader. Bootloader is a contract with an address BOOTLOADER_SYSTEM_CONTRACT_ADDRESS. To support its execution, a corresponding ExternalCall frame with is pushed to the call stack.

Handling each transaction requires executing OpFarCall, which pushes another call frame to the callstack.

As the transaction is executed, call stack changes as follows:

Attempting to have more than CALLSTACK_LIMIT elements in callstack will force the VM into panic.

Panics are equivalent to executing OpPanic, so they pop up the topmost stack frame and pass the control to the exception handler, specified in the popped frame.

Executing any instruction I changes the topmost frame:

  1. cf_pc is incremented, unless I is OpJump .
  2. cf_sp may be modified if I affects the data stack pointer through addressing modes RelSpPop or RelSpPop.
  3. cf_ergs_remaining is decreased by the total cost of I. Total cost is a sum of base_cost and additional costs, described by the small step predicates like step_jump.

  Definition stack_overflow (xstack:callstack) : bool :=
    Nat.ltb CALLSTACK_LIMIT (callstack_depth xstack).

  Definition cfc (ef: callstack) : callstack_common :=
    match ef with
    | InternalCall x _x
    | ExternalCall x _x

  Definition cfc_map (f:callstack_commoncallstack_common) (ef: callstack) : callstack :=
    match ef with
    | InternalCall x tailInternalCall (f x) tail
    | ExternalCall x tailExternalCall (x <| ecf_common ::= f |>) tail

  Section ErgsManagement.

    Open Scope ZMod_scope.

    Definition ergs_remaining (ef:callstack) : ergs := (cfc ef).(cf_ergs_remaining).
    Definition ergs_map (f: ergsergs) (ef:callstack) : callstack
      := cfc_map (fun xx <| cf_ergs_remaining ::= f |>) ef.
    Definition ergs_set newergs := ergs_map (fun _newergs).

    Inductive ergs_return: ergs callstack callstack Prop :=
    | er_return: delta new_ergs ef ef',
        delta + ergs_remaining ef = (false, new_ergs)
        ef' = ergs_set new_ergs ef
        ergs_return delta ef ef'.

    Inductive ergs_return_caller_and_drop : callstack callstack Prop
    |erc_internal: caller new_caller cf,
        ergs_return (ergs_remaining (InternalCall cf caller)) caller
        ergs_return_caller_and_drop (InternalCall cf caller) new_caller
    |erc_external: caller new_caller cf,
        ergs_return (ergs_remaining (ExternalCall cf (Some caller))) caller
        ergs_return_caller_and_drop (ExternalCall cf (Some caller)) new_caller.

    Definition ergs_reset := ergs_set zero32.

    Definition affordable (ef: callstack) (e:ergs): bool :=
      match ergs_remaining ef - e with
      | (false, paid)true
      | (true, overflowed)false

    Inductive pay : ergs callstack callstack Prop :=
    | pay_ergs : e ef paid,
        ergs_remaining ef - e = (false, paid)
        pay e ef (ergs_set paid ef).
  End ErgsManagement.

  Section SP.

Fetching value of the stack pointer itself.

    Definition sp_get (cf: callstack) : stack_address :=
      (cfc cf).(cf_sp).

    Definition sp_map_extcall (f:stack_addressstack_address) ef :=
      (ef <| ecf_common ::= fun cfcf <| cf_sp ::= f |> |>).

    Inductive sp_map_extcall_spec f: callstack_external callstack_external Prop :=
    | sme_apply: a d e g h eh sp pc ss ergs,
        sp_map_extcall_spec f (mk_extcf a d e g h (mk_cf eh sp pc ergs ss))
          (mk_extcf a d e g h (mk_cf eh (f sp) pc ergs ss)).

    Theorem sp_map_extcall_correct:
       f ef, sp_map_extcall_spec f ef (sp_map_extcall f ef).

    Definition sp_map (f:stack_addressstack_address) ef : callstack :=
      match ef with
      | InternalCall x tailInternalCall (x <| cf_sp ::= f |>) tail
      | ExternalCall x tailExternalCall (sp_map_extcall f x) tail

    Definition sp_update new_sp := sp_map (fun _new_sp).

    Inductive sp_map_spec f : callstack callstack Prop :=
    | usp_ext:
       ecf ecf' tail,
        sp_map_extcall_spec f ecf ecf'
        sp_map_spec f (ExternalCall ecf tail) (ExternalCall ecf' tail)
    | usp_int:
       eh sp pc ergs tail ss,
        sp_map_spec f (InternalCall (mk_cf eh sp pc ergs ss ) tail) (InternalCall (mk_cf eh (f sp) pc ergs ss) tail).

    Theorem sp_map_spec_correct f:
       ef, sp_map_spec f ef (sp_map f ef).

  End SP.

  Section PC.
    Definition pc_get (ef: callstack) : code_address :=
      match ef with
      | InternalCall cf _cf.(cf_pc)
      | ExternalCall ef tailef.(ecf_common).(cf_pc)

    Definition pc_map f ef :=
      match ef with
      | InternalCall x tailInternalCall (x <| cf_pc ::= f |>) tail
      | ExternalCall x tailExternalCall (x <| ecf_common ::= fun cfcf <| cf_pc ::= f |> |>) tail

    Definition pc_set new := pc_map (fun _new).

    Inductive pc_map_cfc_spec f : callstack_common callstack_common
                               Prop :=
    | upc_map:
       ehl sp ergs pc pc' ss,
        f pc = pc'
        pc_map_cfc_spec f (mk_cf ehl sp pc ergs ss) (mk_cf ehl sp pc' ergs ss).

    Inductive pc_map_extcall_spec f: callstack_external callstack_external
                                  Prop :=
    | upe_update:
       cf cf' ac memory is_static context_u128_value cc,
        pc_map_cfc_spec f cf cf'
        pc_map_extcall_spec f
          (mk_extcf ac memory is_static
             context_u128_value cc cf)
          (mk_extcf ac memory is_static
             context_u128_value cc cf')

    Inductive pc_map_spec f : callstack callstack Prop :=
    | upc_ext:
       ecf ecf' tail ,
        pc_map_extcall_spec f ecf ecf'
        pc_map_spec f (ExternalCall ecf tail) (ExternalCall ecf' tail)
    | upc_int:
       cf cf' tail,
        pc_map_cfc_spec f cf cf'
        pc_map_spec f (InternalCall cf tail) (InternalCall cf' tail).

    Theorem pc_map_correct:
       ef f, pc_map_spec f ef (pc_map f ef).

  End PC.

  Section TopmostExternalFrame.

    Fixpoint active_extframe (ef : callstack) : callstack_external :=
      match ef with
      | InternalCall _ tailactive_extframe tail
      | ExternalCall x tailx

    Inductive active_extframe_spec : callstack callstack_external Prop :=
    | te_Top: x t, active_extframe_spec (ExternalCall x t) x
    | te_Deeper: c t f,
        active_extframe_spec t f active_extframe_spec (InternalCall c t) f
    Theorem active_extframe_correct:
       ef, active_extframe_spec ef (active_extframe ef).

    Fixpoint change_active_extframe f (ef:callstack) : callstack :=
      match ef with
      | InternalCall x tailInternalCall x (change_active_extframe f tail)
      | ExternalCall x tailExternalCall (f x) tail

    Inductive change_active_extframe_spec f : callstack callstack Prop :=
    | ct_base: cf t,
        change_active_extframe_spec f (ExternalCall cf t) (ExternalCall (f cf) t)
    | ct_ind: cf t t',
        change_active_extframe_spec f t t'
        change_active_extframe_spec f (InternalCall cf t) (InternalCall cf t')

    Lemma change_active_extframe_correct : f ef,
        change_active_extframe_spec f ef (change_active_extframe f ef).

    Definition update_memory_context (ctx:mem_ctx): callstack callstack :=
      change_active_extframe (fun efef <| ecf_mem_ctx := ctx |> ).

    Definition revert_state (cs:callstack) : state_checkpoint :=
      match cs with
      | InternalCall x tailx.(cf_saved_checkpoint)
      | ExternalCall x tailx.(ecf_common).(cf_saved_checkpoint)
      end .

    Definition current_shard xstack : shard_id := (active_extframe xstack).(ecf_shards).(shard_this).

    Definition current_contract xstack : contract_address := ecf_this_address (active_extframe xstack).

  End TopmostExternalFrame.

  Section ActiveMemory.

    Section ActivePageId.

      Context (ef:callstack) (active_extframe := active_extframe ef).

      Definition get_mem_ctx: mem_ctx := active_extframe.(ecf_mem_ctx).

      Definition active_code_id: page_id := get_mem_ctx.(ctx_code_page_id).

      Definition active_stack_id: page_id := get_mem_ctx.(ctx_stack_page_id).

      Definition active_const_id: page_id := get_mem_ctx.(ctx_const_page_id).

      Definition active_heap_id : page_id := get_mem_ctx.(ctx_heap_page_id).

      Definition active_auxheap_id : page_id := get_mem_ctx.(ctx_auxheap_page_id).

      Definition heap_bound := get_mem_ctx.(ctx_heap_bound).

      Definition auxheap_bound := get_mem_ctx.(ctx_auxheap_bound).

      Definition heap_variant_bound (page_type:data_page_type): mem_address :=
        match page_type with
        | Heapheap_bound
        | AuxHeapauxheap_bound

      Definition heap_variant_page_id (page_type: data_page_type)
        : page_id :=
        match page_type with
        | Heapactive_heap_id
        | AuxHeapactive_auxheap_id
    End ActivePageId.

    Section ActivePages.

      Context {code_page const_page data_page stack_page} (page_has_id: page_id @page code_page const_page data_page stack_page Prop).

      Definition active_exception_handler (ef: callstack) : exception_handler :=
        (cfc ef).(cf_exception_handler_location).

      Context (ef: callstack) (page_id := fun ipage_has_id (i ef)).

      Inductive active_codepage : code_page Prop :=
      | ap_active_code: codepage,
          page_id active_code_id (mk_page (CodePage codepage))
          active_codepage codepage.

      Inductive active_constpage : const_page Prop :=
      | ap_active_const: constpage,
          page_id active_const_id (mk_page (ConstPage constpage))
          active_constpage constpage.

      Inductive active_stackpage : stack_page Prop :=
      | ap_active_stack: stackpage,
          page_id active_stack_id (mk_page (StackPage stackpage))
          active_stackpage stackpage.

      Inductive active_heappage : data_page Prop :=
      | ap_active_heap: p,
          page_id active_heap_id (mk_page (DataPage p))
          active_heappage p.

      Inductive active_auxheappage : data_page Prop :=
      | ap_active_auxheap: p,
          page_id active_auxheap_id (mk_page (DataPage p))
          active_auxheappage p.
    End ActivePages.

  End ActiveMemory.

  Definition in_kernel_mode (ef:callstack) : bool :=
    let ef := active_extframe ef in
    addr_is_kernel ef.(ecf_this_address).

End Callstack.

Library EraVM.MemoryContext

From RecordUpdate Require Import RecordSet.

Require memory.Pages memory.PageTypes.

Import memory.Pages memory.PageTypes.

Section MemoryContext.
  Import RecordSetNotations.
  Import seq Arith.

  Open Scope ZMod_scope.

Memory context

Creation of an external frame leads to allocation of pages for code, constant data, stack, and heap variants (see alloc_pages_extframe).

Memory context is a collection of pages associated with a contract’s frame, plus the bounds for heap variants. It is stored in ecf_mem_ctx field of ExternalCall frame.

  Record mem_ctx :=
        ctx_code_page_id: page_id;
        ctx_const_page_id: page_id;
        ctx_stack_page_id: page_id;
        ctx_heap_page_id: page_id;
        ctx_auxheap_page_id: page_id;
        ctx_heap_bound: mem_address;
        ctx_auxheap_bound: mem_address;

The exact values of identifiers of pages in mem_ctx are not guaranteed, neither is their order.

However, pages are ordered according to the order of creation (see page_older).

  Definition list_mem_ctx (ap:mem_ctx) : list page_id :=
    match ap with
    | mk_mem_ctx code_id const_id stack_id heap_id auxheap_id _ _
        [:: code_id; const_id;stack_id;heap_id;auxheap_id]

  Definition page_older (id: page_id) (mps: mem_ctx) : bool :=
    List.forallb (page_older id) (list_mem_ctx mps).

Function is_active_page returns true if memory page id belongs to the context c.

  Definition is_active_page (c:mem_ctx) (id: page_id) : bool :=
    List.existsb (page_eq id) (list_mem_ctx c).

If an instruction addresses a heap variant outside of its bounds, the bound of this heap variant is adjusted to include the used address. Predicates grow_heap_page, grow_auxheap_page, grow_heap_variant are relating memory contexts where a heap variant is grown.

WARNING: KNOWN DIVERGENCE (in versions prior to v1.4.1)

In earlier implementations, if heap/auxheap was grown inside a near call, the parent’s heap/auxheap bound may be restored after ret as if no growth happened. Since v 1.4.1 the implementation conforms to the spec.

Library EraVM.PointerErasure

Require Common Pointer.
Import Common Pointer.

Pointer Erasure (since v1.4.1)

Recall that fat_ptr contain four fields:

Record fat_ptr_layout := mk_fat_ptr_layout {
                              length: u32;
                              start: u32;
                              page: u32;
                              offset: u32;

In kernel mode, these fields are observable by all instructions, even by those that work with integers.

In user mode, fat_ptr are opaque: if an instruction expects an integer (with a cleared is_ptr tag), and it is provided a pointer instead (with a set is_ptr tag), the pointer value is downcast to the integer before the instruction is able to observe it.

The downcasting zeroes the fields page and start.

Section PointerErasure.
  Context (is_kernel_mode: bool).

  Definition span_erase (s:span) : span :=
    if is_kernel_mode then s else
      match s with
      | mk_span start lenmk_span # 0 len

  Definition free_ptr_erase (fp: free_ptr) : free_ptr :=
    if is_kernel_mode then fp else
      match fp with
      | mk_ptr s ofsmk_ptr (span_erase s) ofs

  Definition fat_ptr_erase (fp:fat_ptr) : fat_ptr:=
    if is_kernel_mode then fp else
      match fp with
      | mk_fat_ptr page ptrmk_fat_ptr 0%nat (free_ptr_erase ptr)

  Definition fat_ptr_nullable_erase (fp:fat_ptr_nullable) : fat_ptr_nullable :=
    if is_kernel_mode then fp else
      match fp with
      | NullPtrNullPtr
      | NotNullPtr fpNotNullPtr (fat_ptr_erase fp)

End PointerErasure.

Library EraVM.Binding

From RecordUpdate Require Import RecordSet.
Import RecordSetNotations.

Section OperandBinding.

Binding operands in core instructions

The instructions from CoreInstructionSet are parameterized with an instance of descr, specifying the exact types of their operands. This allows for instruction definition to be reused:

  • the instruction decoded are instructions decoded from Assembly.asm_instruction. They contain descriptions of operand sources and destinations, e.g. register or various memory locations.
  • the instruction bound are instructions that contain the values fetched, stored, and with decoding/encoding already performed. It allows to bind these values equationally inside the spec clauses such as step_add.

The rest of this section is technical; refer to bind_fat_ptr and similar predicates to see how the compound instruction arguments are encoded and decoded for small step relations, e.g. step_ptradd for OpPtrAdd.

Knowing the call stack, memory pages and registers are enough to bind any value appearing in CoreInstructionSet; additionally, kernel mode affects it: pointer erasure only happens in user mode.

  Record binding_state := mk_bind_st {
                              bs_is_kernel_mode: bool;
                              bs_cs: State.callstack;
                              bs_regs: regs_state;
                              bs_mem: State.memory;

  Inductive bind_any_src: binding_state binding_state in_any @primitive_value word Prop :=
  | bind_any_src_apply: regs (mem:State.memory) (cs cs':State.callstack) (op:in_any) (v:@primitive_value word) (is_k: bool),
      load _ regs cs mem op (cs', v)
      bind_any_src (mk_bind_st is_k cs regs mem) (mk_bind_st is_k cs' regs mem) op v.

To bind a src_pv type of instruction operand, load its value and apply the effects of RelSpPop addressing mode. Additionally, if the instruction expects an integer, but gets a pointer with a tag, the pointer erasure happens (since v.1.4.1).

To bind a dest_pv type of instruction operand, store its value and apply the effects of RelSpPush addressing mode.

To bind src_fat_ptr or any other compound value encoded in a binary form, bind both the encoded and decoded value.

  Inductive bind_fat_ptr: binding_state binding_state in_any option (@primitive_value (u128 × fat_ptr_nullable)) Prop :=
  | bind_fat_ptr_apply : op v s s' decoded high128,
      bind_src s s' op v
      Some (high128, decoded) = decode_fat_ptr_word v.(value)
      bind_fat_ptr s s' op (Some (PtrValue (high128, decoded)))

  Inductive bind_heap_ptr: binding_state binding_state in_any option (@primitive_value (u224 × heap_ptr)) Prop :=
  | bind_heap_ptr_apply : op v s s' decoded,
      bind_src s s' op v
      Some decoded = decode_heap_ptr v.(value)
      bind_heap_ptr s s' op (Some (IntValue decoded)).

  Inductive bind_farcall_params: binding_state binding_state in_any option (@primitive_value FarCallABI.params) Prop :=
  | bind_farcall_params_apply : op v s s' decoded tag,
      bind_src s s' op v
      Some decoded = FarCallABI.coder.(decode) v.(value)
      bind_farcall_params s s' op (Some (mk_pv tag (decoded)))

  Inductive bind_nearcall_params: binding_state binding_state in_any option (@primitive_value (u224× NearCallABI.params)) Prop :=
  | bind_nearcall_params_apply : op v s s' decoded tag,
      bind_src s s' op v
      Some decoded = NearCallABI.decode_word v.(value)
      bind_nearcall_params s s' op (Some (mk_pv tag decoded)).

  Inductive bind_farret_params: binding_state binding_state in_any option (@primitive_value FarRetABI.params) Prop :=
  | bind_farret_params_apply : op v s s' decoded tag,
      bind_src s s' op v
      Some decoded = FarRetABI.coder.(decode) v.(value)
      bind_farret_params s s' op (Some (mk_pv tag decoded)).

  Inductive bind_precompile_params: binding_state binding_state in_any option (@primitive_value PrecompileParametersABI.params) Prop :=
  | bind_precompile_params_apply : op v s s' decoded tag,
      bind_src s s' op v
      Some decoded = PrecompileParametersABI.ABI.(decode) v.(value)
      bind_precompile_params s s' op (Some (mk_pv tag decoded)).

  Inductive bind_dest_fat_ptr: binding_state binding_state out_any
                               option (@primitive_value (u128 × fat_ptr_nullable) ) Prop :=
  | bind_dest_fat_ptr_apply: s s' op encoded ptr (high128:u128),
      bind_dest s s' op (PtrValue encoded)
      encode_fat_ptr_word high128 ptr = Some encoded
      bind_dest_fat_ptr s s' op (Some (PtrValue (high128, ptr)))

  Inductive bind_dest_heap_ptr: binding_state binding_state out_any option (@primitive_value (u224 × heap_ptr) ) Prop :=
  | bind_dest_heap_ptr_apply: s s' op (encoded:word) high224 hptr,
      bind_dest s s' op (IntValue encoded)
      encode_heap_ptr_word high224 hptr = Some encoded
      bind_dest_heap_ptr s s' op (Some (IntValue (high224, hptr)))

  Inductive bind_dest_meta_params: binding_state binding_state out_any option (@primitive_value (MetaParametersABI.params)) Prop :=
  | bind_dest_meta_params_apply: s s' op encoded params,
      bind_dest s s' op (IntValue encoded)
      MetaParametersABI.coder.(encode) params = Some encoded
      bind_dest_meta_params s s' op (Some (IntValue params))

  Definition bind_relation :=
      mf_src_pv := bind_src;
      mf_src_fat_ptr := bind_fat_ptr;
      mf_src_heap_ptr := bind_heap_ptr;
      mf_src_farcall_params := bind_farcall_params;
      mf_src_nearcall_params := bind_nearcall_params;
      mf_src_ret_params := bind_farret_params;
      mf_src_precompile_params := bind_precompile_params;
      mf_dest_pv := bind_dest;
      mf_dest_fat_ptr := bind_dest_fat_ptr;
      mf_dest_heap_ptr := bind_dest_heap_ptr;
      mf_dest_meta_params := bind_dest_meta_params;

  Definition get_binding_state_ts (s: transient_state) : binding_state :=
      bs_is_kernel_mode := in_kernel_mode (gs_callstack s);
      bs_regs := gs_regs s;
      bs_mem := gs_pages s;
      bs_cs := gs_callstack s;

  Definition get_binding_state (s: state) : binding_state := get_binding_state_ts s.

  Inductive relate_transient_states (P: binding_state binding_state Prop): transient_state transient_state Prop :=
  | rts_apply:
     ts1 ts2,
      P (get_binding_state_ts ts1) (get_binding_state_ts ts2)
      relate_transient_states P ts1 ts2.

  Definition merge_binding_transient_state: binding_state transient_state transient_state :=
    fun bs s1
      match bs with
      | mk_bind_st _ cs regs gmems1
                                   <| gs_regs := regs |>
                                   <| gs_pages := gmem |>
                                   <| gs_callstack := cs |>

  Definition merge_binding_state : state binding_state state :=
    fun s1 bs
      match bs with
      | mk_bind_st _ cs regs gmems1 <| gs_transient ::= merge_binding_transient_state bs |>

  Definition bind_operands_binding_state (s1 s2: binding_state) :
    @instruction decoded @instruction bound Prop :=
    ins_srelate bind_relation s1 s2 .

The definition bind_operands relates two transient_states before and after binding, and two instructions:

  • i_1 is a decoded instruction obtained by applying to_core to Assembly.asm_instruction;
  • i_2 is a bound instruction where fetching and storing values, as well as encoding and decoding are abstracted.

The values of operands in i_2 can be further bound by relations, see e.g. step_add.

Library EraVM.History

Require Common.

Section History.
  Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssreflect.tuple seq.


History is a data structure supporting appending elements of type T to it.

  Context (T:eqType).

  Definition history := seq T.

  Context (l:history).

history supports checking if an element is contained in it.

  Definition contains (elem:T): bool := if has (fun ee == elem) l then true else false.

End History.

Library EraVM.Event

From mathcomp Require ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype tuple zmodp.
Require Core memory.Depot TransientMemory.
Import Core memory.Depot TransientMemory.

Section Events.
  Import ssreflect ssreflect.tuple ssreflect.eqtype ssrbool.

  Context {contract_address precompile_params: eqType}.


VM interfaces with two queues:

  1. L1 l1_msg events (see gs_l1_msgs), emitted by OpToL1Message.
  2. L2 events events (see gs_events), emitted by OpEvent.

These queues are subject to rollbacks: in case of revert or panic, the events emitted during the function or contract execution are rolled back.

  Record event := {
      ev_shard_id: shard_id;
      ev_is_first: bool;
      ev_tx_number_in_block: tx_num;
      ev_address: contract_address;
      ev_key: word;
      ev_value: word;

equality on events
  Definition ev_eqn (x y:event) : bool :=
    match x,y with
    | Build_event ev_shard_id1 ev_is_first1 ev_tx_number_in_block1 ev_address1 ev_key1 ev_value1 ,
      Build_event ev_shard_id2 ev_is_first2 ev_tx_number_in_block2 ev_address2 ev_key2 ev_value2
        (ev_shard_id1 == ev_shard_id2 ) &&
          (ev_is_first1 == ev_is_first2) &&
          (ev_tx_number_in_block1 == ev_tx_number_in_block2) &&
          (ev_address1 == ev_address2) &&
          (ev_key1 == ev_key2) &&
          (ev_value1 == ev_value2)

  Lemma ev_eqnP : Equality.axiom ev_eqn.
    move ⇒ [a b c d e g] [a' b' c' d' e' g'].
    Local Ltac orelse H := try rewrite! Bool.andb_false_r; try rewrite H; constructor; injection; intros; subst; by rewrite eq_refl in H.
    destruct (a == a') eqn: H1; [move: (eqP H1) ⇒ → | by orelse H1].
    destruct (b == b') eqn: H2; [move: (eqP H2) ⇒ → | by orelse H2].
    destruct (c == c') eqn: H3; [move: (eqP H3) ⇒ → | by orelse H3].
    destruct (d == d') eqn: H4; [move: (eqP H4) ⇒ → | by orelse H4].
    destruct (e == e') eqn: H5; [move: (eqP H5) ⇒ → | by orelse H5].
    destruct (g == g') eqn: H6; [move: (eqP H6) ⇒ → | by orelse H6].
    by rewrite eq_refl; constructor.

  Canonical ev_eqMixin := EqMixin ev_eqnP.
  Canonical ev_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType _ ev_eqMixin.

  Definition l1_msg := event.

  Record precompile_query := {
      q_tx_number_in_block: tx_num;
      q_shard_id: shard_id;
      q_contract_address: contract_address;
      q_key: precompile_params

equality on precompile queries
  Definition pq_eqn (x y:precompile_query) : bool :=
    match x,y with
    | Build_precompile_query q_tx_number_in_block1 q_shard_id1 q_contract_address1 q_key1,
      Build_precompile_query q_tx_number_in_block2 q_shard_id2 q_contract_address2 q_key2
        (q_tx_number_in_block1 == q_tx_number_in_block2) &&
          (q_shard_id1 == q_shard_id2) &&
          (q_contract_address1 == q_contract_address2)&&
          (q_key1 == q_key2)
    end .

  Lemma pq_eqnP : Equality.axiom pq_eqn.
    move ⇒ [a b c d] [a' b' c' d'] =>//=.
    destruct (a == a') eqn: H1; move: H1; last by constructor; injection; intros; subst; move: H1; rewrite eq_refl.
    move /eqP ⇒ → //=.
    destruct (b == b') eqn: H2; [| by rewrite H2; constructor; injection; intros; subst; rewrite eq_refl in H2].
    destruct (c == c') eqn: H3; [| by rewrite ! Bool.andb_false_r; constructor; injection; intros; subst; rewrite eq_refl in H3].
    destruct (d == d') eqn: H4; [| by rewrite ! Bool.andb_false_r; constructor; injection; intros; subst; rewrite eq_refl in H4].
    move: H2 (eqP H2) ⇒ → → //=. constructor.
    by rewrite (eqP H3) (eqP H4).

  Canonical pq_eqMixin := EqMixin pq_eqnP.
  Canonical pq_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType _ pq_eqMixin.

equality on queries

  Definition query_eqn (x y: query) : bool :=
    match x,y with
    | EventQuery x, EventQuery yx == y
    | L1MsgQuery x, L1MsgQuery yx == y
    | PrecompileQuery x, PrecompileQuery yx == y
    | _,_false

  Lemma query_eqnP : Equality.axiom query_eqn.
    unfold query_eqn.
    movex y.
    destruct x, y =>//; try destruct (_ == _) eqn: Heq; try (by done); constructor; try move /eqP in Heq; by [subst|injection].

  Canonical query_eqMixin := EqMixin query_eqnP.
  Canonical query_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType _ query_eqMixin.
  (* todo: probably these structures can be redesigned *)
End Events.

Library EraVM.MemoryBase

From RecordUpdate Require Import RecordSet.
From Bits Require spec.

Require BinNums FMapPositive ZArith.
Require Common.

Section MemoryBase.
  Import ssreflect.
  Import BinNums ZArith spec FMapPositive.

Memory is modeled as a mapping from addresses (integers of address_bits bits) to values of type addressable_block. Unmapped addresses are mapped to the default_value.

  Record mem_descr := mk_mem_descr {
                          addressable_block: Type;
                          default_value: addressable_block;
                          address_bits: nat;
                          writable: bool;

  Context (mem_params: mem_descr)
    (default_value := mem_params.(default_value))
    (address_bits := mem_params.(address_bits))
    (addressable_block := mem_params.(addressable_block)).

  Axiom AX_ADDRESS_BITS_GT_0: address_bits 0.

  Definition address := BITS address_bits.

  Record mem_parameterized : Type := mk_mem {
                                         contents :> PositiveMap.t addressable_block

We use a map from positive numbers implemented as a tree to store values in memory. However, address space starts at zero. Therefore, having an address A we map it to the key K(A) as follows:

K(A):= A + 1

  Program Definition addr_to_key (addr: address): positive :=
    match address_bits with
    | 0 ⇒ fun __
    | S btsfun HeqZ.to_pos ((@toZ bts addr) + 1)
    end (@eq_refl Z).

All memory addresses are initialized to the default value at memory genesis.

  Definition load (addr : address) (m : mem_parameterized) : addressable_block :=
    match PositiveMap.find (addr_to_key addr) m.(contents) with
    | Nonedefault_value
    | Some vv

  Definition store (val:addressable_block) (addr : address) (m : mem_parameterized) : mem_parameterized :=
    mk_mem (PositiveMap.add (addr_to_key addr) val m).

An empty memory.

Heap variants are byte-addressable, but reads and words operate on 256-bit words. Multicell loads return len consecutive bytes from memory m at an address a.

  Import Arith.
  Open Scope bits_scope.
  Fixpoint load_multicell (a:address) (len:nat) (m:mem_parameterized)
    : option (list addressable_block) :=
    match len with
    | OSome nil
    | S lftlet value := load a m in
              let (overflow, nextaddr) := uadd_of a (fromZ 1) in
              if overflow then None else
                match load_multicell nextaddr lft m with
                | Some tailSome (cons value tail)
                | NoneNone

  Inductive load_multicell_result:
    address len: nat, mem_parameterized list addressable_block Prop :=
  | lmr_end : a m,
      load_multicell_result a 0%nat m nil

  | lmr_progress: addr nextaddr mem value n tail,
      (false, nextaddr) = uinc_of addr
      load_result addr mem value
      load_multicell_result nextaddr n mem tail
      load_multicell_result addr (S n) mem (cons value tail)


  Theorem load_multicell_spec:
     a len m ls,
      load_multicell a len m = Some ls
      load_multicell_result a len m ls.

  Theorem load_multicell_result_size:
     tl a m v,
      load_multicell_result a tl m v
      seq.size v = tl.

Similarly, store_multicell accepts a list of values and puts them in memory starting from the address a.

  Import seq.
  Fixpoint store_multicell (a:address) (vals: list addressable_block) (m:mem_parameterized)
    : option mem_parameterized :=
    if writable mem_params then
      match vals with
      | [::]Some m
      | v :: tail
          let stored := store v a m in
          let (overflow, nextaddr) := uinc_of a in
          if overflow then None else
            store_multicell nextaddr tail stored
    else None.

  Inductive store_multicell_result:
    address list addressable_block mem_parameterized mem_parameterized Prop :=
  | smr_end : a m,
      writable mem_params = true
      store_multicell_result a [::] m m

  | smr_progress: addr nextaddr mem mem' mem'' value tail,
      writable mem_params = true
      (false, nextaddr) = uinc_of addr
      store_result addr mem value mem'
      store_multicell_result nextaddr tail mem' mem''
      store_multicell_result addr (value::tail) mem mem''

  Theorem store_multicell_spec:
     ls a m m',
      store_multicell a ls m = Some m'
      store_multicell_result a ls m m'.

End MemoryBase.

Library EraVM.MemoryOps

Data loading and storing

This section formalizes reading from memory or registers (fetch) and writing to memory or registers (store).

  Import Addressing.Coercions.

  Context {instruction: Type} (instruction_invalid:instruction)
    {state_checkpoint: Type}
    (callstack:= @callstack state_checkpoint)

  Section FetchStore.
    Context (memory := @memory (@code_page instruction instruction_invalid) const_page data_page stack_page)
    Context (regs: regs_state) (cs: callstack) (mem: memory) .

    Inductive fetch_result : Type :=
    | FetchIns (ins: instruction)
    | FetchPV (pv: @primitive_value word).

    Inductive fetch: loc fetch_result Prop :=
    | fetch_reg: name reg_val,
        reg_val = fetch_gpr regs name
        fetch (LocReg name) (FetchPV reg_val)
    | fetch_imm: imm imm',
        fetch (LocImm imm) (FetchPV (IntValue imm'))
    | fetch_stackaddr:
       stackpage (value: primitive_value) addr,
        active_stackpage (page_has_id mem) cs stackpage
        MemoryBase.load_result _ addr stackpage value
        fetch (LocStackAddress addr) (FetchPV value)
    | fetch_codeaddr:
       codepage addr ins,
        active_codepage (page_has_id mem) cs codepage
        load_result _ addr codepage ins
        fetch (LocCodeAddr addr) (FetchIns ins)
    | fetch_constaddr:
       constpage addr value,
        active_constpage (page_has_id mem) cs constpage
        load_result _ addr constpage value
        fetch (LocConstAddr addr) (FetchPV (IntValue value))

    Definition next_ins := LocCodeAddr (pc_get cs).

    Definition fetch_instr := fetch next_ins.

    Inductive store_loc: primitive_value loc (regs_state × memory) Prop :=
    | store_lreg:
       new_regs reg_name value mem,
        store_gpr regs reg_name value = new_regs
        store_loc value (LocReg reg_name) (new_regs, mem)
    | store_lstackaddr:
       new_mem stackpage addr value pid new_stackpage,
        active_stackpage (page_has_id mem) cs stackpage
        store_result _ addr stackpage value new_stackpage
        page_replace pid (StackPage new_stackpage) mem new_mem
        store_loc value (LocStackAddress addr) (regs, new_mem)

Loading a primitive value from registers or memory, applying effects of RelSpPop if necessary.

    Inductive load: in_any callstack × primitive_value Prop :=
    | ld_apply : (arg:in_any) loc res new_cs,
        resolve_apply regs cs arg (new_cs, loc)
        fetch loc (FetchPV res)
        load arg (new_cs, res).

A special version of load for registers because it has less potential effects on the state, which makes it easier and more precise.

    Inductive load_reg: in_reg primitive_value Prop :=
    | ldr_apply : loc res,
        fetch_gpr regs loc = res
        load_reg (Reg loc) res.

    Definition load_int a cs w := load a (cs, IntValue w).
    Definition load_reg_int a w := load_reg a (IntValue w).

Storing a primitive value to registers or memory, applying effects of RelSpPush if necessary.

A special version of store for registers because it has less potential effects on the state, which makes it easier and more precise.

    Inductive store_reg: out_reg primitive_value regs_state Prop :=
    | sr_apply: (arg:out_reg) loc new_regs pv,
        store_gpr regs loc pv = new_regs
        store_reg arg pv new_regs.

    Definition store_int a w rs m cs := store a (IntValue w) (rs, m, cs).

  End FetchStore.

  Inductive loads (regs:regs_state) (cs:callstack) (mem:memory) : list (in_any × primitive_value) callstack Prop :=
  | rsl_nil:
    loads regs cs mem nil cs

  | rsl_cons: (arg:in_any) pv (tail: list (in_any × primitive_value)) cs1 cs2,
      load regs cs mem arg (cs1, pv)
      loads regs cs1 mem tail cs2
      loads regs cs mem ((arg,pv)::tail) cs2.

  Inductive load_regs (regs:regs_state) : list (in_reg × primitive_value) Prop :=
  | rslr_nil:
    load_regs regs nil

  | rslr_cons: (arg:in_reg) pv (tail: list (in_reg × primitive_value)),
      load_reg regs arg pv
      load_regs regs tail
      load_regs regs ((arg,pv)::tail).

  Inductive stores (regs:regs_state) (cs:callstack) (mem:memory) : list (out_any × primitive_value) (regs_state × memory × callstack) Prop :=
  | rss_nil:
    stores regs cs mem nil (regs, mem, cs)
  | rss_cons: (arg:out_any) pv (tail: list (out_any × primitive_value)) regs1 mem1 cs1 regs2 mem2 cs2,
      store regs cs mem arg pv (regs1, mem1, cs1)
      stores regs1 cs1 mem1 tail (regs2, mem2, cs2)
      stores regs cs mem ((arg,pv)::tail) (regs2, mem2, cs2).

  Inductive store_regs (regs:regs_state) : list (out_reg × primitive_value) regs_state Prop :=
  | rssr_nil:
    store_regs regs nil regs
  | rssr_cons: (arg:out_reg) pv (tail: list (out_reg × primitive_value)) regs1 regs2 ,
      store_reg regs arg pv regs1
      store_regs regs1 tail regs2
      store_regs regs ((arg,pv)::tail) regs2.

End MemoryOps.

Section Multibyte.

Multibyte loads and stores

Instructions such as OpStore and OpLoadPointer operate with a byte addressable data_pages, but load or store 256-bit words. Therefore, their effects are formalized separately.

  Inductive endianness := LittleEndian | BigEndian.

  Context (e:endianness) (mem:data_page).
  Definition mb_load_word (addr:mem_address) :option word.

  Inductive mb_load_result : mem_address word Prop :=
  | mldr_apply: (addr:mem_address) res,
      mb_load_word addr = Some res
      mb_load_result addr res.

  Definition mb_store_word (addr:mem_address) (val: word) : option data_page :=
    let ls := match e with
              | LittleEndianword_to_bytes val
              | BigEndiantuple.rev_tuple (word_to_bytes val)
              end in
    store_multicell _ addr (tuple.tval ls) mem.

  Inductive mb_store_word_result: mem_address word data_page Prop :=
  | sdr_apply :
     addr val page',
      mb_store_word addr val = Some page'
      mb_store_word_result addr val page'.

Reading from memory slices

Reading from slice is particular in the following way: if the accessed word passes over bounds, the bytes below the bound are formally assigned zeros. See Slices.

Library EraVM.MemoryManagement

Memory forwarding

Contracts communicate by passing each other fat_ptr. Far returns and far calls are able to:

They chose the action based on an instance of fwd_memory passed through ABIs.

  • A fat pointer defines a slice of memory and provides a read-only access to it.
  • Fat pointers are created from a slice of heap or auxheap of a current contract.
  • If the span of a new fat pointer crosses the heap boundary heap_variant_bound then the heap has to grow, and that difference has to be paid for.
  • growth_query defines by how much a a heap variant should be grown.

  Definition growth_query := @option (prod data_page_type mem_address).

  Definition cost_of_growth (diff:growth_query) : ergs :=
    match diff with
    | Some (_, x)Ergs.growth_cost x
    | Nonezero32

  Inductive growth_to_bound: page_bound callstack growth_query Prop :=
  | goq_grow: (hv:data_page_type) (cs: callstack) diff query,
      let current_bound : mem_address := heap_variant_bound cs hv in
      query - current_bound = (false, diff)
      growth_to_bound (hv, query) cs (Some (hv, diff))
  | goq_nogrow: hv (cs: callstack) __ query,
      let current_bound := heap_variant_bound cs hv in
      query - current_bound = (true, __)
      growth_to_bound (hv, query) cs None

  Inductive grow: growth_query callstack callstack Prop :=
  | gr_grow: hv cs1 cs2 diff new_apages,
      let apages := get_mem_ctx cs1 in
      grow_heap_variant hv diff apages new_apages
      cs2 = update_memory_context new_apages cs1
      grow (Some (hv, diff)) cs1 cs2
  | gr_nogrow: cs,
      grow None cs cs.

  Inductive bound_grow_pay: page_bound callstack callstack Prop :=
  | bgp_apply: bound query cs1 cs2 cs3,
      growth_to_bound bound cs1 query
      pay (cost_of_growth query) cs1 cs2
      grow query cs2 cs3
      bound_grow_pay bound cs1 cs3.

  Inductive span_grow_pay: span data_page_type callstack callstack Prop :=
  | sgp_apply: s hv cs1 cs2 bound,
      bound_of_span s hv bound
      bound_grow_pay bound cs1 cs2
      span_grow_pay s hv cs1 cs2.

  Inductive : data_page_type span callstack fat_ptr × callstack Prop :=
  | pfnfp_apply: s heap_id type cs0 cs1 ,
      span_grow_pay s type cs0 cs1
      heap_id = heap_variant_page_id cs0 type
      paid_forward_new_fat_ptr type s cs0 (mk_fat_ptr (Some heap_id) (fresh_ptr s), cs1).

  Inductive growth_to_bound_unaffordable (cs:callstack) bound : Prop :=
    | gtb_apply: query,
        growth_to_bound bound cs query
        false = affordable cs (cost_of_growth query)
        growth_to_bound_unaffordable cs bound.

  Inductive growth_to_span_unaffordable (cs:callstack) heap_type hspan : Prop :=
    | gts_apply: bound,
        bound_of_span hspan heap_type bound
        growth_to_bound_unaffordable cs bound
        growth_to_span_unaffordable cs heap_type hspan.
End MemoryForwarding.

Library EraVM.Addressing

Addressing modes

This section describes the addressing modes in asm_instruction. Section InstructionArguments describes the types of the instruction arguments; each type corresponds to one or multiple possible addressing modes. Assembly instruction formats with the types of their arguments are described by asm_instruction.

Core instructions instruction decoded have different types of operands detailed by instruction and decoded.

Operands are entities operated upon by instructions. They serve as sources of data, or as destinations for the results of the instruction execution.

Addressing mode refers to the way in which an instruction specifies the location of data that needs to be accessed or operated upon.

Abstract EraVM supports 8 addressing modes. Some of them only support reading (indicated by “in”), or writing (indicated by “out”).

  1. Register (in/out).

    Concrete syntax example. Use r1 as a source:

    add r1, r0, r3
  2. Imm (in)

    Concrete syntax example. Use immediate 42 as a source:

    add 42, r0, r3
  3. Code page, relative to GPR (in)

    Concrete syntax example. Use 42-th word on the code page as a source:

    add code[42], r0, r3

    Note: words are enumerated starting at 0, each word contains 4 instructions, adjacent words are disjoint.

  4. Const page, relative to GPR (in)

    Currently, the concrete syntax is absent because code and constant pages coincide in current EraVM implementation. Use the following instead:

    add code[42], r0, r3
  5. Stack page, relative to GPR (in/out)

    Concrete syntax example. Use (r1+42)-th word on the stack page as a source has two equivalent forms:

    add stack[r1+42], r0, r3
    add stack=[r1+42], r0, r3
  6. Stack page, relative to GPR and SP (in/out)

    Concrete syntax example. Use (r1+42)-th word relative to SP on the stack page as a source:

    add stack-[r1+42], r0, r3

    Note, that the following form is forbidden:

    add stack+[r1+42], r0, r3
  7. Stack page, relative to GPR and SP, with decreasing SP (in)

    Concrete syntax example. Use SP-(r1+42)-th word on the stack page as a source:

    add stack-=[r1+42], r0, r3

    Note, that the following form is forbidden:

    add stack+=[r1+42], r0, r3
  8. Stack page, relative to GPR and SP, with increasing SP (out)

    Concrete syntax example. Use SP+(r1+42)-th word on the stack page as a destination:

    add r3, r0, stack+=[r1+42]

Note that the current implementation encodes some of these modes in the same way e.g. mode 7 and mode 8 only differ by in or out position.

Predicate resolve formalizes resolving operands to immediate values, registers and memory locations.

MemoryOps formalizes reading and writing to locations.

  1. Register addressing (in/out)

    • Refers to one of General Purpose Registers (GPR).

    • Concrete syntax example. Use r1 as a source:

      add r1, r0, r3

  Inductive reg_io : Type := Reg (reg:reg_name).

  1. Immediate 16-bit value (in)

    • Concrete syntax example. Use immediate 42 as a source:

      add 42, r0, r3

      Note that negative imm operands may be supported by the assembler, for example:

      add -42, r0, r3

However, the implementation will have to proceed as follows:

  • put a negative immediate -42 on a const page to an address C, as a 2’s complement, 256-bit wide;
  • using the const_in addessing mode, address the C-th constant, as in the following pseudocode:
add code[C], r0, r3

  Inductive imm_in : Type := Imm (imm: u16).

  1. Address on a code page, relative to a GPR (in)

    • Resolved to \mathit{(reg + imm) \mod 2^{16}}. See rslv_code.

    • Code and const pages may coincide in the implementation.

    • Concrete syntax example. Use 42-th word on the code page as a source:

      add code[42], r0, r3

      Note: words are enumerated starting at 0, each word contains 4 instructions, adjacent words are disjoint.

  Inductive code_in : Type := CodeAddr (reg:reg_name) (imm:code_address).

  1. Address on a const page, relative to a GPR (in)

    • Resolved to \mathit{(reg + imm) \mod 2^{16}}. See rslv_const.

    • Code and const pages may coincide.

    • Currently, the concrete syntax is absent because code and constant pages coincide in current EraVM implementation. Use the following instead:

      add code[42], r0, r3

  Inductive const_in: Type := ConstAddr (reg:reg_name) (imm:code_address).

  1. Address on a stack page, relative to a GPR (in/out)

    • Resolved to \mathit{(reg + imm)\mod 2^{16}}. See rslv_stack_abs.

    • Concrete syntax example. Use (r1+42)-th word on the stack page as a source has two equivalent forms:

      add stack[r1+42], r0, r3
      add stack=[r1+42], r0, r3

  Inductive stack_io : Type :=
  | Absolute (reg:reg_name) (imm: stack_address)

  1. Address on a stack page, relative to SP and GPR

    • Resolved to \mathit{(SP - (reg + imm))\mod 2^{16}}. See rslv_stack_rel.

    • Unlike RelSpPop, the direction of offset does not change depending on read/write.

    • Concrete syntax example. Use (r1+42)-th word relative to SP on the stack page as a source:

      add stack-[r1+42], r0, r3

      Note, that the following form is forbidden:

      add stack+[r1+42], r0, r3
  1. Stack page, relative to GPR and SP, accompanied by decreasing SP (in).

    • A generalized version of pop operation.

    • Resolved to \mathit{(SP - (reg + imm))\mod 2^{16}}. See rslv_stack_rel.

    • Additionally, after the resolution, SP is modified: SP -= (reg + imm).

    • Concrete syntax example. Use SP-(r1+42)-th word on the stack page as a source:

      add stack-=[r1+42], r0, r3

      Note, that the following form is forbidden:

      add stack+=[r1+42], r0, r3

  Inductive stack_in_only : Type :=
  | RelSpPop (reg:reg_name) (offset: stack_address)

  1. Stack page, relative to GPR and SP, accompanied by increasing SP (out).

    • A generalized version of push operation.

    • Resolved to \mathit{(SP + (reg + imm))\mod 2^{16}}.

    • Additionally, after the resolution, SP is modified: SP += (reg + imm).

    • Concrete syntax example. Use SP+(r1+42)-th word on the stack page as a destination:

      add r3, r0, stack+=[r1+42]

    WARNING: KNOWN DIVERGENCE (in versions prior to v1.4.1) implementation of earlier versions diverged from the described spec:

    • Implementation: the write happens to the new SP address
    • Specification: the write happens to the old SP address

    Since v 1.4.1 the implementation conforms to the spec.

  Inductive stack_out_only : Type :=
  | RelSpPush (reg:reg_name) (offset: stack_address)

  Section InstructionArguments.

Operand types

This section details the types of operand for asm_instruction. The types of operands for instruction are different and detailed by instruction, descr, decoded and bound.

Instruction may have input and output operands.

  • There are three types of input operands:

    • in_reg : read from a GPR.
    • in_any : read from reg, immediate value, or any memory. May be a generalized pop RelSpPop.
    • in_regimm read from either reg or immmediate value.
  • There are two types of input operands:

    • out_reg : store to a GPR.
    • out_any : store to a GPR or any writable memory location. May be a generalized push RelSpPush.

To describe these types, we create a hierarchy of subtypes ordered by inclusion (see Coercions).

We denote input arguments as \mathit{in_1}, \mathit{in_2}, and output arguments as \mathit{out_1}, \mathit{out_2}. Many instructions have 2 input arguments and 1 output argument. The encoding limits the number of arguments of type in_any and out_any:

  • For each instruction, there can be no more one argument of type in_any.
  • For each instruction, there can be no more one argument of type out_any.

It is allowed to have both in_any and out_any in the same instruction.

    Inductive stack_in : Type :=
    | StackInOnly (arg: stack_in_only)
    | StackInAny (arg: stack_io)

    Inductive stack_out: Type :=
    | StackOutOnly (arg: stack_out_only)
    | StackOutAny (arg: stack_io)

    Inductive stack_any : Type :=
    | StackAnyIO (arg: stack_io)
    | StackAnyIn (arg: stack_in_only)
    | StackAnyOut (arg: stack_out_only)

Utility conversions, click to unfold
    Definition stack_in_to_any (s:stack_in) : stack_any :=
      match s with
      | StackInOnly argStackAnyIn arg
      | StackInAny argStackAnyIO arg

    Definition stack_out_to_any (s:stack_out) : stack_any :=
      match s with
      | StackOutOnly argStackAnyOut arg
      | StackOutAny argStackAnyIO arg

The any auxiliary argument type allows for all addressing modes; it never occurs in instructions but is used to resolve argument locations.

    Inductive any : Type :=
    | AnyReg : reg_io any
    | AnyImm : imm_in any
    | AnyStack: stack_any any
    | AnyCode : code_in any
    | AnyConst: const_in any

Input arguments

Instructions may have no more than two input arguments.

Usually, \mathit{in_1} supports any types of arguments, except for RelSpPush.

    Inductive in_any : Type :=
    | InReg : reg_io in_any
    | InImm : imm_in in_any
    | InStack: stack_in in_any
    | InCode : code_in in_any
    | InConst: const_in in_any

Inclusion function
    Definition in_any_incl (ia: in_any) : any :=
      match ia with
      | InReg xAnyReg x
      | InImm xAnyImm x
      | InStack xAnyStack (stack_in_to_any x)
      | InCode xAnyCode x
      | InConst xAnyConst x

Usually, \mathit{in_2} supports only arguments in GPRs.

    Definition in_reg : Type := reg_io.

In exotic cases, an input argument may either be a register, or an immediate value, but not anything else.

    Inductive in_regimm : Type :=
    | RegImmR : reg_io in_regimm
    | RegImmI : imm_in in_regimm

Inclusion function
    Definition in_regimm_incl (ri: in_regimm) : in_any :=
      match ri with
      | RegImmR rInReg r
      | RegImmI iInImm i

Output arguments

Instructions may have no more than two output arguments.

Output arguments can not be immediate values.

A single immediate value is not sufficient to identify a memory cell, because we have multiple pages (see page).

Out arguments can not resolve to the addresses of constants or instructions, because code_page and const_page are not writable.

    Inductive out_any : Type :=
    | OutReg : reg_io out_any
    | OutStack: stack_out out_any

Inclusion function
    Definition out_any_incl (ia: out_any) : any :=
      match ia with
      | OutReg xAnyReg x
      | OutStack xAnyStack (stack_out_to_any x)

    Definition out_reg : Type := reg_io.
  End InstructionArguments.

End Addressing.

Therefore, we do not define out_regimm, because it is impossible to write to immediate values.

Module Coercions.
  Coercion in_any_incl: in_any >-> any.
  Coercion out_any_incl : out_any >-> any.

  Coercion Imm : u16 >-> imm_in.
  Coercion InReg : reg_io >-> in_any.
  Coercion InImm : imm_in >-> in_any.
  Coercion InStack: stack_in >-> in_any.
  Coercion InCode: code_in >-> in_any.
  Coercion InConst: const_in >-> in_any.
  Coercion StackInOnly: stack_in_only >-> stack_in.
  Coercion stack_in_to_any: stack_in >-> stack_any.
  Coercion OutReg : reg_io >-> out_any.
  Coercion OutStack: stack_out >-> out_any.
  Coercion AnyStack: stack_any >-> any.
  Coercion StackOutOnly: stack_out_only >-> stack_out.
  Coercion in_regimm_incl: in_regimm >-> in_any.
  Coercion StackInAny : stack_io >-> stack_in.
  Coercion Reg : reg_name >-> reg_io.
End Coercions.

Library EraVM.Resolution

Require Core Addressing CallStack .

Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssreflect.tuple.
Import Addressing Core Common ZArith CallStack GPR PrimitiveValue Pointer TransientMemory.

Section AllResolution.

Section AddressingUtils.
  Import MemoryBase.
  Open Scope ZMod_scope.

Predicate reg_rel implements the resolution for register-based relative addressing. Its specializations implement relative addressing for:

  (* Inductive equal_bits {n m} (x :BITS n) (y: BITS m) (H: n = m) : Prop := *)

  Definition low16 (w: word) : u16 := low 16 w.
  Definition low32 (w: word) : u32 := low 32 w.

  Inductive reg_rel : regs_state reg_name u16 u16 Prop :=
  | rca_code_pp: regs reg reg_val base ofs
                   abs OF_ignored,
      fetch_gpr regs reg = IntValue reg_val
      base = low16 reg_val
      base + ofs = (OF_ignored, abs)
      reg_rel regs reg ofs abs.

  Definition reg_rel_code : regs_state reg_name u16 code_address Prop
    := reg_rel.
  Definition reg_rel_const : regs_state reg_name u16 const_address Prop
    := reg_rel.
  Definition reg_rel_stack : regs_state reg_name u16 stack_address Prop
    := reg_rel.

Note: in sp_displ, delta = reg + imm.

Address resolution

Instructions have multiple ways of addressing data, i.e. immediate 16-bit values, GPRs, absolute or relative addresses in stack etc. They are described in section Addressing by types such as in_any, out_reg, and so on.

Location stands for a source and/or destination for data, addressable by instructions.

Address resolution is a matching between instruction operands and locations using the supported address modes.

There are five main locations that instructions can address:

  1. Immediate data: the operand is provided directly as an unsigned 16-bit integer value.
  2. Register: data can be fetched or stored to general purpose registers r1r15.
  3. Stack address: data can be fetched or stored to stack.
  4. Code address: instructions can be fetched from a code page.
  5. Constant address: data can be fetched from a read-only page holding constant words.

Additionally, data can be fetched and stored to data pages; this process is more complicated and requires putting in registers specially formed pointers heap_ptr.

Section Resolution.
  Import Addressing.Coercions.

  Open Scope ZMod_scope.

Resolution of RelSpPop and RelSpPush addressing modes modifies the stack pointer. This, and possible future effects, is described by resolve_effect predicate.

  Inductive resolve_effect := | NoEffect | NewSP (val: stack_address).

  Record resolve_result :=
    mk_resolved {
        effect: resolve_effect;
        location:> loc;

  Context {state_checkpoint}
    (callstack := @callstack state_checkpoint)
    (cs: callstack)
    (sp:= sp_get cs).

  Reserved Notation "[[ resolved ]]" (at level 9, no associativity).
  Reserved Notation "[[ resolved ; 'SP' <- newsp ]]" (at level 9, no associativity).

  Declare Scope Resolution_scope.
  Open Scope Resolution_scope.

Address resolution is formalized by the predicate resolve.

  Inductive resolve : any resolve_result Prop :=
  • Registers and immediate values are resolved to themselves.

  | rslv_reg : reg,
      resolve (Reg reg) [[ LocReg reg ]]
| rslv_imm: imm,
      resolve (Imm imm) [[ LocImm imm ]]
  • Absolute : Absolute stack addressing with a general purpose register and an immediate displacement is resolved to \mathit{reg}+\mathit{imm}.
  • RelSP : Addressing relative to SP with a general purpose register and an immediate displacement is resolved to \mathit{sp}-(\mathit{reg}+\mathit{imm}).
  • RelSpPop : Reading relative to SP with a general purpose register and an immediate displacement, and SP decrement, is resolved to \mathit{sp}-(\mathit{reg}+\mathit{imm}); additionally, SP is assigned the same value \mathit{sp}-(\mathit{reg}+\mathit{imm}). The new SP value will then be used for the resolution of other operands.

    In other words, it is equivalent to a sequence of two actions:

    1. SP = SP - (reg + imm)
    2. [SP] -> result

    In other words, it is equivalent to:

    1. pop the stack (reg + imm - 1) times, discard these values
    2. pop value from stack and return it
  • RelSpPush : Writing relative to SP with a general purpose register and an immediate displacement, and SP increment, is resolved to the current value of SP. Additionally, SP is assigned a new value \mathit{sp}+(\mathit{reg}+\mathit{imm}). The new SP value will then be used for the resolution of other operands.

    In other words, it is equivalent to a sequence of two actions:

    1. [SP] <- input value
    2. SP = SP + (reg + imm)

    In other words, it is equivalent to:

    1. push the input value to the stack
    2. allocate (reg+imm-1) slots in stack

  | rslv_stack_gpush: reg ofs delta_sp new_sp,
      sp_displ rs reg ofs delta_sp
      (false, new_sp) = sp + delta_sp
      resolve (RelSpPush reg ofs) [[ LocStackAddress sp ; SP <- new_sp ]]

  | rslv_code: reg abs_imm addr,
      reg_rel_code rs reg abs_imm addr
      resolve (CodeAddr reg abs_imm) [[ LocCodeAddr addr ]]
| rslv_const: reg abs_imm addr,
      reg_rel_const rs reg abs_imm addr
      resolve (ConstAddr reg abs_imm) [[ LocConstAddr addr ]]
  "[[ resolved ]]" := (mk_resolved NoEffect resolved) : Resolution_scope
  "[[ resolved ; 'SP' <- newsp ]]" := (mk_resolved (NewSP newsp) resolved) : Resolution_scope.

Note: the reason of the asymmetry between RelSpPush and RelSpPop is because they are generalizations of push and pop operations.

Consider a stack implemented as an array with a pointer. Suppose that, like in EraVM, SP points the the next address after the last value in stack; in other words, the topmost element in the stack is located at \mathit{sp}-1. Then push and pop can be implemented in the following way:

  • Push:

    1. [SP] <- new_value
    2. SP = SP + 1
  • Pop:

    1. SP = SP - 1
    2. [SP] -> result

This asymmetry naturally generalizes to RelSpPush and RelSpPop.

Using RelSpPop and RelSpPush in one instruction

Suppose an instruction is using both RelSpPop and RelSpPush, then both effects are applied in order:

  • First, the “in” effect of RelSpPop.
  • Then, the “out” effect of RelSpPush, where SP is already changed by RelSpPop.
  • If the instruction accesses SP, both effects will be applied prior to the instruction-specific logic.

See an example in sem.ModSP.step.

Predicate apply_effects formalizes the application of address resolution side effects to the state. In the current state of EraVM, only SP modifications are allowed, therefore the effect is limited to the topmost frame of callstack, which holds the current value of sp in cf_sp.

  Inductive apply_effects : resolve_effect callstack Prop :=
  | ae_none: s,
      apply_effects NoEffect s
  | ae_sp: cs' new_sp,
      sp_map_spec (fun _new_sp) cs cs'
      apply_effects (NewSP new_sp) cs'.

  Inductive resolve_apply
    : any (callstack × loc) Prop :=
  | ra_no_effect : arg loc,
      resolve arg [[ loc ]]
      resolve_apply arg (cs, loc)
  | ra_effect : cs' arg loc new_sp,
      resolve arg [[ loc ; SP <- new_sp ]]
      sp_map_spec (fun _new_sp) cs cs'
      resolve_apply arg (cs', loc).

End Resolution.
End AllResolution.

Library EraVM.isa.Instructions

Section InstructionSets.

EraVM instruction sets

Note If you are interested in the instruction set exposed to the assembly programmer, skim this section quickly and then proceed to AssemblyInstructionSet, CoreInstructionSet and to_core.

The spec introduces the following layers of abstraction for the instruction set, from lowest level to the highest level:

  1. Binary encoding (as BITS 64 type instances). Binary encoded instructions, each instruction is 64-bit wide.

    The exact type for such instructions is BITS 64.

    The definition encode_mach_instruction formalizes the encoding algorithm. It depends on encode_predicate and encode_opcode.

    The encoding is an injection, because most instructions ignore the values of some instruction fields such as op_dst1.

  2. Low-level machine instructions mach_instruction.

    • Fixed format with two input operands, two output operands, two immediate values.
    • Restricted sources/destinations (e.g. second input can only be fetched from registers), instructions may ignore some instruction fields.
  3. Assembly instructions (see section AssemblyInstructionSet).

    An assembly instruction is an instance of predicated asm_instruction. The type asm_instruction defines instruction format with the exact operand types and all their supported modifiers.

    The instruction semantic is defined for these instructions; see step in section SmallStep.

    The following abstraction levels simplify the definition of instruction semantic but are invisible for assembly programmer.

  1. Core instructions (see the type instruction in section CoreInstructionSet). The exact type for such instructions is predicated (instruction decoded).

    A simplified instruction set where the mod_swap modifier is applied and there are no restrictions on the operand sources or destinations, such as “the second input operand may only be fetched from register”. Because of fewer restrictions, the definitions are more uniform. The translation from asm_instruction to instruction is implemented in section AssemblyToCore.

    Additionally, the type instruction describes the meaningful operand types for instructions after decoding, e.g. OpRet loads an operand from a register, but then deserializes it into a compound value. The types of such compound values are explicitly provided by bound definition.

    The type instruction describes a schema of core instructions; this schema can be specialized to describe:

    • fetched and decoded instruction instruction decoded;
    • an instruction where input and output operands are bound to the memory locations instruction bound. This abstracts loading and storing operands, and their serialization/deserialization in case of ABI encoded instruction parameters.

    Adding a layer of instruction bound allows describing instruction semantics as if instructions were accepting structural values directly, omitting fetching values, binary encoding and decoding.

    • See step_add for an example of how instruction-specific semantic is defined omitting loading and storing details.
    • See step_ContextMeta for an example of how instruction-specific semantic is defined omitting not only loading and storing, but also serialization/deserialization details.
    • See OperandBinding for the details of binding, e.g. bind_farret_params describes how OpRet’s ABI parameters are deserialized.

Library EraVM.isa.Modifiers

Require Flags.
Import Flags.

Section Modifiers.

Instruction modifiers

There are two modifiers common between multiple asm_instruction: swap and set_flags.

Swap modifier

This modifier, when applied, swaps two input operands. Definition asm_instruction shows which instructions support it.

Input operands usually have different addressing modes, e.g. the divisor in Assembly.OpDiv may be only fetched from registers, not memory. Applying swap modifier allows to fetch rather the divisor from memory, and the divident can be fetched from register.

The function to_core transforms asm_instruction into a core instruction and applies the swap modifier.

  Inductive mod_swap := Swap | NoSwap.

  Definition apply_swap {T} (md: mod_swap) (a b:T) : T×T :=
    match md with
    | NoSwap(a,b)
    | Swap(b,a)

Set flags

Only instructions with the modifier mod_set_flags set may change the state of flags in gs_flags. Therefore, if mod_set_flags is not set, it is guaranteed that the instruction will not change the flags state.

  Inductive mod_set_flags := SetFlags | PreserveFlags.

If set flags modifier md is set, preserve the old flags state f; otherwise, return the new state f’.

  Definition apply_set_flags (md: mod_set_flags) (f f':flags_state) : flags_state :=
    match md with
    | SetFlagsf'
    | PreserveFlagsf

End Modifiers.

Library EraVM.isa.Assembly

EraVM assembly instruction set

This section describes an instruction set asm_instruction which is a target for compiler.

The type asm_instruction defines instruction format with the precise types of their operands, and all their supported modifiers. This set is a slice in the middle of the abstractions hierarchy:

  • The next lower level is machine instructions. The assembly encodes asm_instruction to the lower-level machine instructions which are then mapped to their binary encodings.
  • The next higher level are core instructions described in section CoreInstructionSet. These instructions have are simplified formats, impose less constraints on the operand sources and destinations, and do not support the mod_swap modifier.

For all practical purposes, the reader of the specification should start at this level, unless their interest is in lower-level encoding details. The encoding layout is formalized by mach_instruction type, which is then serialized to binary by encode_mach_instruction.

The function base_cost defines the basic costs of each instruction in ergs.

Note: in future (past VM 1.5) the output operand for OpJump may gain full addressing mode, i.e. its type will be out_any.

  Inductive asm_instruction: Type :=
  | OpInvalid
  | OpNoOp
  | OpSpAdd (in1: in_reg) (ofs: imm_in) (* encoded as NoOp with out_1 in address mode Addressing.RelSpPush*)
  | OpSpSub (in1: in_reg) (ofs: imm_in) (* encoded as NoOp with in_1  in address mode Addressing.RelSpPop *)
  | OpJump (dest: in_any) (ret_addr: out_reg)
  | OpAnd (in1: in_any) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_any) (flags:mod_set_flags)
  | OpOr (in1: in_any) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_any) (flags:mod_set_flags)
  | OpXor (in1: in_any) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_any) (flags:mod_set_flags)
  | OpAdd (in1: in_any) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_any) (flags:mod_set_flags)
  | OpSub (in1: in_any) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_any) (swap:mod_swap) (flags:mod_set_flags)

  | OpShl (in1: in_any) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_any) (swap:mod_swap) (flags:mod_set_flags)
  | OpShr (in1: in_any) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_any) (swap:mod_swap) (flags:mod_set_flags)
  | OpRol (in1: in_any) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_any) (swap:mod_swap) (flags:mod_set_flags)
  | OpRor (in1: in_any) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_any) (swap:mod_swap) (flags:mod_set_flags)

  | OpMul (in1: in_any) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_any) (out2: out_reg) (flags:mod_set_flags)
  | OpDiv (in1: in_any) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_any) (out2: out_reg) (swap:mod_swap) (flags:mod_set_flags)

  | OpNearCall (arg: in_reg) (dest: imm_in) (handler: imm_in)
  | OpFarCall (enc: in_reg) (dest: in_reg) (handler: imm_in) (is_static:bool) (is_shard_provided: bool)
  | OpMimicCall (enc: in_reg) (dest: in_reg) (handler: imm_in) (is_static:bool) (is_shard_provided: bool)
  | OpDelegateCall(enc: in_reg) (dest: in_reg) (handler: imm_in) (is_static:bool) (is_shard_provided: bool)

  | OpNearRetTo (dest: imm_in)

  (* FarRet (args: reg) and NearRet are merged *)
  | OpRet (args: in_reg)

  | OpNearRevertTo (dest: imm_in)

  (* FarRevert (args: reg) and NearRevert are merged *)
  | OpRevert (args: in_reg)
  | OpNearPanicTo (dest: imm_in)
  | OpPanic

  | OpPtrAdd (in1: in_any) (in2: in_reg) (out: out_any) (swap:mod_swap)
  | OpPtrSub (in1: in_any) (in2: in_reg) (out: out_any) (swap:mod_swap)
  | OpPtrShrink (in1: in_any) (in2: in_reg) (out: out_any) (swap:mod_swap)
  | OpPtrPack (in1: in_any) (in2: in_reg) (out: out_any) (swap:mod_swap)

  | OpLoad (ptr: in_regimm) (res: out_reg) (mem:data_page_type)
  | OpLoadInc (ptr: in_regimm) (res: out_reg) (mem:data_page_type) (inc_ptr: out_reg)
  | OpStore (ptr: in_regimm) (val: in_reg) (mem:data_page_type)
  | OpStoreInc (ptr: in_regimm) (val: in_reg) (mem:data_page_type) (inc_ptr: out_reg)

  | OpLoadPointer (ptr: in_reg) (res: out_reg)
  | OpLoadPointerInc (ptr: in_reg) (res: out_reg) (inc_ptr: out_reg)

  | OpContractThis (out: out_reg)
  | OpContractCaller (out: out_reg)
  | OpContractCodeAddress (out: out_reg)
  | OpVMMeta (out: out_reg)
  | OpVMErgsLeft (out: out_reg)
  | OpVMSP (out: out_reg)
  | OpGetCapturedContext (out: out_reg)
  | OpSetContextReg (in1: in_reg)
  (* Removed in VM 1.5.0
| OpContextSetErgsPerPubdataByte (in1: in_reg)

  | OpIncrementTxNumber
  | OpAuxMutating (in1: in_reg)

  | OpSLoad (in1: in_reg) (out: out_reg)
  | OpSStore (in1: in_reg) (in2: in_reg)

  | OpPrecompileCall (in1: in_reg) (in2: in_reg) (out: out_reg)

  | OpEvent (in1: in_reg) (in2: in_reg) (is_first: bool)
  | OpToL1Message (in1: in_reg) (in2: in_reg) (is_first: bool)
  (* Since VM 1.5.0 *)
  | OpTransientStore (in1: in_reg) (in2: in_reg)
  (* Since VM 1.5.0 *)
  | OpTransientLoad (in1: in_reg) (out: out_reg)
  (* Since VM 1.5.0 *)
  | OpStaticRead (in1: in_regimm) (out: out_reg)
  (* Since VM 1.5.0 *)
  | OpStaticReadInc (in1: in_regimm) (out1: out_reg) (out2: out_reg)
  (* Since VM 1.5.0 *)
  | OpStaticWrite (in1: in_regimm) (in2: in_reg)
  (* Since VM 1.5.0 *)
  | OpStaticWriteInc (in1: in_regimm) (in2: in_reg) (out: out_reg)
  (* Since VM 1.5.0 *)
  | OpDecommit (in1: in_reg) (in2: in_reg) (out: out_reg)

End AssemblyInstructionSet.

Library EraVM.isa.CoreSet

Core instruction set

This section describes a schema instruction of a simplified instruction set appearing in semantic definitions for asm_instruction. The meaning of “schema” here is that instruction needs to be specialized with a proper instance of descr record to describe an instruction at different stages of its execution.

The schema instruction is parameterized with types of various instruction operands. Conventionally, their names reflect the following information:

  • the prefix is src_ for source operands and dest_ for output operands.
  • the suffix shows the type of data fetched or stored from register/memory.

For example:

Therefore, the exact definitions of instructions should be specialized with an instance of descr to give precise meaning to instruction operands. Currently, two such instances are used:

  • instruction decoded is decoded from asm_instruction.
  • instruction bound is an instruction where operands have been bound to their source/destination locations in memory; at this stage, reads, writes, encoding and decodings (parts of ABI) are accounted for.

Having instruction bound allows attributing semantic in a more concise way. See OperandBinding. For additional versatility, the definitions may bind both the decoded values and their representations as primitive values; see bound.

  Structure descr: Type := {
      src_pv: Type;
      src_fat_ptr: Type;
      src_heap_ptr: Type ;
      src_farcall_params: Type;
      src_nearcall_params: Type;
      src_ret_params: Type;
      src_precompile_params: Type;
      dest_pv: Type;
      dest_heap_ptr: Type;
      dest_fat_ptr: Type;
      dest_meta_params: Type;
  Context {d: descr}
    (src_pv:= src_pv d)
    (src_fat_ptr:= src_fat_ptr d)
    (src_heap_ptr:= src_heap_ptr d)
    (src_farcall_params:= src_farcall_params d)
    (src_nearcall_params:= src_nearcall_params d)
    (src_ret_params:= src_ret_params d)
    (src_precompile_params:= src_precompile_params d)
    (dest_pv:= dest_pv d)
    (dest_heap_ptr:= dest_heap_ptr d)
    (dest_fat_ptr:= dest_fat_ptr d)
    (dest_meta_params:= dest_meta_params d)

  Inductive instruction: Type :=
  | OpInvalid
  | OpNoOp
  | OpSpAdd (in1: src_pv) (ofs: stack_address) (* encoded as NoOp with $out_1$ *)
  | OpSpSub (in1: src_pv) (ofs: stack_address) (* encoded as NoOp with $in_1$ *)

  | OpJump (dest: src_pv) (out1: dest_pv)
  | OpAnd (in1: src_pv) (in2: src_pv) (out1: dest_pv) (flags:mod_set_flags)
  | OpOr (in1: src_pv) (in2: src_pv) (out1: dest_pv) (flags:mod_set_flags)
  | OpXor (in1: src_pv) (in2: src_pv) (out1: dest_pv) (flags:mod_set_flags)
  | OpAdd (in1: src_pv) (in2: src_pv) (out1: dest_pv) (flags:mod_set_flags)
  | OpSub (in1: src_pv) (in2: src_pv) (out1: dest_pv) (flags:mod_set_flags)

  | OpShl (in1: src_pv) (in2: src_pv) (out1: dest_pv) (flags:mod_set_flags)
  | OpShr (in1: src_pv) (in2: src_pv) (out1: dest_pv) (flags:mod_set_flags)
  | OpRol (in1: src_pv) (in2: src_pv) (out1: dest_pv) (flags:mod_set_flags)
  | OpRor (in1: src_pv) (in2: src_pv) (out1: dest_pv) (flags:mod_set_flags)

  | OpMul (in1: src_pv) (in2: src_pv) (out1: dest_pv) (out2: dest_pv) (flags:mod_set_flags)
  | OpDiv (in1: src_pv) (in2: src_pv) (out1: dest_pv) (out2: dest_pv) (flags:mod_set_flags)
  | OpNearCall (in1: src_nearcall_params) (dest: code_address) (handler: code_address)
  | OpFarCall (enc: src_farcall_params) (dest: src_pv) (handler: code_address) (is_static:bool) (is_shard_provided: bool)
  | OpMimicCall (enc: src_farcall_params) (dest: src_pv) (handler: code_address) (is_static:bool) (is_shard_provided: bool)
  | OpDelegateCall(enc: src_farcall_params) (dest: src_pv) (handler: code_address) (is_static:bool) (is_shard_provided: bool)

  | OpNearRetTo (label: code_address)
  | OpRet (args: src_ret_params)

  | OpNearRevertTo (label: code_address)
  | OpRevert (args: src_ret_params)
  | OpNearPanicTo (label: code_address)
  | OpPanic

  | OpPtrAdd (in1: src_fat_ptr) (in2: src_pv) (out: dest_fat_ptr)
  | OpPtrSub (in1: src_fat_ptr) (in2: src_pv) (out: dest_fat_ptr)
  | OpPtrShrink (in1: src_fat_ptr) (in2: src_pv) (out: dest_fat_ptr)
  | OpPtrPack (in1: src_fat_ptr) (in2: src_pv) (out: dest_pv)

  | OpLoad (ptr: src_heap_ptr) (res: dest_pv) (mem:data_page_type)
  | OpLoadInc (ptr: src_heap_ptr) (res: dest_pv) (mem:data_page_type) (inc_ptr: dest_heap_ptr)
  | OpStore (ptr: src_heap_ptr) (val: src_pv) (mem:data_page_type)
  | OpStoreInc (ptr: src_heap_ptr) (val: src_pv) (mem:data_page_type) (inc_ptr: dest_heap_ptr)

  | OpLoadPointer (ptr: src_fat_ptr) (res: dest_pv)
  | OpLoadPointerInc (ptr: src_fat_ptr) (res: dest_pv) (inc_ptr: dest_fat_ptr)

  | OpContractThis (out: dest_pv)
  | OpContractCaller (out: dest_pv)
  | OpContractCodeAddress (out: dest_pv)

  | OpVMMeta (out: dest_meta_params)
  | OpVMErgsLeft (out: dest_pv)
  | OpVMSP (out: dest_pv)

  | OpGetCapturedContext (out: dest_pv)
  | OpSetContextReg (in1: src_pv)
  (* Removed in VM 1.5.0
| OpContextSetErgsPerPubdataByte (in1: src_pv)

  | OpIncrementTxNumber

  | OpSLoad (in1: src_pv) (out: dest_pv)
  | OpSStore (in1: src_pv) (in2: src_pv)
  | OpToL1Message (in1: src_pv) (in2: src_pv) (is_first: bool)
  | OpEvent (in1: src_pv) (in2: src_pv) (is_first: bool)
  | OpPrecompileCall (in1: src_precompile_params) (ergs:src_pv) (out: dest_pv)

  | OpTransientStore (in1: src_pv) (in2: src_pv)
  (* Since VM 1.5.0 *)
  | OpTransientLoad (in1: src_pv) (out: dest_pv)
  (* Since VM 1.5.0 *)
  | OpStaticRead (in1: src_heap_ptr) (out: dest_pv)
  (* Since VM 1.5.0 *)
  | OpStaticReadInc (in1: src_heap_ptr) (out1: dest_pv) (out2: dest_heap_ptr)
  (* Since VM 1.5.0 *)
  | OpStaticWrite (in1: src_heap_ptr) (in2: src_pv)
  (* Since VM 1.5.0 *)
  | OpStaticWriteInc (in1: src_heap_ptr) (in2: src_pv) (out: dest_heap_ptr)
  (* Since VM 1.5.0 *)
  | OpDecommit (in1: src_pv) (in2: src_pv) (out: dest_pv)
  (* Since VM 1.5.0 *)
  | OpAuxMutating (in1: src_pv)

End CoreInstructionSet.

  Canonical Structure decoded: descr :=
  let src := in_any in
  let dest := out_any in
    src_pv := src;
    src_fat_ptr :=src;
    src_heap_ptr :=src;
    src_farcall_params := src;
    src_nearcall_params := src;
    src_ret_params := src;
    src_precompile_params := src;
    dest_pv := dest;
    dest_heap_ptr := dest;
    dest_fat_ptr := dest;
    dest_meta_params := dest;

Section InstructionMapper.

  Notation state_rel S OP V := (S S OP V Prop).

  Record relate_st {S} {A B: descr}: Type :=
      mf_src_pv : state_rel S (src_pv A) (src_pv B);
      mf_src_fat_ptr: state_rel S (src_fat_ptr A) (src_fat_ptr B);
      mf_src_heap_ptr: state_rel S (src_heap_ptr A) (src_heap_ptr B);
      mf_src_farcall_params: state_rel S (src_farcall_params A) (src_farcall_params B);
      mf_src_nearcall_params: state_rel S (src_nearcall_params A) (src_nearcall_params B);
      mf_src_ret_params: state_rel S (src_ret_params A) (src_ret_params B);
      mf_src_precompile_params: state_rel S (src_precompile_params A) (src_precompile_params B);
      mf_dest_pv: state_rel S (dest_pv A) (dest_pv B);
      mf_dest_heap_ptr: state_rel S (dest_heap_ptr A) (dest_heap_ptr B);
      mf_dest_fat_ptr : state_rel S (dest_fat_ptr A) (dest_fat_ptr B);
      mf_dest_meta_params: state_rel S (dest_meta_params A) (dest_meta_params B);

  Generalizable Variables s i o imm fs.

  Context {S A B} (m:@relate_st S A B)
    (mf_src_pv := mf_src_pv m)
    (mf_src_fat_ptr := mf_src_fat_ptr m)
    (mf_src_heap_ptr := mf_src_heap_ptr m)
    (mf_src_farcall_params := mf_src_farcall_params m)
    (mf_src_nearcall_params := mf_src_nearcall_params m)
    (mf_src_ret_params := mf_src_ret_params m)
    (mf_src_precompile_params := mf_src_precompile_params m)
    (mf_dest_pv := mf_dest_pv m)
    (mf_dest_heap_ptr := mf_dest_heap_ptr m)
    (mf_dest_fat_ptr := mf_dest_fat_ptr m)
    (mf_dest_meta_params := mf_dest_meta_params m)

  Inductive ins_srelate : S S @instruction A @instruction B Prop :=
  |sim_noop: s, ins_srelate s s OpNoOp OpNoOp
  |sim_invalid: s, ins_srelate s s OpInvalid OpInvalid
  |sim_sp_add: `(
                   mf_src_pv s0 s1 i1 i1'
                   ins_srelate s0 s1 (OpSpAdd i1 imm1) (OpSpAdd i1' imm1)
  |sim_sp_sub: `(
                   mf_src_pv s0 s1 i1 i1'
                   ins_srelate s0 s1 (OpSpSub i1 imm1) (OpSpSub i1' imm1)
  |sim_jump: `(
                 mf_src_pv s0 s1 i1 i1'
                 mf_dest_pv s0 s1 o1 o1'
                 ins_srelate s0 s1 (OpJump i1 o1) (OpJump i1' o1')
  |sim_and: `(
                mf_src_pv s0 s1 i1 i1'
                mf_src_pv s1 s2 i2 i2'
                mf_dest_pv s2 s3 o1 o1'
                ins_srelate s0 s3 (OpAnd i1 i2 o1 fs) (OpAnd i1' i2' o1' fs)
  |sim_or: `(
               mf_src_pv s0 s1 i1 i1'
               mf_src_pv s1 s2 i2 i2'
               mf_dest_pv s2 s3 o1 o1'
               ins_srelate s0 s3 (OpOr i1 i2 o1 fs) (OpOr i1' i2' o1' fs)
  |sim_xor: `(
                mf_src_pv s0 s1 i1 i1'
                mf_src_pv s1 s2 i2 i2'
                mf_dest_pv s2 s3 o1 o1'
                ins_srelate s0 s3 (OpXor i1 i2 o1 fs) (OpXor i1' i2' o1' fs)
  |sim_add: `(
                mf_src_pv s0 s1 i1 i1'
                mf_src_pv s1 s2 i2 i2'
                mf_dest_pv s2 s3 o1 o1'
                ins_srelate s0 s3 (OpAdd i1 i2 o1 fs) (OpAdd i1' i2' o1' fs)
  |sim_sub: `(
                mf_src_pv s0 s1 i1 i1'
                mf_src_pv s1 s2 i2 i2'
                mf_dest_pv s2 s3 o1 o1'
                ins_srelate s0 s3 (OpSub i1 i2 o1 fs) (OpSub i1' i2' o1' fs)
  |sim_shl: `(
                mf_src_pv s0 s1 i1 i1'
                mf_src_pv s1 s2 i2 i2'
                mf_dest_pv s2 s3 o1 o1'
                ins_srelate s0 s3 (OpShl i1 i2 o1 fs) (OpShl i1' i2' o1' fs)
  |sim_shr: `(
                mf_src_pv s0 s1 i1 i1'
                mf_src_pv s1 s2 i2 i2'
                mf_dest_pv s2 s3 o1 o1'
                ins_srelate s0 s3 (OpShr i1 i2 o1 fs) (OpShr i1' i2' o1' fs)
  |sim_rol: `(
                mf_src_pv s0 s1 i1 i1'
                mf_src_pv s1 s2 i2 i2'
                mf_dest_pv s2 s3 o1 o1'
                ins_srelate s0 s3 (OpRol i1 i2 o1 fs) (OpRol i1' i2' o1' fs)
  |sim_ror: `(
                mf_src_pv s0 s1 i1 i1'
                mf_src_pv s1 s2 i2 i2'
                mf_dest_pv s2 s3 o1 o1'
                ins_srelate s0 s3 (OpRor i1 i2 o1 fs) (OpRor i1' i2' o1' fs)
  |sim_PtrAdd: `(
                   mf_src_fat_ptr s0 s1 i1 i1'
                   mf_src_pv s1 s2 i2 i2'
                   mf_dest_fat_ptr s2 s3 o1 o1'
                   ins_srelate s0 s3 (OpPtrAdd i1 i2 o1) (OpPtrAdd i1' i2' o1')
  |sim_PtrSub: `(
                   mf_src_fat_ptr s0 s1 i1 i1'
                   mf_src_pv s1 s2 i2 i2'
                   mf_dest_fat_ptr s2 s3 o1 o1'
                   ins_srelate s0 s3 (OpPtrSub i1 i2 o1) (OpPtrSub i1' i2' o1')
  |sim_PtrShrink: `(
                      mf_src_fat_ptr s0 s1 i1 i1'
                      mf_src_pv s1 s2 i2 i2'
                      mf_dest_fat_ptr s2 s3 o1 o1'
                      ins_srelate s0 s3 (OpPtrShrink i1 i2 o1) (OpPtrShrink i1' i2' o1')
  |sim_PtrPack: `(
                    mf_src_fat_ptr s0 s1 i1 i1'
                    mf_src_pv s1 s2 i2 i2'
                    mf_dest_pv s2 s3 o1 o1'
                    ins_srelate s0 s3 (OpPtrPack i1 i2 o1) (OpPtrPack i1' i2' o1')
  |sim_mul: `(
                mf_src_pv s0 s1 i1 i1'
                mf_src_pv s1 s2 i2 i2'
                mf_dest_pv s2 s3 o1 o1'
                mf_dest_pv s3 s4 o2 o2'
                ins_srelate s0 s4 (OpMul i1 i2 o1 o2 fs) (OpMul i1' i2' o1' o2' fs )
  |sim_div: `(
                mf_src_pv s0 s1 i1 i1'
                mf_src_pv s1 s2 i2 i2'
                mf_dest_pv s2 s3 o1 o1'
                mf_dest_pv s3 s4 o2 o2'
                ins_srelate s0 s4 (OpDiv i1 i2 o1 o2 fs) (OpDiv i1' i2' o1' o2' fs)
  |sim_nearcall: `(
                      dest handler,
                       mf_src_nearcall_params s0 s1 i1 i1'
                       ins_srelate s0 s1 (OpNearCall i1 dest handler) (OpNearCall i1' dest handler)
  |sim_farcall: `(
                     handler static shard,
                      mf_src_farcall_params s0 s1 i1 i1'
                      mf_src_pv s1 s2 i2 i2'
                      ins_srelate s0 s2 (OpFarCall i1 i2 handler static shard) (OpFarCall i1' i2' handler static shard)
  |sim_mimiccall: `(
                       handler static shard,
                        mf_src_farcall_params s0 s1 i1 i1'
                        mf_src_pv s1 s2 i2 i2'
                        ins_srelate s0 s2 (OpMimicCall i1 i2 handler static shard) (OpMimicCall i1' i2' handler static shard)
  |sim_delegatecall: `(
                          handler static shard,
                           mf_src_farcall_params s0 s1 i1 i1'
                           mf_src_pv s1 s2 i2 i2'
                           ins_srelate s0 s2(OpDelegateCall i1 i2 handler static shard) (OpDelegateCall i1' i2' handler static shard)
  |sim_nearpanic: s, ins_srelate s s OpPanic OpPanic
  |sim_nearretto: s l, ins_srelate s s (OpNearRetTo l) (OpNearRetTo l)
  |sim_nearrevertto: s l, ins_srelate s s (OpNearRevertTo l) (OpNearRevertTo l)
  |sim_nearpanicto: s l, ins_srelate s s (OpNearPanicTo l) (OpNearPanicTo l)
  |sim_ret: `(
                   mf_src_ret_params s0 s1 i1 i1'
                   ins_srelate s0 s1 (OpRet i1) (OpRet i1')
  |sim_revert: `(
                      mf_src_ret_params s0 s1 i1 i1'
                      ins_srelate s0 s1 (OpRevert i1) (OpRevert i1')
  |sim_load:`( type,
         mf_src_heap_ptr s0 s1 i1 i1'
         mf_dest_pv s1 s2 o1 o1'
         ins_srelate s0 s2 (OpLoad i1 o1 type) (OpLoad i1' o1' type)
       mf_src_fat_ptr s0 s1 i1 i1'
       mf_dest_pv s1 s2 o1 o1'
       ins_srelate s0 s2 (OpLoadPointer i1 o1) (OpLoadPointer i1' o1' )
  |sim_loadinc:`( type,
         mf_src_heap_ptr s0 s1 i1 i1'
         mf_dest_pv s1 s2 o1 o1'
         mf_dest_heap_ptr s2 s3 o2 o2'
         ins_srelate s0 s3 (OpLoadInc i1 o1 type o2) (OpLoadInc i1' o1' type o2')
       mf_src_fat_ptr s0 s1 i1 i1'
       mf_dest_pv s1 s2 o1 o1'
       mf_dest_fat_ptr s2 s3 o2 o2'
       ins_srelate s0 s3 (OpLoadPointerInc i1 o1 o2) (OpLoadPointerInc i1' o1' o2')
  |sim_store:`( type,
         mf_src_heap_ptr s0 s1 i1 i1'
         mf_src_pv s1 s2 i2 i2'
         mf_dest_pv s2 s3 o1 o1'
         ins_srelate s0 s3 (OpStore i1 i2 type) (OpStore i1' i2' type)
  |sim_storeinc:`( type,
         mf_src_heap_ptr s0 s1 i1 i1'
         mf_src_pv s1 s2 i2 i2'
         mf_dest_heap_ptr s2 s3 o1 o1'
         ins_srelate s0 s3 (OpStoreInc i1 i2 type o1) (OpStoreInc i1' i2' type o1')
  |sim_OpContextThis: `(
                          mf_dest_pv s0 s1 o1 o1'
                          ins_srelate s0 s1 (OpContractThis o1) (OpContractThis o1'))
  |sim_OpContractCaller: `(
                            mf_dest_pv s0 s1 o1 o1'
                            ins_srelate s0 s1 (OpContractCaller o1) (OpContractCaller o1'))
  |sim_OpContractCodeAddress: `(
                                 mf_dest_pv s0 s1 o1 o1'
                                 ins_srelate s0 s1 (OpContractCodeAddress o1) (OpContractCodeAddress o1'))
  |sim_OpContextMeta: `(
                          mf_dest_meta_params s0 s1 o1 o1'
                          ins_srelate s0 s1 (OpVMMeta o1) (OpVMMeta o1'))
  |sim_OpVMErgsLeft: `(
                              mf_dest_pv s0 s1 o1 o1'
                              ins_srelate s0 s1 (OpVMErgsLeft o1) (OpVMErgsLeft o1'))
  |sim_OpVMSp: `(
                        mf_dest_pv s0 s1 o1 o1'
                        ins_srelate s0 s1 (OpVMSP o1) (OpVMSP o1'))
  |sim_OpVMGetVMU128: `(
                                    mf_dest_pv s0 s1 o1 o1'
                                    ins_srelate s0 s1 (OpGetCapturedContext o1) (OpGetCapturedContext o1'))
  |sim_OpContextSetContextU128: `(
                                    mf_src_pv s0 s1 i1 i1'
                                    ins_srelate s0 s1 (OpSetContextReg i1) (OpSetContextReg i1'))
  |sim_OpContextIncrementTxNumber: `(
                                       mf_dest_pv s0 s1 o1 o1'
                                       ins_srelate s0 s1 (OpIncrementTxNumber ) (OpIncrementTxNumber ))
  |sim_OpSLoad: `(
                    mf_src_pv s0 s1 i1 i1'
                    mf_dest_pv s1 s2 o1 o1'
                    ins_srelate s0 s2 (OpSLoad i1 o1) (OpSLoad i1' o1'))
  |sim_OpSStore: `(
                     mf_src_pv s0 s1 i1 i1'
                     mf_src_pv s1 s2 i2 i2'
                     ins_srelate s0 s2 (OpSStore i1 i2) (OpSStore i1' i2'))
  |sim_OpToL1Message: `( first,
                            mf_src_pv s0 s1 i1 i1'
                            mf_src_pv s1 s2 i2 i2'
                            ins_srelate s0 s2 (OpToL1Message i1 i2 first) (OpToL1Message i1' i2' first))
  |sim_OpEvent: `( first,
                      mf_src_pv s0 s1 i1 i1'
                      mf_src_pv s1 s2 i2 i2'
                      ins_srelate s0 s2 (OpEvent i1 i2 first) (OpEvent i1' i2' first))
  |sim_OpPrecompileCall: `(
                             mf_src_precompile_params s0 s1 i1 i1'
                             mf_src_pv s1 s2 i2 i2'
                             mf_dest_pv s2 s3 o1 o1'
                             ins_srelate s0 s3 (OpPrecompileCall i1 i2 o1) (OpPrecompileCall i1' i2' o1'))
  |sim_OpDecommit: `(
                             mf_src_pv s0 s1 i1 i1'
                             mf_src_pv s1 s2 i2 i2'
                             mf_dest_pv s2 s3 o1 o1'
                             ins_srelate s0 s3 (OpDecommit i1 i2 o1) (OpDecommit i1' i2' o1'))
  |sim_OpTransientLoad: `(
                    mf_src_pv s0 s1 i1 i1'
                    mf_dest_pv s1 s2 o1 o1'
                    ins_srelate s0 s2 (OpTransientLoad i1 o1) (OpTransientLoad i1' o1'))
  |sim_OpTransientStore: `(
                     mf_src_pv s0 s1 i1 i1'
                     mf_src_pv s1 s2 i2 i2'
                     ins_srelate s0 s2 (OpTransientStore i1 i2) (OpTransientStore i1' i2'))

         mf_src_heap_ptr s0 s1 i1 i1'
         mf_src_pv s1 s2 i2 i2'
         mf_dest_pv s2 s3 o1 o1'
         ins_srelate s0 s3 (OpStaticWrite i1 i2 ) (OpStaticWrite i1' i2')
         mf_src_heap_ptr s0 s1 i1 i1'
         mf_src_pv s1 s2 i2 i2'
         mf_dest_heap_ptr s2 s3 o1 o1'
         ins_srelate s0 s3 (OpStaticWriteInc i1 i2 o1) (OpStaticWriteInc i1' i2' o1')

         mf_src_heap_ptr s0 s1 i1 i1'
         mf_dest_pv s1 s2 o1 o1'
         ins_srelate s0 s2 (OpStaticRead i1 o1) (OpStaticRead i1' o1')
         mf_src_heap_ptr s0 s1 i1 i1'
         mf_dest_pv s1 s2 o1 o1'
         mf_dest_heap_ptr s2 s3 o2 o2'
         ins_srelate s0 s3 (OpStaticReadInc i1 o1 o2) (OpStaticReadInc i1' o1' o2')

  Generalizable No Variables.
End InstructionMapper.

Library EraVM.isa.GeneratedMachISA

From RecordUpdate Require Import RecordSet.
Require isa.Modifiers isa.Assembly Predication.
Import Types Modifiers Predication.

Inductive src_mode :=
| SrcReg
| SrcSpRelativePop
| SrcSpRelative
| SrcStackAbsolute
| SrcImm
| SrcCodeAddr

Inductive src_special_mode := | SrcSpecialReg | SrcSpecialImm.

Inductive dst_mode :=
| DstReg
| DstSpRelativePush
| DstSpRelative
| DstStackAbsolute
Inductive mod_context: Set :=
  | This
  | Caller
  | CodeAddress
  | Meta
  | ErgsLeft
  | Sp
  | GetContextU128
  | SetContextU128
  | PubdataSpent
  | IncrementTx

Inductive mach_opcode : Type :=
| OpLoadPtr (inc: bool)
| OpJump (src0_mode: src_mode)
| OpMimicCall (is_shard: bool) (is_static: bool)
| OpVMMeta
| OpDiv (src0_mode: src_mode) (dst0_mode: dst_mode) (swap: mod_swap) (set_flags: mod_set_flags)
| OpSLoad
| OpAnd (src0_mode: src_mode) (dst0_mode: dst_mode) (set_flags: mod_set_flags)
| OpContractThis
| OpInvalid
| OpSub (src0_mode: src_mode) (dst0_mode: dst_mode) (swap: mod_swap) (set_flags: mod_set_flags)
| OpNoOp (src0_mode: src_mode) (dst0_mode: dst_mode)
| OpIncrementTxNumber
| OpRol (src0_mode: src_mode) (dst0_mode: dst_mode) (swap: mod_swap) (set_flags: mod_set_flags)
| OpMul (src0_mode: src_mode) (dst0_mode: dst_mode) (set_flags: mod_set_flags)
| OpSetContextReg
| OpDelegateCall (is_shard: bool) (is_static: bool)
| OpRet (to_label: bool)
| OpEvent (is_first: bool)
| OpPrecompileCall
| OpStoreHeap (src0_mode: src_special_mode) (inc: bool)
| OpShr (src0_mode: src_mode) (dst0_mode: dst_mode) (swap: mod_swap) (set_flags: mod_set_flags)
| OpPanic (to_label: bool)
| OpContractCodeAddress
| OpSStore
| OpPtrSub (src0_mode: src_mode) (dst0_mode: dst_mode) (swap: mod_swap)
| OpToL1Message (is_first: bool)
| OpAuxMutating
| OpPtrAdd (src0_mode: src_mode) (dst0_mode: dst_mode) (swap: mod_swap)
| OpNearCall
| OpLoadHeap (src0_mode: src_special_mode) (inc: bool)
| OpStoreAuxHeap (src0_mode: src_special_mode) (inc: bool)
| OpXor (src0_mode: src_mode) (dst0_mode: dst_mode) (set_flags: mod_set_flags)
| OpStaticRead (src0_mode: src_special_mode) (inc: bool)
| OpFarCall (is_shard: bool) (is_static: bool)
| OpGetCapturedContext
| OpOr (src0_mode: src_mode) (dst0_mode: dst_mode) (set_flags: mod_set_flags)
| OpPtrPack (src0_mode: src_mode) (dst0_mode: dst_mode) (swap: mod_swap)
| OpVMErgsLeft
| OpVMSp
| OpLoadAuxHeap (src0_mode: src_special_mode) (inc: bool)
| OpTransientStore
| OpDecommit
| OpPtrShrink (src0_mode: src_mode) (dst0_mode: dst_mode) (swap: mod_swap)
| OpRevert (to_label: bool)
| OpStaticWrite (src0_mode: src_special_mode) (inc: bool)
| OpTransientLoad
| OpShl (src0_mode: src_mode) (dst0_mode: dst_mode) (swap: mod_swap) (set_flags: mod_set_flags)
| OpRor (src0_mode: src_mode) (dst0_mode: dst_mode) (swap: mod_swap) (set_flags: mod_set_flags)
| OpContractCaller
| OpAdd (src0_mode: src_mode) (dst0_mode: dst_mode) (set_flags: mod_set_flags)

The definition mach_instruction showcases the layout of instruction fields. This layout is applied against the instruction’s binary representation.

Section MachInstructionDefinition.
  Context {reg_type imm_type: Type}.
  Record mach_instruction :=
    mk_ins {
        op_code: mach_opcode;
        op_predicate: predicate;
        op_src0: reg_type;
        op_src1: reg_type;
        op_dst0: reg_type;
        op_dst1: reg_type;
        op_imm0: imm_type;
        op_imm1: imm_type;
  #[export] Instance etaIns : Settable _ := settable! mk_ins < op_code; op_predicate; op_src0; op_src1; op_dst0; op_dst1; op_imm0; op_imm1>.
End MachInstructionDefinition.

Library EraVM.isa.AssemblyToCore

Syntactically translate asm_instruction to a core instruction, preceding execution:

  1. apply mod_swap modifier to instructions where applicable;
  2. remove the restrictions on operand types e.g. in assembly OpAdd may accept the first argument in memory and the second argument only in register, but in core set both arguments can be fetched from either memory or registers. This simplifies attributing semantic to instructions.

  Definition to_core (input: Assembly.asm_instruction) : @instruction decoded :=
    match input with
    | Assembly.OpInvalidOpInvalid
    | Assembly.OpNoOpOpNoOp
    | Assembly.OpSpAdd in1 (Imm ofs) ⇒ @OpSpAdd decoded in1 ofs
    | Assembly.OpSpSub in1 (Imm ofs) ⇒ @OpSpSub decoded in1 ofs
    | Assembly.OpJump dest ret_addr ⇒ @OpJump decoded dest ret_addr
    | Assembly.OpAnd in1 in2 out1 flags
        @OpAnd decoded in1 in2 out1 flags
    | Assembly.OpOr in1 in2 out1 flags
        @OpOr decoded in1 in2 out1 flags
    | Assembly.OpXor in1 in2 out1 flags
        @OpXor decoded in1 in2 out1 flags
    | Assembly.OpAdd in1 in2 out1 flags
        @OpAdd decoded in1 in2 out1 flags
    | Assembly.OpSub in1 in2 out1 swap flags
        let (in1', in2') := apply_swap swap in1 in2 in
        @OpSub decoded in1' in2' out1 flags
    | Assembly.OpShl in1 in2 out1 swap flags
        let (in1', in2') := apply_swap swap in1 in2 in
        @OpShl decoded in1' in2' out1 flags
    | Assembly.OpShr in1 in2 out1 swap flags
        let (in1', in2') := apply_swap swap in1 in2 in
        @OpShr decoded in1' in2' out1 flags
    | Assembly.OpRol in1 in2 out1 swap flags
        let (in1', in2') := apply_swap swap in1 in2 in
        @OpRol decoded in1' in2' out1 flags
    | Assembly.OpRor in1 in2 out1 swap flags
        let (in1', in2') := apply_swap swap in1 in2 in
        @OpRor decoded in1' in2' out1 flags
    | Assembly.OpMul in1 in2 out1 out2 flags
        @OpMul decoded in1 in2 out1 out2 flags
    | Assembly.OpDiv in1 in2 out1 out2 swap flags
        let (in1', in2') := apply_swap swap in1 in2 in
        @OpDiv decoded in1' in2' out1 out2 flags
    | Assembly.OpPtrAdd in1 in2 out swap
        let (in1', in2') := apply_swap swap in1 in2 in
        @OpPtrAdd decoded in1' in2' out
    | Assembly.OpPtrSub in1 in2 out swap
        let (in1', in2') := apply_swap swap in1 in2 in
        @OpPtrSub decoded in1' in2' out
    | Assembly.OpPtrShrink in1 in2 out swap
        let (in1', in2') := apply_swap swap in1 in2 in
        @OpPtrShrink decoded in1' in2' out
    | Assembly.OpPtrPack in1 in2 out swap
        let (in1', in2') := apply_swap swap in1 in2 in
        @OpPtrPack decoded in1' in2' out
    | Assembly.OpStore ptr val mem
        @OpStore decoded ptr val mem

    | Assembly.OpNearCall in1 (Imm dest) (Imm handler) ⇒ @OpNearCall decoded in1 dest handler
    | Assembly.OpFarCall enc dest (Imm handler) is_static is_shard_provided
        @OpFarCall decoded enc dest handler is_static is_shard_provided
    | Assembly.OpMimicCall enc dest (Imm handler) is_static is_shard_provided
        @OpMimicCall decoded enc dest handler is_static is_shard_provided
    | Assembly.OpDelegateCall enc dest (Imm handler) is_static is_shard_provided
        @OpDelegateCall decoded enc dest handler is_static is_shard_provided
    | Assembly.OpNearRetTo (Imm dest) ⇒ OpNearRetTo dest
    | Assembly.OpRet args ⇒ @OpRet decoded args
    | Assembly.OpNearRevertTo (Imm dest) ⇒ @OpNearRevertTo decoded dest
    | Assembly.OpRevert args ⇒ @OpRevert decoded args
    | Assembly.OpNearPanicTo (Imm label) ⇒ @OpNearPanicTo decoded label
    | Assembly.OpPanic ⇒ @OpPanic decoded
    | Assembly.OpLoad ptr res mem ⇒ @OpLoad decoded ptr res mem
    | Assembly.OpLoadInc ptr res mem inc_ptr ⇒ @OpLoadInc decoded ptr res mem inc_ptr
    | Assembly.OpStoreInc ptr val mem inc_ptr ⇒ @OpStoreInc decoded ptr val mem inc_ptr
    | Assembly.OpLoadPointer ptr res ⇒ @OpLoadPointer decoded ptr res
    | Assembly.OpLoadPointerInc ptr res inc_ptr ⇒ @OpLoadPointerInc decoded ptr res inc_ptr
    | Assembly.OpContractThis out ⇒ @OpContractThis decoded out
    | Assembly.OpContractCaller out ⇒ @OpContractCaller decoded out
    | Assembly.OpContractCodeAddress out ⇒ @OpContractCodeAddress decoded out
    | Assembly.OpVMMeta out ⇒ @OpVMMeta decoded out
    | Assembly.OpVMErgsLeft out ⇒ @OpVMErgsLeft decoded out
    | Assembly.OpVMSP out ⇒ @OpVMSP decoded out
    | Assembly.OpGetCapturedContext out ⇒ @OpGetCapturedContext decoded out
    | Assembly.OpSetContextReg in1 ⇒ @OpSetContextReg decoded in1
    | Assembly.OpIncrementTxNumber ⇒ @OpIncrementTxNumber decoded
    | Assembly.OpSLoad in1 out ⇒ @OpSLoad decoded in1 out
    | Assembly.OpSStore in1 in2
        @OpSStore decoded in1 in2
    | Assembly.OpToL1Message in1 in2 is_first
        @OpToL1Message decoded in1 in2 is_first
    | Assembly.OpEvent in1 in2 is_first
        @OpEvent decoded in1 in2 is_first
    | Assembly.OpPrecompileCall in1 in2 out
        @OpPrecompileCall decoded in1 in2 out
  (* TODO: the following is not implemented yet *)
    | Assembly.OpAuxMutating in1 ⇒ @OpAuxMutating decoded in1
    | Assembly.OpTransientStore in1 in2 ⇒ @OpTransientStore decoded in1 in2
    | Assembly.OpTransientLoad in1 out1 ⇒ @OpTransientLoad decoded in1 out1
    | Assembly.OpDecommit in1 in2 out1 ⇒ @OpDecommit decoded in1 in2 out1
    | Assembly.OpStaticWrite in1 in2 ⇒ @OpStaticWrite decoded in1 in2
    | Assembly.OpStaticWriteInc in1 in2 out1 ⇒ @OpStaticWriteInc decoded in1 in2 out1
    | Assembly.OpStaticRead in1 out1 ⇒ @OpStaticRead decoded in1 out1
    | Assembly.OpStaticReadInc in1 out1 out2 ⇒ @OpStaticReadInc decoded in1 out1 out2

End AssemblyToCore.

Module Coercions.
  Coercion to_core: Assembly.asm_instruction >-> CoreSet.instruction.
End Coercions.

Library EraVM.isa.AssemblyToMach

From RecordUpdate Require Import RecordSet.
Require GeneratedMachISA.
Require Addressing isa.Modifiers isa.Assembly Predication.
Import ssreflect.
Import RecordSetNotations.
Import Assembly Addressing Common GeneratedMachISA Modifiers TransientMemory Pointer Predication.
Import Addressing.Coercions.

Encoding of asm_instruction to the universal instruction layout

In the lowest level, all instructions are encoded to a uniform 64-bit format; its fields are described by mach_instruction.

This file details the encoding of asm_instruction to mach_instruction.

Definition src_mode_of (op:in_any) :=
  match op with
  | InReg xSrcReg
  | InImm xSrcImm
  | InStack (StackInOnly (RelSpPop _ _)) ⇒ SrcSpRelativePop
  | InStack (StackInAny (Absolute _ _)) ⇒ SrcStackAbsolute
  | InStack (StackInAny (RelSP _ _)) ⇒ SrcSpRelative
  | InCode xSrcCodeAddr
  | InConst xSrcCodeAddr
Definition src_special_mode_of (op:in_regimm) :=
  match op with
  | RegImmR xSrcSpecialReg
  | RegImmI xSrcSpecialImm
Definition dst_mode_of (op:out_any) :=
  match op with
  | OutReg xDstReg
  | OutStack (StackOutOnly (RelSpPush _ _)) ⇒ DstSpRelativePush
  | OutStack (StackOutAny (Absolute _ _)) ⇒ DstStackAbsolute
  | OutStack (StackOutAny (RelSP _ _)) ⇒ DstSpRelative
  Coercion src_mode_of: in_any >-> src_mode.
  Coercion src_special_mode_of: in_regimm >-> src_special_mode.
  Coercion dst_mode_of: out_any >-> dst_mode.

The Opcode field includes information such as modifiers and addressing modes.

Definition opcode_of (ins: asm_instruction) : mach_opcode :=
  let no_label := false in
  let with_label := true in
  let no_inc := false in
  let inc := true in
  match ins with
  | Assembly.OpInvalidOpInvalid
  | Assembly.OpNoOpOpNoOp SrcReg DstReg
  | Assembly.OpSpAdd _ _OpNoOp SrcReg DstSpRelativePush
  | Assembly.OpSpSub _ _OpNoOp SrcSpRelativePop DstReg
  | Assembly.OpJump dest _ret_addrOpJump dest
  | Assembly.OpAnd src0 _ out sflagsOpAnd src0 out sflags
  | Assembly.OpOr src0 _ out sflagsOpOr src0 out sflags
  | Assembly.OpXor src0 _ out sflagsOpXor src0 out sflags
  | Assembly.OpAdd src0 _ out sflagsOpAdd src0 out sflags
  | Assembly.OpSub src0 src1 dst swap sflagsOpSub src0 dst swap sflags
  | Assembly.OpShl src0 src1 dst swap sflagsOpShl src0 dst swap sflags
  | Assembly.OpShr src0 src1 dst swap sflagsOpShr src0 dst swap sflags
  | Assembly.OpRol src0 src1 dst swap sflagsOpRol src0 dst swap sflags
  | Assembly.OpRor src0 src1 dst swap sflagsOpRor src0 dst swap sflags
  | Assembly.OpMul src0 _ dst0 _ sflagsOpMul src0 dst0 sflags
  | Assembly.OpDiv src0 _ dst0 _ swap sflagsOpDiv src0 dst0 swap sflags
  | Assembly.OpNearCall _ _ _OpNearCall
  | Assembly.OpFarCall enc dest handler is_static is_shard_providedOpFarCall is_static is_shard_provided
  | Assembly.OpMimicCall _ _ _ is_static is_shard_providedOpMimicCall is_static is_shard_provided
  | Assembly.OpDelegateCall _ _ _ is_static is_shard_providedOpDelegateCall is_static is_shard_provided
  | Assembly.OpRet _OpRet no_label
  | Assembly.OpNearRetTo _OpRet with_label
  | Assembly.OpNearRevertTo _OpRevert with_label
  | Assembly.OpRevert _OpRevert no_label
  | Assembly.OpNearPanicTo _OpPanic with_label
  | Assembly.OpPanicOpPanic no_label
  | Assembly.OpPtrAdd src0 _ dst0 swapOpPtrAdd src0 dst0 swap
  | Assembly.OpPtrSub src0 _ dst0 swapOpPtrSub src0 dst0 swap
  | Assembly.OpPtrShrink src0 _ dst0 swapOpPtrShrink src0 dst0 swap
  | Assembly.OpPtrPack src0 _ dst0 swapOpPtrPack src0 dst0 swap
  | Assembly.OpLoad src0 dst0 HeapOpLoadHeap src0 no_inc
  | Assembly.OpLoad src0 dst0 AuxHeapOpLoadAuxHeap src0 no_inc
  | Assembly.OpLoadInc src0 dst0 Heap _OpLoadHeap src0 inc
  | Assembly.OpLoadInc src0 dst0 AuxHeap _OpLoadAuxHeap src0 inc
  | Assembly.OpStore src0 _ HeapOpStoreHeap src0 no_inc
  | Assembly.OpStore src0 _ AuxHeapOpStoreAuxHeap src0 no_inc
  | Assembly.OpStoreInc src0 _ Heap _OpStoreHeap src0 inc
  | Assembly.OpStoreInc src0 _ AuxHeap _OpStoreAuxHeap src0 inc
  | Assembly.OpLoadPointer _ _OpLoadPtr no_inc
  | Assembly.OpLoadPointerInc _ _ _OpLoadPtr inc
  | Assembly.OpContractThis _OpContractThis
  | Assembly.OpContractCaller _OpContractCaller
  | Assembly.OpContractCodeAddress _OpContractCodeAddress
  | Assembly.OpVMMeta _OpVMMeta
  | Assembly.OpVMErgsLeft _OpVMErgsLeft
  | Assembly.OpVMSP _OpVMSp
  | Assembly.OpGetCapturedContext _OpGetCapturedContext
  | Assembly.OpSetContextReg _OpSetContextReg
  (*| Assembly.OpContextSetErgsPerPubdataByte _ => OpSetErgsPerPubdataByte*)
  | Assembly.OpIncrementTxNumberOpIncrementTxNumber
  | Assembly.OpSLoad _ _OpSLoad
  | Assembly.OpSStore _ _OpSStore
  | Assembly.OpPrecompileCall _ _ _OpPrecompileCall
  | Assembly.OpEvent _ _ is_firstOpEvent is_first
  | Assembly.OpToL1Message _ _ is_firstOpToL1Message is_first
  | Assembly.OpAuxMutating _OpAuxMutating
  | Assembly.OpTransientStore _ _OpTransientStore
  | Assembly.OpTransientLoad _ _OpTransientLoad
  | Assembly.OpStaticWrite src0 _OpStaticWrite src0 no_inc
  | Assembly.OpStaticWriteInc src0 _ _OpStaticWrite src0 inc
  | Assembly.OpStaticRead src0 _OpStaticRead src0 no_inc
  | Assembly.OpStaticReadInc src0 _ _OpStaticRead src0 inc
  | Assembly.OpDecommit _ _ _OpDecommit

Definition set_src0 (src0: in_any) : mach_instruction mach_instruction :=
  fun ins
    match src0 with
    | InReg (Reg name) ⇒ ins <| op_src0 := Some name |>
    | InImm (Imm val) ⇒ ins <| op_imm0 := Some val |>
    | InStack (StackInOnly (RelSpPop reg ofs))
    | InStack (StackInAny (Absolute reg ofs) )
    | InStack (StackInAny (RelSP reg ofs) )
    | InCode (CodeAddr reg ofs)
    | InConst (ConstAddr reg ofs) ⇒ ins <| op_src0 := Some reg |> <| op_imm0 := Some ofs|>

Definition set_src0_special (src0: in_regimm) : mach_instruction mach_instruction :=
  fun ins
    match src0 with
    | RegImmR (Reg name) ⇒ ins <| op_src0 := Some name |>
    | RegImmI (Imm val) ⇒ ins <| op_imm0 := Some val |>

Definition set_dst0 (dst0: out_any) : mach_instruction mach_instruction :=
  fun ins
    match dst0 with
    | OutReg (Reg name) ⇒ ins <| op_dst0 := Some name |>
    | OutStack (StackOutOnly (RelSpPush reg ofs))
    | OutStack (StackOutAny (Absolute reg ofs) )
    | OutStack (StackOutAny (RelSP reg ofs) ) ⇒
        ins <| op_dst0 := Some reg |> <| op_imm1 := Some ofs|>

Section AsmToMachConversion.

  Import ssrfun.

The encoding of asm_instruction to mach_instruction happens in two stages:

  1. Put the information in the fields of mach_instruction but keep ignored fields uninitialized (equal to None).
  2. Flatten mach_instruction, erasing difference between meaningful and ignored fields. Fields that were equal to None are assigned default values: zero for immediates, R0 for registers.

  Definition asm_to_mach_opt (ins: predicated asm_instruction) : option (@mach_instruction (option GPR.reg_name) (option u16) ):=
    match ins with
    | Ins ins pred
        let mk src0 src1 dst0 dst1 imm0 imm1 := mk_ins (opcode_of ins) pred src0 src1 dst0 dst1 imm0 imm1 in
        let template : mach_instruction := mk None None None None None None in
        match ins with
        | Assembly.OpInvalid
        | Assembly.OpNoOp
        | Assembly.OpPanic
        | Assembly.OpIncrementTxNumberSome template
        | Assembly.OpSetContextReg (Reg src0)
          ⇒ Some (template <| op_src0 := Some src0 |> )
        | Assembly.OpSpAdd (Reg reg) (Imm ofs) ⇒ Some (template <| op_dst0 := Some reg |> <| op_imm1 := Some ofs |> )
        | Assembly.OpSpSub (Reg reg) (Imm ofs) ⇒ Some (template <| op_src0 := Some reg |> <| op_imm0 := Some ofs |> )
        | Assembly.OpJump dest ret_addrSome (set_src0 dest (set_dst0 ret_addr template))
        | Assembly.OpAdd src0 (Reg src1) dst0 _
        | Assembly.OpOr src0 (Reg src1) dst0 _
        | Assembly.OpXor src0 (Reg src1) dst0 _
        | Assembly.OpAnd src0 (Reg src1) dst0 _
        | Assembly.OpSub src0 (Reg src1) dst0 _ _
        | Assembly.OpShl src0 (Reg src1) dst0 _ _
        | Assembly.OpShr src0 (Reg src1) dst0 _ _
        | Assembly.OpRol src0 (Reg src1) dst0 _ _
        | Assembly.OpRor src0 (Reg src1) dst0 _ _
        | Assembly.OpPtrAdd src0 (Reg src1) dst0 _
        | Assembly.OpPtrSub src0 (Reg src1) dst0 _
        | Assembly.OpPtrShrink src0 (Reg src1) dst0 _
        | Assembly.OpPtrPack src0 (Reg src1) dst0 _
          ⇒ Some (set_src0 src0 (set_dst0 dst0 (template <| op_src1 := Some src1 |>)))
        | Assembly.OpMul src0 (Reg src1) dst0 (Reg dst1) _
        | Assembly.OpDiv src0 (Reg src1) dst0 (Reg dst1) _ _
          ⇒ Some (set_src0 src0 (set_dst0 dst0 (template <| op_src1 := Some src1 |> <| op_dst1 := Some dst1 |>)))

        | Assembly.OpNearCall (Reg arg) (Imm dest) (Imm handler) ⇒
            Some ({|
                  op_code := opcode_of ins;
                  op_predicate := pred;
                  op_src0 := Some arg;
                  op_src1 := None;
                  op_dst0 := None;
                  op_dst1 := None;
                  op_imm0 := Some dest;
                  op_imm1 := Some handler;
        | Assembly.OpNearRetTo (Imm dest)
        | Assembly.OpNearPanicTo (Imm dest)
        | Assembly.OpNearRevertTo (Imm dest) ⇒ Some (template <| op_imm0 := Some dest |>)
        | Assembly.OpRet (Reg args)
        | Assembly.OpRevert (Reg args) ⇒ Some (template <| op_src0 := Some args |>)

        | Assembly.OpSStore (Reg src0) (Reg src1)
        | Assembly.OpEvent (Reg src0) (Reg src1) _
         | Assembly.OpTransientStore (Reg src0) (Reg src1)
        | Assembly.OpToL1Message (Reg src0) (Reg src1) _
            Some (template <| op_src0 := Some src0 |> <| op_src1 := Some src1 |>)
        | Assembly.OpSLoad (Reg src0) (Reg dst0)
        | Assembly.OpTransientLoad (Reg src0) (Reg dst0) ⇒
            Some (template <| op_src0 := Some src0 |> <| op_dst0:= Some dst0|>)

        | Assembly.OpContractThis (Reg dst0)
        | Assembly.OpContractCaller (Reg dst0)
        | Assembly.OpContractCodeAddress (Reg dst0)
        | Assembly.OpVMMeta (Reg dst0)
        | Assembly.OpVMErgsLeft (Reg dst0)
        | Assembly.OpVMSP (Reg dst0)
        | Assembly.OpGetCapturedContext (Reg dst0) ⇒
            Some (template <| op_dst0:= Some dst0|>)

        | Assembly.OpPrecompileCall (Reg src0) (Reg src1) (Reg dst0) ⇒
            Some (template <| op_dst0:= Some dst0|>)

        | Assembly.OpFarCall (Reg params) (Reg dest) (Imm handler) _ _
        | Assembly.OpMimicCall (Reg params) (Reg dest) (Imm handler) _ _
        | Assembly.OpDelegateCall (Reg params) (Reg dest) (Imm handler) _ _
            Some (template
                    <| op_src0 := Some params |>
                                    <| op_src1 := Some dest |>
                                                    <| op_imm0 := Some handler |> )

        | Assembly.OpLoad ptr (Reg res) _
        | Assembly.OpStaticRead ptr (Reg res) ⇒
            Some (set_src0_special ptr (template <| op_dst0 := Some res|> ))

        | Assembly.OpStore ptr (Reg val) _
        | Assembly.OpStaticWrite ptr (Reg val) ⇒
            Some (set_src0_special ptr (template <| op_src1 := Some val|> ))

        | Assembly.OpLoadPointer (Reg name) (Reg res) ⇒
            Some (template <| op_src0 := Some name |> <| op_dst0 := Some res|> )
        | Assembly.OpLoadInc ptr (Reg res) _ (Reg inc_ptr) ⇒
            Some (set_src0_special ptr template <| op_dst0 := Some res|> <| op_dst1 := Some inc_ptr |> )
        | Assembly.OpStaticReadInc ptr (Reg res) (Reg inc_ptr) ⇒
            Some (set_src0_special ptr (template <| op_dst0 := Some res|> <| op_dst1 := Some inc_ptr |>))
        | Assembly.OpStoreInc ptr (Reg val) _ (Reg inc_ptr)
        | Assembly.OpStaticWriteInc ptr (Reg val) (Reg inc_ptr) ⇒
            Some (set_src0_special ptr (template <| op_src1 := Some val |> <| op_dst1 := Some inc_ptr |>))

        | Assembly.OpLoadPointerInc (Reg ptr) (Reg res) (Reg inc_ptr) ⇒
            Some (template <| op_src0 := Some ptr |> <| op_dst0 := Some res|> <| op_dst1 := Some inc_ptr |>)
        | Assembly.OpDecommit (Reg src0) (Reg src1) (Reg dst0) ⇒
            Some (template <| op_src0 := Some src0 |> <| op_src1 := Some src1 |> <| op_dst1 := Some dst0 |>)
        | Assembly.OpAuxMutating (Reg ptr) ⇒
            Some (template <| op_src0 := Some ptr |> )

  Definition mach_flatten (i:@mach_instruction (option GPR.reg_name) (option u16)) : @mach_instruction GPR.reg_name u16 :=
    let or_r0 := Option.default GPR.R0 in
    let or_zero := Option.default zero16 in
    match i with
    | mk_ins op_code op_predicate op_src0 op_src1 op_dst0 op_dst1 op_imm0 op_imm1
        mk_ins op_code op_predicate
          (or_r0 op_src0)
          (or_r0 op_src1)
          (or_r0 op_dst0)
          (or_r0 op_dst1)
          (or_zero op_imm0)
          (or_zero op_imm1)

  Definition asm_to_mach (asm_ins: predicated asm_instruction) : option mach_instruction :=
   option_map mach_flatten (asm_to_mach_opt asm_ins).

End AsmToMachConversion.

Library EraVM.Ergs

Require Common isa.Assembly TransientMemory.
Import Common Assembly TransientMemory ZArith.

Section Ergs.
Open Scope Z_scope.


Ergs is the resource spent on executing actions in EraVM.

The most common action consuming ergs is executing an instruction. Instructions have a fixed base_cost, failure to pay this cost results in panic.

In EraVM, the instructions are predicated. If an instruction is not executed because of mismatch between their predicate ins_cond with the current gs_flags, its base cost is still paid. Therefore, it is cheaper to jump over expensive instructions like OpFarCall than to predicate them so that they are not executed.

Additionally, actions like decommitting code for execution, accessing contract storage, or growing memory bounds, also cost ergs.

Internally, ergs are 32-bit unsigned numbers.

Definition ergs_bits := 32%nat.
Definition ergs := BITS ergs_bits.
Definition ergs_of : Z ergs := fromZ.

Ergs and callstack

Every frame in callstack, whether external or internal, keeps its associated ergs in the field cf_ergs_remaining. Spending ergs decreases this value cf_ergs_remaining.


Calling functions/contracts requires passing ergs to the new calling frame, so that the callee’s code would be able to operate and spend ergs (see e.g. step_nearcall).

For far calls, it is not possible to pass more than max_passable ergs (currently 63/64 of ergs available in current frame). For near calls, passing 0 ergs leads to passing all ergs in the current frame.


If a function returns without panic, the remaining ergs are returned to its parent frame i.e. added to the parent frame’s cf_ergs_remaining.

If a function panics, all its ergs are burned (see sem.Panic.step_panic). Panic does not burn ergs of parent frames.

The following return instructions lead to returning remaining ergs to the caller:

Actions consuming ergs

Each instruction has a fixed based cost that gets deducted before executing it (see base_cost).

Additionally, the following actions lead to spending ergs:

  1. Decommitting contract code. Performing far call to a contract which was not called during the construction of the current block costs ergs per each word of contract code. See Decommitter, FarCall.
  2. TODO Accessing storage
  3. Memory growth. Data pages holding heap variants are bounded, and only accesses to addresses within these bounds are free. Reading or writing to these pages outside bounds forces the memory growth with bound adjustment. The number of bytes by which the bounded area has grown has to be paid; see grow_and_pay.
  4. Passing messages to L1 by OpToL1Message.

Burning ergs

Burning ergs refers to a situation of panic, when the topmost callstack frame is destroyed with its allocated ergs. The general rule is: if some invariant of execution breaks, VM panics, burning all ergs in the current frame. This is a fail-fast behavior in case of irrecoverable errors. Some examples are:

  • using an integer value where pointer value is expected
  • executing kernel-only instruction in user mode
  • call stack overflow

Some situations that provoke panic are:

  • having not enough ergs to pay, e.g. for memory growth;
  • attempting to execute an instruction with an invalid encoding;
  • attempting to execute kernel-only instruction in user mode.

See section Panics for the full description.


The following definitions are used to derive the costs of instructions and other actions.

Definition VM_CYCLE_COST_IN_ERGS: Z := 4.
Definition LOG_DEMUXER_COST_IN_ERGS: Z := 1.

Definition L1_MESSAGE_MIN_COST_IN_ERGS: Z := 156250.


Definition KECCAK256_CIRCUIT_COST_IN_ERGS: Z := 40.
Definition SHA256_CIRCUIT_COST_IN_ERGS: Z := 7.

Definition MAX_TX_ERGS_LIMIT: Z := 80000000.

Definition VM_INITIAL_FRAME_ERGS: Z := unsigned_max 32.

Definition EVM_SIMULATOR_STIPEND: Z := 2^30.

Definition ERGS_PER_CIRCUIT: Z := 80000.

Definition INVALID_OPCODE_ERGS: Z := unsigned_max 32.


Definition STORAGE_READ_IO_PRICE: Z := 150.
Definition STORAGE_WRITE_IO_PRICE: Z := 250.
Definition EVENT_IO_PRICE: Z := 25.
Definition L1_MESSAGE_IO_PRICE: Z := 100.

Definition CALL_LIKE_ERGS_COST: Z := 20.



Definition INITIAL_FRAME_FORMAL_EH_LOCATION: Z := unsigned_max 16.



Definition L1_MESSAGE_PUBDATA_BYTES: Z := 1 + 1 + 2 + 20 + 32 + 32.

Definition MAX_PUBDATA_PER_BLOCK: Z := 110000.

Definition STORAGE_AUX_BYTE: u8 := fromZ 0.
Definition EVENT_AUX_BYTE: u8 := fromZ 1.
Definition L1_MESSAGE_AUX_BYTE: u8 := fromZ 2.
Definition PRECOMPILE_AUX_BYTE: u8 := fromZ 3.
Definition TRANSIENT_STORAGE_AUX_BYTE: u8 := fromZ 4.


Definition ADDRESS_UNRESTRICTED_SPACE: u64 := fromZ (2^16).

Definition ADDRESS_ECRECOVER: u16 := fromZ 0x0001.
Definition ADDRESS_SHA256: u16 := fromZ 0x0002.
Definition ADDRESS_RIPEMD160: u16 := fromZ 0x0003.
Definition ADDRESS_IDENTITY: u16 := fromZ 0x0004.

Definition ADDRESS_BOOTLOADER: u16 := fromZ 0x8001.
Definition ADDRESS_ACCOUNT_CODE_STORAGE: u16 := fromZ 0x8002.
Definition ADDRESS_NONCE_HOLDER: u16 := fromZ 0x8003.
Definition ADDRESS_KNOWN_CODES_STORAGE: u16 := fromZ 0x8004.
Definition ADDRESS_IMMUTABLE_SIMULATOR: u16 := fromZ 0x8005.
Definition ADDRESS_CONTRACT_DEPLOYER: u16 := fromZ 0x8006.
Definition ADDRESS_FORCE_DEPLOYER: u16 := fromZ 0x8007.
Definition ADDRESS_L1_MESSENGER: u16 := fromZ 0x8008.
Definition ADDRESS_MSG_VALUE: u16 := fromZ 0x8009.
Definition ADDRESS_ETH_TOKEN: u16 := fromZ 0x800A.
Definition ADDRESS_SYSTEM_CONTEXT: u16 := fromZ 0x800B.
Definition ADDRESS_BOOTLOADER_UTILITIES: u16 := fromZ 0x800C.
Definition ADDRESS_EVENT_WRITER: u16 := fromZ 0x800D.
Definition ADDRESS_KECCAK256: u16 := fromZ 0x8010.

Definition BOOTLOADER_MAX_MEMORY: Z := unsigned_max 32.

Definition NEW_FRAME_MEMORY_STIPEND: Z := 2^12.









Definition growth_cost (diff:mem_address) : ergs := diff.
End Ergs.

Section Costs.
  Open Scope Z_scope.


Basic costs of all instructions. They are paid when the instruction starts executing; see Semantics.step.

Instructions may also impose additional costs e.g. far returns and far calls may grow heap; far calls also may induce code decommitment_cost.

  Definition base_cost (ins:asm_instruction) :=
    (match ins with
     | OpNoOp | OpSpAdd _ _ | OpSpSub _ _RICH_ADDRESSING_OPCODE_ERGS


     | OpFarCall _ _ _ _ _
     | OpDelegateCall _ _ _ _ _
     | OpMimicCall _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ 2 × VM_CYCLE_COST_IN_ERGS
                               + RAM_PERMUTATION_COST_IN_ERGS
                               + STORAGE_READ_IO_PRICE
                               + CALL_LIKE_ERGS_COST
                               + STORAGE_SORTER_COST_IN_ERGS
                               + CODE_DECOMMITMENT_SORTER_COST_IN_ERGS

     | OpNearRetTo _ | OpNearRevertTo _ | OpNearPanicTo _
     | OpRet _ | OpRevert _
     | OpPanic
     | OpPtrAdd _ _ _ _
     | OpPtrSub _ _ _ _
     | OpPtrShrink _ _ _ _
       OpStore _ _ _
     | OpStoreInc _ _ _ _
     | OpStaticWrite _ _
     | OpStaticWriteInc _ _ _

     | OpLoad _ _ _
     | OpLoadInc _ _ _ _
     | OpLoadPointer _ _
     | OpLoadPointerInc _ _ _
     | OpStaticRead _ _
     | OpStaticReadInc _ _ _

     | OpContractThis _
     | OpContractCaller _
     | OpContractCodeAddress _
     | OpVMMeta _
     | OpVMErgsLeft _
     | OpVMSP _
     | OpGetCapturedContext _
     | OpSetContextReg _
     | OpAuxMutating _
     | OpIncrementTxNumber

                    + RAM_PERMUTATION_COST_IN_ERGS
                    + LOG_DEMUXER_COST_IN_ERGS
                    + STORAGE_SORTER_COST_IN_ERGS
                    + STORAGE_ACCESS_COLD_READ_COST
     | OpSStore _ _VM_CYCLE_COST_IN_ERGS
                    + RAM_PERMUTATION_COST_IN_ERGS
                    + 2 × LOG_DEMUXER_COST_IN_ERGS
                    + 2 × STORAGE_SORTER_COST_IN_ERGS
                    + STORAGE_ACCESS_COLD_WRITE_COST

     | OpToL1Message _ _ _L1_MESSAGE_IO_PRICE
                    + VM_CYCLE_COST_IN_ERGS
                    + RAM_PERMUTATION_COST_IN_ERGS
                    + 2 × LOG_DEMUXER_COST_IN_ERGS
                    + 2 × EVENTS_OR_L1_MESSAGES_SORTER_COST_IN_ERGS
     | OpEvent _ _ _EVENT_IO_PRICE
                    + VM_CYCLE_COST_IN_ERGS
                    + RAM_PERMUTATION_COST_IN_ERGS
                    + 2 × LOG_DEMUXER_COST_IN_ERGS
                    + 2 × EVENTS_OR_L1_MESSAGES_SORTER_COST_IN_ERGS

     | OpPrecompileCall _ _ _
     | OpDecommit _ _ _
     | OpTransientLoad _ _
     | OpTransientStore _ _

Implementation note: Coq allows partially evaluating base_cost to get the absolute erg costs for each instruction:

Compute base_costs.

Current costs are:

| Invalid => 4294967295
| NearCall => 25
| FarCall
| MimicCall
| DelegateCall => 182
| NearRet
| NearRetTo
| FarRet
| NearRevert
| NearRevertTo
| FarRevert
| NearPanicTo
| Panic
| ContractThis
| ContractCaller
| ContractCodeAddress
| VMMeta
| VMErgsLeft
| VMSp
| GetCapturedContext
| SetContextReg
| IncrementTxNumber
| AuxMutating => 5
| SLoad => 2008
| SStore => 5511
| Event => 34
| ToL1Message => 109
| TransientWrite => 11
| TransientRead => 8
| Load
| LoadInc
| LoadPointer
| LoadPointerInc
| StaticRead
| StaticReadInc => 7
| Store
| StoreInc
| StaticWrite
| StaticWriteInc => 13
| <otherwise> => 6

End Costs.

Library EraVM.KernelMode

Require isa.CoreSet memory.Depot.

Import CoreSet TransientMemory memory.Depot.

Section KernelMode.
  Import ZArith Arith spec.
  Open Scope Z_scope.
  Open Scope ZMod_scope.

  Context {descr: CoreSet.descr}.

Kernel Mode

EraVM operates either in kernel or in user mode. Some instructions (see requires_kernel are only allowed in kernel mode; executing them in user mode results in panic.

Current mode is determined by the address of the currently executed contract C:

  Definition KERNEL_MODE_MAXADDR_LIMIT : contract_address := fromZ (2^16).

  Definition addr_is_kernel (addr:contract_address) : bool :=

Current contract’s address can be obtained from the active external frame in callstack. Topmost external frame (active frame) is obtained through active_extframe, it contains the current contract’s address in its field ecf_this_address.

The list of instructions requiring kernel mode is encoded by the definition requires_kernel. If requires_kernel ins == true, the instruction ins is only allowed in kernel mode.

  Definition requires_kernel (ins: @instruction descr) : bool :=
    match ins with
    | OpMimicCall _ _ _ _ _
    | OpSetContextReg _
    | OpAuxMutating _
    | OpIncrementTxNumber
    | OpEvent _ _ _
    | OpToL1Message _ _ _
    | OpPrecompileCall _ _ _
    | OpDecommit _ _ _
    | OpStaticRead _ _
    | OpStaticWrite _ _
      ⇒ true
    | _false

Function check_requires_kernel returns false if:

  • an instruction ins requires kernel mode, and
  • VM is not in kernel mode, as indicated by in_kernel.

  Definition check_requires_kernel
    (ins: @instruction descr)
    (in_kernel: bool) : bool :=
    (negb in_kernel) || in_kernel.

End KernelMode.

Library EraVM.StaticMode

Static mode

Static mode is a mode of execution.

Intuitively, executing code in static mode aims at limiting its effects on the global state, similar to executing pure functions.

If VM is in static mode, attempting to execute instructions affecting global system state results in panic with reason ForbiddenInStaticMode. Refer to forbidden_static for a full list of instructions forbidden in static mode.

Current mode is determined by the flag ecf_is_static in the active_extframe in gs_callstack.

Entering static mode

To execute the code of a contract in static mode, use one of far call instructions with a static modifier, for example:

OpFarCall (Reg R1) (Reg R2) (Imm zero16) true false
                                         ^ is_static

The same applies to OpMimicCall and OpDelegateCall.

Exiting static mode

If VM executes a contract C in static mode, the mode will persist until the end of execution of C. If C calls itself or other contracts, these calls will be automatically marked as static, even if the far call instruction was not explicit about it.

There is no other way to exit the static mode.


Static mode is unrelated and orthogonal to kernel mode.

Executing a contract C in static mode restricts the changes to the state produced by C or any other code that it might call.

Static calls are guaranteed to preserve the state of storage, will not emit events, or modify the gs_context_u128 register.

Function forbidden_static returns true if instruction ins is forbidden in static mode.

  Context (forbidden := true) (allowed := false) {descr:descr}.
  Definition forbidden_static (ins:@instruction descr) : bool :=
    match ins with
    | OpSetContextReg _
    | OpIncrementTxNumber
    | OpSStore _ _
    | OpTransientStore _ _
    | OpEvent _ _ _
    | OpToL1Message _ _ _
    | OpAuxMutating _
      ⇒ forbidden
    | _allowed

Function check_forbidden_static returns false if:

  • an instruction ins is not allowed in static mode, and
  • the current mode is static, as indicated by static_mode_active.

  Definition check_forbidden_static
    (ins: instruction)
    (static_mode_active: bool) : bool :=
    if static_mode_active
    then negb (forbidden_static ins)
    else true.

End StaticMode.

Library EraVM.Steps

From RecordUpdate Require Import RecordSet.


A type of a small step relation, in style of structural operational semantics.

Relations step_transient_only and step_transient define the type of small steps only affecting gs_transient part.

Inductive step_transient_only (xs1 xs2:transient_state) : smallstep :=
| stransient_oapply:
    step_transient_only xs1 xs2 {|
                          gs_transient := xs1;
                          gs_global := gs;
                          gs_transient := xs2;
                          gs_global := gs;

Inductive step_transient (S: transient_state transient_state Prop) : smallstep :=
| stransient_apply:
   xs1 xs2 s1 s2 ,
    S xs1 xs2
    step_transient_only xs1 xs2 s1 s2
    step_transient S s1 s2.

Relations tstep_flags and step_transient_callstack help defining smallstep relations where only flags or callstack are changing.

Relations step_transient_callstack and help defining smallstep relations where only callstack is changing.

Inductive step_transient_callstack (S: callstack callstack Prop) : transient_state transient_state Prop :=
| scs_apply:
   flags regs pages ctx cs1 cs2 xs1 xs2 status,
    S cs1 cs2
    xs1 = {|
            gs_callstack := cs1;

            gs_flags := flags;
            gs_regs := regs;
            gs_pages := pages;
            gs_context_u128 := ctx;
            gs_status := status;
    xs2 = {|
            gs_callstack := cs2;

            gs_flags := flags;
            gs_regs := regs;
            gs_pages := pages;
            gs_context_u128 := ctx;
            gs_status := status;

    step_transient_callstack S xs1 xs2.

Inductive step_callstack (S: callstack callstack Prop) : smallstep :=
| sc_apply: xs1 xs2 s1 s2,
    step_transient_callstack S xs1 xs2
    step_transient_only xs1 xs2 s1 s2
    step_callstack S s1 s2.

Library EraVM.Semantics

From RecordUpdate Require Import RecordSet.
Require VMPanic StaticMode isa.AssemblyToCore sem.SemanticCommon.

Section VMParameters.
  Local Open Scope ZMod_scope.

  Definition VM_INITIAL_FRAME_ERGS: nat := Z.to_nat (unsigned_max ergs_bits).
End VMParameters.

Section SmallStep.
  Local Open Scope ZMod_scope.

  Context (ins := @instruction bound).

  Definition update_pc_regular : callstack callstack :=
    pc_map (fun xuadd_wrap x # 1).

Every instruction is either executed, skipped, or triggers panic instantly. Panic can also be triggered later during the execution.

  Inductive action: Type := Execute | | Panic : reason action.

After the instruction is selected, panic is immediately triggered:

  • on call stack overflow;
  • if the base_cost of instruction is unaffordable;
  • if the instruction is not allowed in user mode, and VM is in user mode;
  • if the instruction is not allowed in static mode, and VM is in static mode.

  Definition chose_action (s:transient_state) (i:@predicated asm_instruction) : action :=
    if stack_overflow VM_MAX_STACK_DEPTH (gs_callstack s) then
      Panic CallStackOverflow
      if negb (check_requires_kernel i.(ins_spec _) (in_kernel_mode (gs_callstack s))) then
        Panic NotInKernelMode
        if negb (check_forbidden_static i.(ins_spec _) (active_extframe (gs_callstack s)).(ecf_is_static)) then
          Panic ForbiddenInStaticMode
          if ergs_of (base_cost i.(ins_spec _)) > ergs_remaining (gs_callstack s) then
            Panic NotEnoughErgsToPayBaseCost
            if negb (predicate_holds i.(ins_cond _) (gs_flags s)) then
            else Execute.

The definition smallsteps gathers the references to all the small step predicates for various asm_instructions.

  Definition smallsteps : list (@instruction bound smallstep) :=
                                        step_nop ;
  fun istep_transient (tstep_flags step_add i);
  fun istep_transient (tstep_flags step_sub i);
  fun istep_transient (tstep_flags step_and i);
  fun istep_transient (tstep_flags step_mul i);
  fun istep_transient (tstep_flags step_div i);
  fun istep_transient ( step_farret i);
                                        step_farrevert ;
                                        step_farcall ;

  fun istep_transient ( step_load i);
  fun istep_transient ( step_load_inc i);
  fun istep_transient ( step_load_ptr i);
  fun istep_transient ( step_load_ptr_inc i);
  fun istep_transient ( step_static_read i);
  fun istep_transient ( step_static_read_inc i);
  fun istep_transient (tstep_flags step_mul i);
  fun istep_callstack ( step_sp_add i);
  fun istep_callstack ( step_sp_sub i);
                                        step_nearcall ;
                                        step_panicto ;
  fun istep_transient ( step_nearret i);
  fun istep_transient ( step_nearretto i);
                                        step_nearrevert ;
                                        step_nearrevertto ;
                                        step_event ;
  fun istep_transient (tstep_flags step_or i);
                                        step_oppanic ;
                                        step_precompile ;
                                        step_ptradd ;
                                        step_ptrsub ;
                                        step_ptrshrink ;
                                        step_ptrpack ;
  fun istep_transient (tstep_flags step_rol i);
  fun istep_transient (tstep_flags step_ror i);
                                        step_sload ;
                                        step_sstore ;
                                        step_tload ;
                                        step_tstore ;
  fun istep_transient (tstep_flags step_shl i);
  fun istep_transient (tstep_flags step_shr i);
  fun istep_transient ( step_store i);
  fun istep_transient ( step_storeinc i);
  fun istep_transient ( step_static_write i);
  fun istep_transient ( step_static_write_inc i);
                                        step_tol1 ;
  fun istep_transient (tstep_flags step_xor i);


  Inductive dispatch: @instruction bound smallstep :=
  | dispatch_apply: s1 s2 ins S,
      In S smallsteps
      S ins s1 s2
      dispatch ins s1 s2.

  Generalizable Variables cs.

  Inductive execute_action: action @instruction decoded smallstep :=
  | ea_execute:
    `( instr gs instr_bound new_s xs0 xs1,
          cs0 = gs_callstack xs0

          cs1 = update_pc_regular cs0
          pay (ergs_of (base_cost instr)) cs1 cs2
          bind_operands (xs0 <| gs_callstack := cs2 |>) xs1 instr instr_bound
          let s1 := mk_state xs1 gs in
          dispatch instr_bound s1 new_s
          execute_action Execute instr (mk_state xs0 gs) new_s
  | ea_skip:
    `( instr gs xs0 xs1,
          cs0 = gs_callstack xs0

          cs1 = update_pc_regular cs0
          pay (ergs_of (base_cost instr)) cs1 cs2
          let new_s := mk_state xs1 gs in
          execute_action Skip instr (mk_state xs0 gs) new_s
  | ea_panic:
     reason s new_s instr,
      step_panic reason s new_s
      execute_action (Panic reason) instr s new_s

  Generalizable No Variables.

  Definition fetch_predicated_instruction (s: transient_state) ins :=
    @fetch_instr _ instruction_invalid _ (gs_regs s) (gs_callstack s) (gs_pages s)
      (@FetchIns (predicated asm_instruction) ins).

step is the main predicate defining a VM transition in a small step structural operational style.

  Inductive step: smallstep :=
  | step_correct:
     (s new_s : state) cond
      (ins_bound:@instruction bound),

      fetch_predicated_instruction s (Ins _ instr cond)
      execute_action (chose_action s (Ins _ instr cond)) instr s new_s
      step s new_s.
End SmallStep.

Library EraVM.VMPanic

Require Common isa.CoreSet.
Import Common isa.CoreSet.

Section Panics.


Panic refers to a situation of irrecoverable error. It can occur for one of the following reasons:

  • There are not enough ergs to execute an action.
  • Executing an instruction requiring kernel mode in user mode.
  • Executing an instruction mutating global state in static mode.
  • Violation of one of VM inner invariants.
  • Overflow of callstack.
  • Attempt to execute an invalid instruction.
  • Providing an integer value (with the tag cleared) instead of a pointer value (with the tag set) to an instruction that expects a tagged fat pointer value, e.g. OpPtrAdd.

Complete list of panic reasons

The type reason describes all situations where EraVM panics.

Note this is an exhaustive list! If there is a panic situation which does not match to any condition described by reason, please, report it to Igor

  Inductive reason :=

  | FatPointerOverflow

  | NotInKernelMode

  | CallStackOverflow

  | ExpectedFatPointer

  | ExpectedInteger
  • Not enough ergs to pay for growing heap beyound the current bound.

  | HeapPtrIncOverflow
  • Incrementing a fat pointer by executing OpLoadPtrInc results in overflow.

  | FatPtrIncOverflow
  • Instructions e.g. OpLoad expect a heap pointer with a is_ptr tag reset, not a fat pointer with a set tag.
  • Not enough ergs to pay base_cost of instruction. Reminder: the cost is paid even if instruction is skipped by predication.
  • Far call expects to return an existing fat_ptr but the provided value is not tagged as pointer.
  • In a far call, not enough ergs to pay for code decommitment.
  • In a far call, attempt to return a new fat_ptr but it requires growing heap and there are not enough ergs to pay for this growth.
  • Trying to far call a contract whose code is not yet deployed.

  | StorageWriteUnaffordable

  Inductive status :=
  | NoPanic
  | Panic : reason status

End Panics.

Library EraVM.sem.SemanticCommon

From RecordUpdate Require Import RecordSet.


Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssreflect.tuple.

Export Steps Binding VMPanic StepPanic.

Section Params.
  Open Scope ZMod_scope.
  Definition MAX_OFFSET_TO_DEREF_LOW_U32: u32 := fromZ (2^32 - 33)%Z.
  Definition MAX_OFFSET_FOR_ADD_SUB: u256 := fromZ (2^32)%Z.
End Params.

Section Depot.
  Definition is_rollup (xstack: callstack) : bool := zero8 == current_shard xstack.
  Definition net_pubdata cs : Z := if is_rollup cs then INITIAL_STORAGE_WRITE_PUBDATA_BYTES else 0%Z.

End Depot.

Definition current_storage_fqa (xstack:callstack) : fqa_storage :=
  mk_fqa_storage (current_shard xstack) (current_contract xstack).

(* FIXME *)
Local Open Scope ZMod_scope.
Definition bitwise_flags (result: Core.word) : Flags.flags_state := Flags.bflags false (result == zero256) false.

Definition topmost_128_bits_match (x y : Core.word) : Prop := @high 128 128 x = @high 128 128 y.

Library EraVM.sem.Nop


Abstract Syntax





Do nothing.


Do nothing.

Affected parts of the state

  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction


  Inductive step_nop: @instruction bound smallstep :=
  | step_NoOp:
     s, step_nop OpNoOp s s

End NoOpDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.SpAdd


Abstract Syntax

OpSpAdd (in1: in_reg) (in2: imm_in)


  • incsp reg+imm
  • incsp reg
  • incsp imm

Legacy syntax

nop stack+=[reg+imm]


Add (reg + imm) to SP.


\mathit{SP_{new} := SP + (reg + imm)}, but only if there was no overflow.

Affected parts of the state

  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction


  • Adjusting SP e.g. reserving space on stack.

Library EraVM.sem.SpSub


Abstract Syntax

OpSpSub (in1: in_reg) (in2: imm_in)


  • decsp reg+imm
  • decsp reg
  • decsp imm

Legacy syntax

nop stack-=[reg+imm]


Subtract (reg + imm) from SP.


\mathit{SP_{new} := SP - (reg + imm)}, but only if there was no overflow.

Affected parts of the state

  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction


  • Adjusting SP e.g. deallocating space on stack.

Library EraVM.sem.Jump

From RecordUpdate Require Import RecordSet.

Require SemanticCommon.

Import Addressing Bool Core Common Predication GPR CallStack TransientMemory MemoryOps isa.CoreSet State
  PrimitiveValue SemanticCommon RecordSetNotations.

Section JumpDefinition.

Inductive step_jump_aux: @instruction bound callstack callstack Prop :=


Abstract Syntax

OpJump (in1: in_any) (out1: out_reg)


  • jump in1, out1

  • jump in1, alias for jump in1, r0

Legacy syntax

  • jmp destination, ret_addr
  • jmp destination, alias for jmp destination, r0


Unconditional jump (becomes conditional through predication).

Note: Argument destination uses the full addressing mode in_any, therefore can be immediate 16-bit value, register, a register value with an offset, and so on.

Note: in future (past VM 1.5) the output operand may gain full addressing mode, i.e. its type will be out_any.


  • Fetch a new address from operand destination.
  • Save the old PC (return address) to return_address. This happens after PC’s increment, so this value equals is the addrees
  • Assign to current PC the fetched value truncated to code_address_bits bits.

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, because out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
    • SP, if in1 uses RelSpPop addressing mode, or if out1 uses RelSpPush addressing mode.


  • Unconditional jumps

  • In EraVM, all instructions are predicated (see Predication.cond), therefore in conjunction with a required condition type OpJump implements a conditional jump instruction.

  • Currently, the compiler may emit jumps rather than OpNearCall/OpRet and similar instructions when possible. It is cheaper, and most functions do not require to install a non-default cf_exception_handler_location, nor passing less than all available ergs.

  • Can be used to implement cheap calling convention by playing both the role of call-like and ret-like instruction.

Library EraVM.sem.Add

Require SemanticCommon.

Import Bool Common Flags CoreSet TransientMemory Modifiers State PrimitiveValue SemanticCommon.
Import ssreflect.tuple ssreflect.eqtype.

Section AddDefinition.
  Open Scope ZMod_scope.

  Generalizable Variables op tag.
  Inductive step_add: instruction flags_tsmallstep :=


Abstract Syntax

OpAdd (in1: in_any) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_any) (sf: mod_set_flags)


  • add in1, in2, out1

  • add! in1, in2, out1 to set mod_set_flags modifier


Unsigned overflowing addition of two numbers modulo 2^{256}.


  • result is computed by unsigned addition of two numbers with overflow modulo 2^{256}.

    result := op_1 + op_2 \mod 2^{256}

  • flags are computed as follows:

    • LT_OF is set if overflow occurs, i.e. op_1 + op_2 \geq 2^{256}
    • EQ is set if result = 0.
    • GT is set if both LT_OF and EQ are cleared.

Reminder: flags are affected only if mod_set_flags is set.

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, if out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
    • SP, if in1 uses RelSpPop addressing mode, or if out1 uses RelSpPush addressing mode.
  • Current stack memory page, if out resolves to it.
  • Flags, if set_flags modifier is set.


  • Arithmetic operations.
  • There is no dedicated mov instruction, so add is used to copy values around. Copying A to B is implemented as add A, r0, B.

Flags are computed exactly as in sub, but the meaning of overflow is different for addition and subtraction.

  | step_Add:
     mod_sf old_flags new_flags result new_OF,
          (new_OF, result) = op1 + op2
          let new_EQ := result == zero256 in
          let new_GT := negb new_EQ && negb new_OF in

          new_flags = apply_set_flags mod_sf
                        (bflags new_OF new_EQ new_GT)

          step_add (OpAdd (mk_pv tag1 op1) (mk_pv tag2 op2) (IntValue result) mod_sf) old_flags new_flags)
  Generalizable No Variables.

End AddDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.Sub

Require SemanticCommon.

Import Bool Common Flags CoreSet TransientMemory Modifiers State
  PrimitiveValue SemanticCommon.
Import ssreflect.tuple ssreflect.eqtype.

Section SubDefinition.
  Open Scope ZMod_scope.

  Generalizable Variables op tag.

  Inductive step_sub: instruction flags_tsmallstep :=



Abstract Syntax

OpSub (in1: in_any) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_any) (swap: mod_swap) (sf: mod_set_flags)



Unsigned overflowing subtraction of two numbers modulo 2^{256}.


Note: In the following description the operands are bound after taking mod_swap modifier into account.

  • result is computed by unsigned subtraction of two numbers with overflow modulo 2^{256}.

    result := \begin{cases}op_1 - op_2 & , \text{if}\ op_1 \geq op_2\\ 2^{256} - (op_2 - op_1) &, \text{if}\ op_1 \lt op_2\end{cases}

  • flags are computed as follows:

    • LT_OF is set if overflow occurs, i.e. op_1 \lt op_2
    • EQ is set if result = 0.
    • GT is set if both LT_OF and EQ are cleared.

Reminder: flags are affected only if mod_set_flags is set.

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, if out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
    • SP, if in1 uses RelSpPop addressing mode, or if out1 uses RelSpPush addressing mode.
  • Current stack memory page, if out resolves to it.
  • Flags, if set_flags modifier is set.


  • Arithmetic operations.

Flags are computed exactly as in add, but the meaning of overflow is different for addition and subtraction.

  | step_Sub:
     mod_sf old_flags new_flags,
          let (new_OF, result) := op1 - op2 in
          let new_EQ := result == zero256 in
          let new_GT := negb new_EQ && negb new_OF in

          new_flags = apply_set_flags mod_sf
                        (bflags new_OF new_EQ new_GT)

          step_sub (OpSub (mk_pv tag1 op1) (mk_pv tag2 op2) (IntValue result) mod_sf) old_flags new_flags)
  Generalizable No Variables.
End SubDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.Mul

Require sem.SemanticCommon.

Import Bool Core Modifiers Common Flags isa.CoreSet CallStack TransientMemory MemoryOps State
  ZArith PrimitiveValue SemanticCommon List ListNotations.

Import ssreflect.eqtype ssreflect.tuple.

Section MulDefinition.
  Open Scope ZMod_scope.

  Generalizable Variables tag.

  Inductive step_mul: instruction flags_tsmallstep :=


Abstract Syntax

OpMul (in1: in_any) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_any) (out2: out_reg) (sf: mod_set_flags)


  • mul in1, in2, out1, out2

  • mul! in1, in2, out1, out2 to set mod_set_flags modifier


Unsigned multiplication of two numbers modulo 2^{512}; the high and low 256 bits of the result are returned in two separate operands.


  1. Compute result by unsigned multiplication of in1 by in2.

    \begin{cases}result_{high} := \frac{ op_1 \times op_2}{2^{256}}\\ result_{low} := op_1 \times op_2 \mod 2^{256} \end{cases}

  2. Flags are computed as follows:

    • LT_OF is set if overflow occurs, i.e. op_1 \times op_2 \geq 2^{256}
    • EQ is set if result_{low} = 0.
    • GT is set if LT_OF and EQ are cleared.

Reminder: flags are affected only if mod_set_flags is set.

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, if out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
    • SP, if in1 uses RelSpPop addressing mode, or if out1 uses RelSpPush addressing mode.
  • Current stack memory page, if out resolves to it.
  • Flags, if set_flags modifier is set.


  • Arithmetic operations.

  | step_Mul:
     mod_sf old_flags new_flags high low high256 low256 op1 op2,
          high256 = high 256 (op1×op2)
          low256 = low 256 (op1×op2)

          let new_EQ := low256 == zero256 in
          let new_OF := high256 != zero256 in
          let new_GT := negb new_EQ && negb new_OF in

          new_flags = apply_set_flags mod_sf old_flags
                        (bflags new_OF new_EQ new_GT)

          step_mul (OpMul (mk_pv tag1 op1) (mk_pv tag2 op2) (IntValue low256) (IntValue high256) mod_sf) old_flags new_flags
  Generalizable No Variables.
End MulDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.Div


Abstract Syntax

OpDiv (in1: in_any) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_any) (out2: out_reg) (swap: mod_swap) (sf: mod_set_flags)


  • div in1, in2, out1, out2

  • div! in1, in2, out1, out2 to set mod_set_flags modifier

  • div.s in1, in2, out1, out2 to set mod_swap modifier

  • div.s! in1, in2, out1, out2 to set both mod_set_flags and mod_swap modifier


Unsigned division of in1 by in2. The quotient is returned in out1, the remainder is returned in out2.


Note: In the following description the operands are bound after taking mod_swap modifier into account.

  • If in2 \neq 0: \begin{cases}out_1 := \frac{ op_1}{op_2} \\ out_{2} := \text{rem } op_1 \ op_2 \end{cases}

    Flags are computed as follows:

    • LT_OF is cleared;
    • EQ is set if the quotient is zero;
    • GT is set if the reminder is zero.
  • If in2 = 0: \begin{cases}out_1 := 0 \\ out_{2} := 0 \end{cases}

    Flags are computed as follows:

    • LT_OF is set.
    • EQ is set if result_{low} = 0.
    • GT is set if LT_OF and EQ are cleared.

Reminder: flags are affected only if mod_set_flags is set.

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, if out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
    • SP, if in1 uses RelSpPop addressing mode, or if out1 uses RelSpPush addressing mode.
  • Current stack memory page, if out resolves to it.
  • Flags, if set_flags modifier is set.


  • Arithmetic operations.

  | step_Div_no_overflow:
    `( mod_sf old_flags new_flags w_quot w_rem quot rem (x y:Z) op1 op2,
          x = toZ op1
          y = toZ op2
          y 0
          quot = Z.div x y
          rem = Z.rem x y
          w_quot = u256_of quot
          w_rem = u256_of rem

          let new_EQ := quot =? 0 in
          let new_GT := rem =? 0 in
          new_flags = apply_set_flags mod_sf
                        (bflags false new_EQ new_GT)

          step_div (OpDiv (mk_pv tag1 op1) (mk_pv tag2 op2) (IntValue w_quot) (IntValue w_rem) mod_sf) old_flags new_flags)
  | step_Div_overflow:
     mod_sf old_flags new_flags (x y:Z) op1 op2,
          x = toZ op1
          y = toZ op2
          new_flags = apply_set_flags mod_sf old_flags (bflags true false false)

          step_div (OpDiv (mk_pv tag1 op1) (mk_pv tag2 op2) (IntValue zero256) (IntValue zero256) mod_sf) old_flags new_flags
End DivDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.And

Require SemanticCommon.

Import Common CoreSet Modifiers SemanticCommon PrimitiveValue.

Section AndDefinition.
  Open Scope ZMod_scope.

  Generalizable Variables op tag.

  Inductive step_and: instruction flags_tsmallstep :=


Abstract Syntax

OpAnd (in1: in_any) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_any) (sf: mod_set_flags)


  • and in1, in2, out1

  • and! in1, in2, out1 to set mod_set_flags modifier


Bitwise AND of two 256-bit numbers.


  • result is computed as a bitwise AND of two operands.
  • flags are computed as follows:
    • EQ is set if result = 0.
    • OF_LT and GT are cleared

Reminder: flags are affected only if mod_set_flags is set.

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, if out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
    • SP, if in1 uses RelSpPop addressing mode, or if out1 uses RelSpPush addressing mode.
  • Current stack memory page, if out resolves to it.
  • Flags, if set_flags modifier is set.


  • Operations with bit masks.

  | step_And:
     mod_sf old_flags new_flags result,
          result = bitwise_and op1 op2
          new_flags = apply_set_flags mod_sf
                        (bitwise_flags result)

          step_and (OpAnd (mk_pv tag1 op1) (mk_pv tag2 op2) (IntValue result) mod_sf) old_flags new_flags)
  Generalizable No Variables.
End AndDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.Or

Require SemanticCommon.

Import Common CoreSet Modifiers SemanticCommon PrimitiveValue.

Section OrDefinition.
  Open Scope ZMod_scope.

  Generalizable Variables op tag.

  Inductive step_or: instruction flags_tsmallstep :=


Abstract Syntax

OpOr (in1: in_any) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_any) (sf: mod_set_flags)


  • or in1, in2, out1

  • or! in1, in2, out1 to set mod_set_flags modifier


Bitwise OR of two 256-bit numbers.


  • result is computed as a bitwise OR of two operands.
  • flags are computed as follows:
    • EQ is set if result = 0.
    • OF_LT and GT are cleared

Reminder: flags are affected only if mod_set_flags is set.

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, if out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
    • SP, if in1 uses RelSpPop addressing mode, or if out1 uses RelSpPush addressing mode.
  • Current stack memory page, if out resolves to it.
  • Flags, if set_flags modifier is set.


  • Operations with bit masks.

  | step_Or:
     mod_sf old_flags new_flags result,
          result = bitwise_or op1 op2
          new_flags = apply_set_flags mod_sf
                        (bitwise_flags result)

          step_or (OpOr (mk_pv tag1 op1) (mk_pv tag2 op2) (IntValue result) mod_sf) old_flags new_flags)

  Generalizable No Variables.
End OrDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.Xor

Require SemanticCommon.

Import Common CoreSet Modifiers SemanticCommon PrimitiveValue.

Section XorDefinition.
  Open Scope ZMod_scope.

  Generalizable Variables op tag.

  Inductive step_xor: instruction flags_tsmallstep :=


Abstract Syntax

OpXor (in1: in_any) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_any) (sf: mod_set_flags)


  • xor in1, in2, out1

  • xor! in1, in2, out1 to set mod_set_flags modifier


Bitwise XOR of two 256-bit numbers.


  • result is computed as a bitwise XOR of two operands.
  • flags are computed as follows:
    • EQ is set if result = 0.
    • OF_LT and GT are cleared

Reminder: flags are affected only if mod_set_flags is set.

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, if out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
    • SP, if in1 uses RelSpPop addressing mode, or if out1 uses RelSpPush addressing mode.
  • Current stack memory page, if out resolves to it.
  • Flags, if set_flags modifier is set.


  • Operations with bit masks.

  | step_Xor:
     mod_sf old_flags new_flags result,
          result = bitwise_xor op1 op2
          new_flags = apply_set_flags mod_sf
                        (bitwise_flags result)

          step_xor (OpXor (mk_pv tag1 op1) (mk_pv tag2 op2) (IntValue result) mod_sf) old_flags new_flags)

End XorDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.Shl

Require sem.SemanticCommon.
Import Arith Core isa.CoreSet PrimitiveValue SemanticCommon spec.

Section ShlDefinition.
  Open Scope ZMod_scope.
  Generalizable Variables tag.
  Import operations operations.BitsNotations.
  Inductive step_shl: instruction flags_tsmallstep :=


Abstract Syntax

OpShl (in1: in_any) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_any) (swap: mod_swap) (sf: mod_set_flags)



Bitwise SHL of two 256-bit numbers.


Note: In the following description the operands are bound after taking mod_swap modifier into account.

  • result = in1 << (in2 mod 256)
  • flags are computed as follows:
    • EQ is set if result = 0.
    • other flags are reset

Reminder: flags are affected only if mod_set_flags is set.

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, if out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
    • SP, if in1 uses RelSpPop addressing mode, or if out1 uses RelSpPush addressing mode.
  • Current stack memory page, if out resolves to it.
  • Flags, if set_flags modifier is set.


  • Operations with bit masks.
  • Fast arithmetic.

  | step_Shl:
     mod_sf result op shift w_shift old_flags new_flags,
      `(shift = toNat (low 8 w_shift)
        result = shlBn op shift
        step_shl (OpShl (mk_pv tag1 op) (mk_pv tag2 w_shift) (IntValue result) mod_sf) old_flags new_flags)
End ShlDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.Shr

Require sem.SemanticCommon.
Import Arith Core isa.CoreSet PrimitiveValue SemanticCommon spec.

Section ShrDefinition.
  Open Scope ZMod_scope.
  Generalizable Variables tag.
  Import operations operations.BitsNotations.

  Inductive step_shr: instruction flags_tsmallstep :=


Abstract Syntax

OpShr (in1: in_any) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_any) (swap: mod_swap) (sf: mod_set_flags)



Bitwise SHR of two 256-bit numbers.


Note: In the following description the operands are bound after taking mod_swap modifier into account.

  • result = in1 >> (in2 mod 256)
  • flags are computed as follows:
    • EQ is set if result = 0.
    • other flags are reset

Reminder: flags are affected only if mod_set_flags is set.

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, if out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
    • SP, if in1 uses RelSpPop addressing mode, or if out1 uses RelSpPush addressing mode.
  • Current stack memory page, if out resolves to it.
  • Flags, if set_flags modifier is set.


  • Operations with bit masks.
  • Fast arithmetic.

  | step_Shr:
     mod_sf result op shift w_shift old_flags new_flags,
      `(shift = toNat (low 8 w_shift)
        result = shrBn op shift
        step_shr (OpShr (mk_pv tag1 op) (mk_pv tag2 w_shift) (IntValue result) mod_sf) old_flags new_flags)
End ShrDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.Rol

Require sem.SemanticCommon.
Import Arith Core isa.CoreSet PrimitiveValue SemanticCommon spec.

Section RolDefinition.
  Open Scope ZMod_scope.
  Generalizable Variables tag.
  Inductive step_rol: instruction flags_tsmallstep :=


Abstract Syntax

OpRol (in1: in_any) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_any) (swap: mod_swap) (sf: mod_set_flags)



Bitwise ROL of two 256-bit numbers.


Note: In the following description the operands are bound after taking mod_swap modifier into account.

  • result = in1 <<< (in2 mod 256), where <<< stands for left circular shift.
  • flags are computed as follows:
    • EQ is set if result = 0.
    • other flags are reset

Reminder: flags are affected only if mod_set_flags is set.

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, if out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
    • SP, if in1 uses RelSpPop addressing mode, or if out1 uses RelSpPush addressing mode.
  • Current stack memory page, if out resolves to it.
  • Flags, if set_flags modifier is set.


  • Operations with bit masks.
  • Fast arithmetic.

  | step_Rol:
     mod_sf result op shift w_shift old_flags new_flags,
      `(w_shift = widen word_bits (low 8 shift)
      result = rolBn op (toNat w_shift)
      step_rol (OpRol (mk_pv tag1 op) (mk_pv tag2 shift) (IntValue result) mod_sf) old_flags new_flags)

End RolDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.Ror

Require sem.SemanticCommon.
Import Arith Core isa.CoreSet PrimitiveValue SemanticCommon spec.

Section RorDefinition.
  Open Scope ZMod_scope.
  Generalizable Variables tag.
  Inductive step_ror: instruction flags_tsmallstep :=


Abstract Syntax

OpRor (in1: in_any) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_any) (swap: mod_swap) (sf: mod_set_flags)



Bitwise ROR of two 256-bit numbers.


Note: In the following description the operands are bound after taking mod_swap modifier into account.

  • result = in1 >>> (in2 mod 256), where >>> is a circular right shift.
  • flags are computed as follows:
    • EQ is set if result = 0.
    • other flags are reset

Reminder: flags are affected only if mod_set_flags is set.

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, if out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
    • SP, if in1 uses RelSpPop addressing mode, or if out1 uses RelSpPush addressing mode.
  • Current stack memory page, if out resolves to it.
  • Flags, if set_flags modifier is set.


  • Operations with bit masks.
  • Fast arithmetic.

  | step_Ror:
     mod_sf result op shift w_shift old_flags new_flags,
      `(w_shift = widen word_bits (low 8 shift)
      result = rorBn op (toNat w_shift)
      step_ror (OpRor (mk_pv tag1 op) (mk_pv tag2 shift) (IntValue result) mod_sf) old_flags new_flags)
End RorDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.NearCall

Require SemanticCommon.

Import NearCallABI Addressing Common Core Flags CallStack GPR Ergs isa.CoreSet TransientMemory PrimitiveValue State SemanticCommon.
Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssreflect.tuple.

Section NearCallDefinition.
  Open Scope ZMod_scope.


Abstract Syntax

OpNearCall (in1: in_reg) (dest: imm_in) (handler: imm_in)


  • call abi_reg, callee_address, exception_handler as a fully expanded form.
  • call abi_reg, callee_address
    • The assembler expands this variation to call abi_reg, callee_address, DEFAULT_UNWIND_DEST. Here:
      • DEFAULT_UNWIND_DEST is a reserved system label; the linker will resolve it to the default exception handler.
  • call callee_address is a simplified form.
    • Assembler expands this variation to call r0, callee_address, DEFAULT_UNWIND_DEST, where:
      • DEFAULT_UNWIND_DEST is a reserved system label; linker will resolve it to the default exception handler.
      • R0 is a reserved read-only register that holds 0. This variation passes all ergs to the callee.


Reserves a portion of the currently available ergs for a new function instance and calls the code inside the current contract space.


Reminder: the callee is the function that we call; the caller is the currently executing function where a call takes place. In other words, the caller calls the callee.

  1. Read the value of abi_reg and decode the following structure from NearCallABI from it. The ergs_passed field indicates the amount of ergs we intend to pass, but the actual amount of ergs passed gets decided at runtime (see step 2).

    Record params := { ergs_passed: u32; }.

    The actual amount of passed ergs is determined by split_ergs_callee_caller based on:

    • The ergs allocated for the caller frame.
    • The value of ergs_passed.
  2. Decrease the number of ergs in the caller frame.

  3. Set up the new frame:

    • new PC is assigned the instruction's callee_address argument.
    • new exception handler is assigned the instruction’s handler_address argument.
    • new SP is copied from the old frame as is.
    • the allocated ergs are determined by split_ergs_caller_callee in (2).
  4. Clear flags.

Affected parts of the state

  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
  • Execution stack: a new frame is pushed on top of the execution stack, and the caller frame is changed.
    • Caller frame:
    • New (callee) frame:
      • PC is set to callee_address
      • SP is copied to the new frame as is.
      • ergs are set to the actual amount passed. See split_ergs_callee_caller.
      • exception handler
  • Flags are always cleared.


  • Set ergs_passed=0 to pass all available ergs to callee.

  • If the first argument is omitted, all available ergs will be passed to callee.

    Explanation: if the first argument is omitted, the assembler implicitly puts r0 in its place. The reserved register r0 always holds zero, therefore ergs_passed will be decoded into zero as well.

  • No particular calling convention is enforced for near calls, so it can be decided by compiler.

  • Can be used for internal system code, like bootloader. For example, wrap a pair of AA call + fee payment in any order in such near_call, and then rollback the entire frame atomically.

See OpFarCall, OpMimicCall, OpDelegateCall. They are used to call code in other contracts.

Function for split_ergs_caller_callee evaluates as follows:

  • if ergs_passed = 0, pass all available ergs to the callee and set the caller_ergs to zero. Upon the callee’s normal return, its unspent ergs are returned back to the caller.

  • otherwise, if caller_ergs \geq ergs_passed, pass exactly ergs_passed. The caller_ergs is set to the unspent amount ergs_passed - caller_ergs.

  • otherwise, if the call is not affordable (ergs_passed \gt caller_ergs), pass all available ergs to the callee.

Function split_ergs_callee_caller returns a pair of erg values, where:

  • the first component is the amount of ergs actually passed to the callee;
  • the second component is the amount of ergs left to the caller.

  Definition split_ergs_callee_caller (ergs_passed caller_ergs:ergs) : ergs × ergs :=
    if ergs_passed == zero32 then (caller_ergs, zero32) else
      match caller_ergs - ergs_passed with
      | (false, remaining)(ergs_passed, remaining)
      | (true, remaining)(caller_ergs, zero32)

  Inductive step_nearcall: @instruction bound smallstep :=
  | step_NearCall_pass_some_ergs:
     (expt_handler call_addr: code_address)
      (passed_ergs callee_ergs caller_ergs: ergs)
      (new_caller:callstack) (new_frame:callstack_common) __flags (cs:callstack) high224 regs ctx pages gs,

      (callee_ergs, caller_ergs) = split_ergs_callee_caller passed_ergs (ergs_remaining cs)

      new_caller = ergs_set caller_ergs cs
      new_frame = mk_cf expt_handler (sp_get cs) call_addr callee_ergs (gs_revertable gs)

        (OpNearCall (Some (IntValue (high224, mk_params passed_ergs))) call_addr expt_handler)
          gs_transient := {|
                           gs_flags := __flags;
                           gs_callstack := cs;
                           gs_regs := regs;
                           gs_context_u128 := ctx;
                           gs_pages := pages;
                           gs_status := NoPanic;
          gs_global := gs;
          gs_transient := {|
                           gs_flags := flags_clear;
                           gs_callstack := InternalCall new_frame new_caller;
                           gs_regs := regs;
                           gs_context_u128 := ctx;
                           gs_pages := pages;
                           gs_status := NoPanic;
          gs_global := gs;

End NearCallDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.NearRet

Require SemanticCommon.

Import Common Flags CallStack isa.CoreSet State SemanticCommon.

Section NearRetDefinition.
  Generalizable Variables __ regs pages ctx.
  Inductive step_nearret: @instruction bound tsmallstep :=


The near return and far return share the same syntax, but their runtime semantic is different:

Abstract Syntax

Ret (in1: in_reg)


ret in1

Legacy syntax

  • ret in1
  • ret is an alias for ret r1
  • ret.ok in1 aliased as ret in1


A normal return from a near call. Will pop up current callframe, give back unspent ergs and continue execution from the saved return address (from where the call had taken place).


  1. Pass all ergs from the current frame to the parent frame.
  2. Drop current frame.
  3. Clear flags.

Affected parts of the state

  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
  • Execution stack:
    • Current frame is dropped.
    • Caller frame:
      • Unspent ergs are given back to caller (but memory growth is paid first).
  • Flags are cleared.


Normal return from functions.

See OpRet, OpNearPanicTo, OpNearRevertTo, OpNearRetTo.

  | step_NearRet:
     cf caller_stack new_caller pages _ignore_arg,
          ergs_return_caller_and_drop (InternalCall cf caller_stack) new_caller

          step_nearret (OpRet _ignore_arg) {|
                         gs_flags := __;
                         gs_callstack := InternalCall cf caller_stack;

                         gs_regs := regs;
                         gs_pages := pages;
                         gs_context_u128 := ctx;
                         gs_status := NoPanic;
                         gs_flags := flags_clear;
                         gs_callstack := new_caller;

                         gs_regs := regs;
                         gs_pages := pages;
                         gs_context_u128 := ctx;
                         gs_status := NoPanic;

  Generalizable No Variables.
End NearRetDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.NearRevert

Require SemanticCommon.

Import Common Flags CallStack GPR TransientMemory isa.CoreSet State SemanticCommon.

Section NearRevertDefinition.
  Generalizable Variables regs __.

  Inductive step_nearrevert: @instruction bound smallstep :=

OpRevert (case of near revert)

The near revert and far revert share the same syntax, but their runtime semantic is different:

Abstract Syntax

OpRevert (in1: in_reg)


rev in1

Legacy syntax

  • revert is an alias for revert r1
  • ret.revert in1


An erroneous return from a near call, executes an exception handler. Will revert all changes in global_state produced in the current frame, pop up current frame, give back unspent ergs, and proceed to execute exception handler.

The assembler expands revert to revert r1, but r1 is ignored by returns from near calls.


  1. Perform a rollback.
  2. Retrieve an exception handler E from the current frame.
  3. Pass all ergs from the topmost frame to the parent frame.
  4. Drop topmost frame.
  5. Clear flags
  6. Proceed with executing E.

Affected parts of the state

  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
  • Flags are cleared.
  • Execution stack:
    • Current frame is dropped.
    • Caller frame:
      • Unspent ergs are given back to caller (but memory growth is paid first).
      • Program counter is overwritten with the exception handler address of the dead frame.


Return from a recoverable error, fail-safe.

See OpRet, OpNearPanicTo, OpNearRevertTo, OpNearRetTo.

  | step_NearRevert:
     cf caller_stack new_caller new_cs _eh _sp _pc _ergs saved ctx gs new_gs pages _ignore_arg,
          let cs := InternalCall (mk_cf _eh _sp _pc _ergs saved) caller_stack in
          let handler := active_exception_handler cs in

          ergs_return_caller_and_drop cs new_caller
          rollback saved gs new_gs
          new_cs = pc_set handler new_caller
          step_nearrevert (OpRevert _ignore_arg)
                            gs_transient := {|
                                             gs_flags := __;
                                             gs_callstack := InternalCall cf caller_stack;

                                             gs_regs := regs;
                                             gs_pages := pages;
                                             gs_context_u128 := ctx;
                                             gs_status := NoPanic;
                            gs_global := gs;
                            gs_transient := {|
                                             gs_flags := flags_clear;
                                             gs_callstack := new_cs;

                                             gs_regs := regs;
                                             gs_pages := pages;
                                             gs_context_u128 := ctx;
                                             gs_status := NoPanic;
                            gs_global := new_gs;

  Generalizable No Variables.
End NearRevertDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.NearRetTo

Require SemanticCommon.

Import Common Flags CallStack isa.CoreSet State SemanticCommon.

Section NearRetToDefinition.
  Generalizable Variables __ regs pages ctx.
  Inductive step_nearretto: @instruction bound tsmallstep :=


Abstract Syntax

OpNearRetTo (label: imm_in)


retl label

Legacy syntax

ret.ok.to_label label


A normal return from a near call. Will pop up current callframe, give back unspent ergs and continue execution from an explicitly provided label.


  1. Pass all ergs from the current frame to the parent frame.
  2. Drop current frame.
  3. Clear flags
  4. Set PC to the label value.

Affected parts of the state

  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
  • Flags are cleared.
  • Execution stack:
    • Current frame is dropped.
    • Caller frame:
      • Unspent ergs are given back to caller (but memory growth is paid first).
      • program counter is assigned the label.


A combination of a normal return and jump.

See OpRet, OpNearPanicTo, OpNearRevertTo, OpNearRetTo.

  | step_NearRetTo:
     cf caller_stack new_caller label,
          ergs_return_caller_and_drop (InternalCall cf caller_stack) new_caller

          step_nearretto (OpNearRetTo label) {|
                           gs_flags := __;
                           gs_callstack := InternalCall cf caller_stack;

                           gs_regs := regs;
                           gs_pages := pages;
                           gs_context_u128 := ctx;
                           gs_status := NoPanic;
                           gs_flags := flags_clear;
                           gs_callstack := pc_set label new_caller;

                           gs_regs := regs;
                           gs_pages := pages;
                           gs_context_u128 := ctx;
                           gs_status := NoPanic;
  Generalizable No Variables.
End NearRetToDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.NearRevertTo

Require SemanticCommon.

Import Common Flags CallStack GPR TransientMemory isa.CoreSet State SemanticCommon.

Section NearRevert.
  Generalizable Variables regs pages __.
  Inductive step_nearrevertto: @instruction bound smallstep :=


Abstract Syntax

OpNearRevertTo (label: imm_in)


revl label

Legacy syntax

ret.revert.to_label label


An erroneous return from a near call to a specified label. Will revert all changes in global_state produced in the current frame, pop up current frame, give back unspent ergs, and proceed to execute exception handler.


  1. Perform a rollback.
  2. Pass all ergs from the topmost frame to the parent frame.
  3. Drop topmost frame.
  4. Clear flags
  5. Proceed with executing label, i.e. replace program counter with the label’s value.

Affected parts of the state

  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
  • Flags are cleared.
  • Execution stack:
    • Current frame is dropped.
    • Caller frame:
      • Unspent ergs are given back to caller (but memory growth is paid first).
      • Program counter is overwritten with the label.


Return from a recoverable error, fail-safe.

See OpRet, OpNearPanicTo, OpNearRevertTo, OpNearRetTo

  | step_NearRevert:
     cf caller_stack new_caller _eh _sp _pc _ergs saved ctx label gs new_gs pages,
          let cs := InternalCall (mk_cf _eh _sp _pc _ergs saved) caller_stack in
          let handler := active_exception_handler cs in

          ergs_return_caller_and_drop cs new_caller
          rollback saved gs new_gs
          step_nearrevertto (OpNearRevertTo label)
                              gs_transient := {|
                                               gs_flags := __ ;
                                               gs_callstack := InternalCall cf caller_stack;

                                               gs_regs := regs;
                                               gs_pages := pages;
                                               gs_context_u128 := ctx;
                                               gs_status := NoPanic;
                              gs_global := gs;
                              gs_transient := {|
                                               gs_flags := flags_clear;
                                               gs_callstack := pc_set label new_caller;

                                               gs_regs := regs;
                                               gs_pages := pages;
                                               gs_context_u128 := ctx;
                                               gs_status := NoPanic;
                              gs_global := new_gs;
End NearRevert.

Library EraVM.sem.StepPanic

From RecordUpdate Require Import RecordSet.

Require Addressing CallStack Common GPR Flags isa.CoreSet State Steps VMPanic.
Import Addressing CallStack Common GPR Flags isa.CoreSet PrimitiveValue State Steps VMPanic.
Import RecordSetNotations.

Section StepPanic.

Handling panics

EraVM handles the panic situation as follows:

  • return from the current function signaling an error;
  • execute exception handler;
  • burn all ergs in current frame;
  • set OF flag;
  • restore depot and event queues to the state before external call (see gs_revertable).
  • when returning from a far call, return no data.

Case 1: panic from near call

  1. Perform a rollback.
  2. Drop current frame with its ergs.
  3. Set PC to the exception handler of the dropped frame.
  4. Clear flags, and set OF.
  5. Clears the context register.

  Inductive step_panic reason: smallstep :=
  | step_PanicLocal_nolabel:
     flags pages cf caller_stack regs gs gs' __,
      let handler := active_exception_handler (InternalCall cf caller_stack) in
      rollback (cf_saved_checkpoint cf) gs gs'
      step_panic reason
                   gs_transient:= {|
                                   gs_flags := flags;
                                   gs_callstack := InternalCall cf caller_stack;
                                   gs_regs := regs;
                                   gs_context_u128 := __;
                                   gs_status := Panic reason;

                                   gs_pages := pages;

                   gs_global := gs;
                   gs_transient:= {|
                                   gs_flags := set_overflow flags_clear;
                                   gs_regs := regs;
                                   gs_callstack := pc_set cf.(cf_exception_handler_location) caller_stack;
                                   gs_context_u128 := zero128;
                                   gs_status := NoPanic;

                                   gs_pages := pages;

                   gs_global := gs'

Case 2: panic from external call

Performs all the same actions as a panic from internal call: 1. Perform a rollback. 2. Drop current frame and its ergs 3. Clear flags and set OF. 4. Clear context register. 5. Set PC to the exception handler address of a dropped frame..

In addition to that: 6. Put an encoded zero-pointer into R1 and tag R1 as a pointer. All other registers are zeroed. Registers R2, R3 and R4 are reserved and may gain a special meaning in newer versions of EraVM.

  | step_PanicExt:
     flags pages cf caller_stack __ regs gs gs' new_regs,
      let cs0 := ExternalCall cf (Some caller_stack) in
      rollback (cf_saved_checkpoint cf) gs gs'
      new_regs = regs_state_zero <| r1 := PtrValue zero256 |>
      step_panic reason
                   gs_transient := {|
                                    gs_flags := flags;
                                    gs_callstack := cs0;
                                    gs_regs := regs;
                                    gs_context_u128 := __;
                                    gs_status := Panic reason;

                                    gs_pages := pages;

                   gs_global := gs;
                   gs_transient := {|
                                    gs_flags := set_overflow flags_clear;
                                    gs_regs := new_regs;
                                    gs_callstack := pc_set (active_exception_handler cs0) caller_stack;
                                    gs_context_u128 := zero128;
                                    gs_status := NoPanic;

                                    gs_pages := pages;

                   gs_global := gs'
End StepPanic.

Library EraVM.sem.Panic

OpPanic (irrecoverable error, not normal return/not return from recoverable error)

Abstract Syntax




Legacy syntax

ret.panic aliased as panic


Return from a function/contract signaling an error; execute exception handler, return unspent ergs to the parent, set OF flag, return nothing, perform rollback.


An abnormal return from a near or far call. Will drop current callframe, burn all ergs and pass control to the current exception handler, setting OF flag.

Additionally, restore storage, transient storage, and event queues to the state before external call.

Affected parts of the state

  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
  • Flags are cleared, then OF is set.
  • Context register is zeroed (only returns from far calls).
  • Registers are cleared (only returns from far calls).
  • Execution stack:
    • Current frame is dropped.
    • Caller frame:
      • if a label is explicitly provided, and current frame is internal (near call), then caller’s PC is overwritten with the label. Returns from external calls ignore label, even if it is explicitly provided.
      • Unspent ergs are given back to caller (but memory growth is paid first).
  • Storage changes are reverted.


  • Abnormal returns from near/far calls when an irrecoverable error has happened. Use OpRevert for recoverable errors.

See OpRet, OpNearPanicTo, OpNearRevertTo, OpNearRetTo.

Library EraVM.sem.NearPanicTo

From RecordUpdate Require Import RecordSet.
Require SemanticCommon StepPanic.

Import Common Flags CallStack GPR TransientMemory isa.CoreSet State SemanticCommon VMPanic RecordSetNotations StepPanic isa.CoreSet.

Section NearPanicToDefinition.
Inductive step_panicto: instruction smallstep :=


Abstract Syntax

OpNearPanicTo (label: imm_in)


pncl label

Legacy syntax

ret.panic label aliased as panic label


An erroneous return from a near call to a specified label. Will revert all changes in global_state produced in the current frame, drop the current frame, give back unspent ergs, and proceed to execute exception handler.


  1. Perform a rollback.
  2. Drop topmost frame. Its ergs are burned (lost).
  3. Set flag OF_LT, clear all other flags.
  4. Proceed with executing label, i.e. replace program counter with the label’s value.

Affected parts of the state

  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
  • Execution stack:
    • Current frame is dropped.
    • Caller frame:
      • Unspent ergs are given back to caller (but memory growth is paid first).
      • Program counter is overwritten with the exception handler address of the dead frame.


Return from an irrecoverable error, fail-fast.

See OpRet, OpNearPanicTo, OpNearRevertTo, OpNearRetTo.

| step_NearPanic:
     label s1 s2 s3,
      step_panic TriggeredExplicitly s1 s2
      s3 = s2 <| gs_transient ::= fun tsts <| gs_callstack ::= pc_set label |> |>
      step_panicto (@OpNearPanicTo bound label) s1 s3
End NearPanicToDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.Farcall

From RecordUpdate Require Import RecordSet.




Import Addressing.Coercions.

Local Coercion Z.b2z: bool >-> Z.
Section FarCalls.

Far calls

Far calls are calls to the code outside the current contract space. This section describes three instructions to perform far calls:

These instructions differ in the way they construct new frame.

The far call instructions have rich semantics; their full effect on the VM state is described through the following machinery:

If you know about fetching operands for instructions and the instruction fetching described in Semantics.step, start investigating farcalls from the farcall predicate.

Section Parameters.
  Open Scope Z_scope.
  Open Scope ZMod_scope.

Global farcall parameters

  1. Initial preallocated stack space.

    A far call creates a new context with a new stack page (and other pages, see page_alloc). The initial SP value after a far call is set to INITIAL_SP_ON_FAR_CALL.

    Therefore, addresses in range from 0 inclusive to INITIAL_SP_ON_FAR_CALL exclusive can be used as a scratch space.

  Definition INITIAL_SP_ON_FAR_CALL : stack_address := fromZ 1024.

  1. Initial heap and auxheap pages bound.

    The heap and auxheap pages start with NEW_FRAME_MEMORY_STIPEND bound. Growing them beyond this bound costs ergs.

  Definition NEW_FRAME_MEMORY_STIPEND : mem_address := fromZ 1024.

End Parameters.

  1. Maximal fraction of ergs allowed to pass.

    It is not allowed to pass more than 63/64th of your remaining ergs to a far call.


Far call creates a new execution context with new pages for:

  • code
  • const (in the current implementation, const and code pages are the same page).
  • stack
  • heap
  • auxheap

The initial bounds for the new heap and auxheap pages are set to NEW_FRAME_MEMORY_STIPEND.

Inductive alloc_pages_extframe: pages × mem_ctx code_page const_page pages × mem_ctx Prop :=
| ape_alloc: code const (mm:pages) ctx code_id const_id stack_id heap_id heap_aux_id,
    code_id = List.length mm
    (const_id = code_id + 1)%nat
    (stack_id = code_id + 2)%nat
    (heap_id = code_id + 3)%nat
    (heap_aux_id = code_id + 4)%nat
    alloc_pages_extframe (mm,ctx) code const
      ( (heap_aux_id, (mk_page (DataPage (empty data_page_params))))::
          (heap_id, (mk_page (DataPage (empty _))))::
          (stack_id, (mk_page (StackPage (empty stack_page_params))))::
          (const_id,(mk_page (ConstPage const)))::
          (code_id, (mk_page (CodePage code)))::mm,
          ctx_code_page_id := code_id;
          ctx_const_page_id := const_id;
          ctx_stack_page_id := stack_id;
          ctx_heap_page_id := heap_id;
          ctx_auxheap_page_id := heap_aux_id;
          ctx_heap_bound := NEW_FRAME_MEMORY_STIPEND;
          ctx_auxheap_bound := NEW_FRAME_MEMORY_STIPEND;
        |} ).

Inductive alloc_mem_extframe: memory × mem_ctx code_page const_page memory × mem_ctx Prop :=
| ame_apply: p c p' c' code const,
    alloc_pages_extframe (p,c) code const (p',c')
    alloc_mem_extframe (mk_pages p,c) code const (mk_pages p',c').

Fetch code and pay the associated cost. If masking_allowed is true and there is no code associated with a given contract address, then the default AA code will be fetched. See code_fetch.

Inductive :=
| Fetched : callstack code_page const_page paid_code_fetch_result
| CodeFetchInvalidVerisonedHashFormat (_:versioned_hash)
| CodeFetchUnaffordable (cost:ergs)

Inductive masking_allowed sid: depot decommitter contract_address callstack paid_code_fetch_result Prop :=
| cfp_fetched:
   depot (codes:decommitter) (dest_addr: contract_address) vhash dest_addr new_code_page new_const_page code_length cost__decomm cs0 cs1,

    code_fetch _ depot codes.(cm_storage _) sid dest_addr masking_allowed (vhash, (new_code_page, new_const_page), code_length)
    decommitment_cost _ codes vhash code_length cost__decomm
    pay cost__decomm cs0 cs1
    paid_code_fetch masking_allowed sid depot codes dest_addr cs0 (Fetched cs1 new_code_page new_const_page)
| cfp_unaffordable:
   depot (codes:decommitter) (dest_addr: contract_address) vhash dest_addr new_code_page new_const_page code_length cost__decomm cs0 ,
    code_fetch _ depot codes.(cm_storage _) sid dest_addr masking_allowed (vhash, (new_code_page, new_const_page), code_length)
    decommitment_cost _ codes vhash code_length cost__decomm
    affordable cs0 cost__decomm = false
    paid_code_fetch masking_allowed sid depot codes dest_addr cs0 (CodeFetchUnaffordable cost__decomm)

| cfp_invalid_hash:
   depot (codes:decommitter) (dest_addr: contract_address) vhash dest_addr new_code_page new_const_page code_length cs0 ,
    code_fetch _ depot codes.(cm_storage _) sid dest_addr masking_allowed (vhash, (new_code_page, new_const_page), code_length)
    marker_valid (extra_marker vhash) = false
    paid_code_fetch masking_allowed sid depot codes dest_addr cs0 (CodeFetchInvalidVerisonedHashFormat vhash)

System calls

A system call is a far call that satisfies the following conditions:

  • The destination is a kernel address.
  • The field is_system of FarCall.params passed through an operand is set to 1.

Far call instructions


  • Far calls are calls to the code outside the current contract space.

  • Mimic calls are a kernel-only variation of far calls allowing to mimic a call from any contract by impersonating an arbitrary caller and putting an arbitrary address into the new callframe’s ecf_msg_sender field.

  • Delegate calls are a variation of far calls allowing to call a contract with the current storage space.

    Example: Suppose we have contracts A,B,C. Contract A called contract B normally, then contract B delegated to contract C. Then C’s code will be executed in a context of B’s storage, as if contract A called contract C. If contract C returns normally, the execution will proceed from the next instruction of B after delegate call. In case of revert or panic in C, all the usual rules apply.

Abstract and concrete syntax

  • OpFarCall (abi_params: in_reg) (dest_address:in_reg) (handler:imm_in) (is_static:bool) (is_shard:bool)

    • callf abi_reg, dest_addr, handler
    • abi_reg, dest_addr, handler
    • abi_reg, dest_addr, handler
    • callf.{st,sh} abi_reg, dest_addr, handler
  • OpDelegateCall (abi_params: in_reg) (dest_address:in_reg) (handler:imm_in) (is_static:bool) (is_shard:bool)

    • calld abi_reg, dest_addr, handler
    • abi_reg, dest_addr, handler
    • abi_reg, dest_addr, handler
    • calld.{st,sh} abi_reg, dest_addr, handler
  • OpMimicCall (abi_params: in_reg) (dest_address:in_reg) (handler:imm_in) (is_static:bool) (is_shard:bool)

    • callm abi_reg, dest_addr, handler
    • abi_reg, dest_addr, handler
    • abi_reg, dest_addr, handler
    • callm.{st,sh} abi_reg, dest_addr, handler
  • static (st) modifier marks the new execution stack frame as ‘static’, preventing some instructions from being executed. Calls from a static calls are automatically marked static.

  • shard (sh) modifier allows calling code from other shards. The shard ID will be taken from abi_reg.

Legacy syntax

  • OpFarCall abi_params address handler is_static
    • far_call abi_reg, dest_addr, handler
    • far_call.static abi_reg, dest_addr, handler
    • far_call.shard abi_reg, dest_addr, handler
  • OpDelegateCall abi_params address handler is_static`
    • far_call.delegate abi_reg, dest_addr, handler
    • far_call.delegate.static abi_reg, dest_addr, handler
    • far_call.delegate.shard abi_reg, dest_addr, handler
  • OpMimicCall abi_params address handler is_static
    • far_call.mimic abi_reg, dest_addr
    • far_call.mimic abi_reg, dest_addr, handler
    • far_call.mimic.static abi_reg, dest_addr
    • far_call.mimic.static abi_reg, dest_addr, handler
    • far_call.mimic.shard abi_reg, dest_addr
    • far_call.mimic.shard abi_reg, dest_addr, handler


  1. Decode the structure params from abi_reg:
   Inductive fwd_memory :=
     ForwardFatPointer (p:fat_ptr)
   | ForwardNewFatPointer (heap_var: data_page_type) (s:span).

  Record params :=
    mk_params {
        fwd_memory: fwd_memory;
        ergs_passed: ergs;
        shard_id: shard_id;
        constructor_call: bool;
        to_system: bool;
  1. Decommit code of the callee contract (formalized by paid_code_fetch):

    • load the versioned_hash of the called code from the storage of a special contract located at DEPLOYER_SYSTEM_CONTRACT_ADDRESS.

      Inductive marker := CODE_AT_REST | YET_CONSTRUCTED | INVALID.
      Record versioned_hash := mk_vhash {
                                code_length_in_words: u16;
                                extra_marker: marker;
                                partial_hash: BITS (28*bits_in_byte)%nat
    • for non-system calls, if there is no code stored for a provided hash value, mask it into VersionedHash.DEFAULT_AA_VHASH and execute VersionedHash.DEFAULT_AA_CODE.

    • if the code with such hash has not been accessed in the current block, pay for decommitment.

  2. Forward data to the new frame (formalized by paid_forward_and_adjust_bounds).

  3. Allocate new pages for code, constants, stack, heap and auxheap (formalized by alloc_pages_extframe).

  4. Reserve ergs for the new external frame (formalized by pass_allowed_ergs).

    • Maximum amount of ergs passed to an external call is 63/64 of ergs allocated for the caller.
    • Attempting to pass more ergs will result in only passing the maximum amount allowed.
    • Trying to pass 0 ergs will result in passing maximum amount of ergs allowed.
  5. Clear the context register.

  6. Clear flags.

  7. Modify GPRs depending on the call being system or not (formalized by regs_effect):

    • Effect of a non-system call:
      • All registers are cleared.
      • Register r1 is assigned a fat pointer to forward data to the far call. See paid_forward.
    • Effect of a system call:
      • Register r1 is assigned a fat pointer to forward data to the far call. See paid_forward.
      • Register r2 is assigned a bit-value:
        • bit 1 indicates “this is a system call”
        • bit 0 indicates “this is a constructor call”
      • Registers r3, r4, …, r15 are reserved; their pointer tags are cleared, but their values are unchanged.
      • Registers r14 and r15 are cleared.

Definition regs_effect regs (is_system is_ctor:bool) ptr :=
  let far_call_r2 :=
    let is_system_bit := Z.shiftl is_system 1 in
    let is_ctor_bit := Z.shiftl is_ctor 0 in
    let bits := Z.lor is_system_bit is_ctor_bit in
    IntValue (fromZ bits) in
  match encode_fat_ptr_word zero128 ptr with
    | Some enc_ptrSome
        (if is_system then
            <| r1 := PtrValue enc_ptr |>
            <| r2 := far_call_r2 |>
      (* In system calls, preserve values in r3-r13 but clear ptr tags *)
            <| r3 ::= clear_pointer_tag |>
            <| r4 ::= clear_pointer_tag |>
            <| r5 ::= clear_pointer_tag |>
            <| r6 ::= clear_pointer_tag |>
            <| r7 ::= clear_pointer_tag |>
            <| r8 ::= clear_pointer_tag |>
            <| r9 ::= clear_pointer_tag |>
            <| r10 ::= clear_pointer_tag |>
            <| r11 ::= clear_pointer_tag |>
            <| r12 ::= clear_pointer_tag |>
            <| r13 ::= clear_pointer_tag |>
            (* zero the rest *)
            <| r14 := IntValue word0 |>
            <| r15 := IntValue word0 |>
          regs_state_zero <| r1 := PtrValue enc_ptr |> <| r2 := far_call_r2 |>
    | _None
  1. Form a new execution stack frame:

    • the call is static if the current call is static, or if .is_static modifier is applied to instruction;
    • set exception handler to handler address provided in the instruction;
    • it is a checkpoint that saves all storage states;
    • start PC at 0;
    • start SP at INITIAL_SP_ON_FAR_CALL;
    • this_address,msg_sender and context fields are affected by the farcall_type as follows:
      • Normal far call sets:
        • this_address <- destination address;
        • msg_sender <- caller address;
        • context <- value of context register gs_context_u128.
      • Delegate call sets:
        • this_address <- this_address of the current frame;
        • msg_sender <- msg_sender of the current frame;
        • context <- context_u128 of the current frame.
      • Mimic call sets:
        • this_address <- destination address;
        • msg_sender <- value of r15;
        • context <- value of context register gs_context_u128.

Inductive farcall_type : Set := Normal | Mimic | Delegate.
Definition select_this_address type (caller dest: contract_address) :=
  match type with
  | Normaldest
  | Mimicdest
  | Delegatecaller

Definition select_sender type (callers_caller caller : contract_address) regs :=
  match type with
  | Normalcaller
  | Delegatecallers_caller
  | Mimic
      let r15_value := (fetch_gpr regs CALL_IMPLICIT_PARAMETER_REG).(value) in
      low contract_address_bits r15_value

Definition select_associated_contracts type regs (ac:associated_contracts) (call_dest: contract_address): associated_contracts :=
  match ac with
  | mk_assoc_contracts this_address msg_sender code_address
        ecf_this_address := select_this_address type this_address call_dest;
        ecf_msg_sender := select_sender type ac.(ecf_msg_sender) this_address regs;
        ecf_code_address := call_dest;

Definition select_ctx type (reg_ctx frame_ctx: u128) :=
  match type with
  | Normal | Mimicreg_ctx
  | Delegateframe_ctx

Definition new_code_shard_id (is_call_shard:bool)
  (provided current_shard:shard_id) : shard_id :=
  if is_call_shard then provided else current_shard.

Definition select_shards (type: farcall_type) (is_call_shard: bool) (provided: shard_id) (ss: active_shards) : active_shards :=
  match ss with
  | mk_shards old_this _ code
      let new_caller := old_this in
      let new_code := new_code_shard_id is_call_shard provided new_caller in
      let new_this := match type with | Delegatenew_caller | _new_code end in
        shard_this := new_this;
        shard_caller := new_caller;
        shard_code := new_code;

Section FarCallDefinitions.

  Import Pointer.
  Context (type:farcall_type) (is_static_call is_shard_provided:bool) (dest:contract_address) (handler: code_address) (gs:global_state).

  Inductive farcall : @primitive_value FarCallABI.params tsmallstep :=

  | farcall_fwd_existing_fatptr: flags old_regs old_pages cs0 cs1 new_caller_stack new_stack reg_context_u128 new_regs new_pages new_code_page new_const_page new_mem_ctx (in_ptr narrowed_ptr: fat_ptr) abi_shard ergs_query ergs_actual is_syscall_query,

      let caller_extframe := active_extframe cs0 in
      let mem_ctx0 := ecf_mem_ctx caller_extframe in
      let is_system := addr_is_kernel dest && is_syscall_query in
      let allow_masking := negb is_system in
      let callee_shard := if is_shard_provided then abi_shard else current_shard cs0 in

      paid_code_fetch allow_masking callee_shard (gs_depot gs) (gs_contracts gs) dest cs0 (Fetched cs1 new_code_page new_const_page)

      (*!*)validate in_ptr = no_exceptions
      (*!*)fat_ptr_narrow in_ptr narrowed_ptr

      alloc_pages_extframe (old_pages, mem_ctx0) new_code_page new_const_page (new_pages, new_mem_ctx)
      pass_allowed_ergs (ergs_query,cs1) (ergs_actual, new_caller_stack)

      new_stack = ExternalCall {|
                           ecf_associated := select_associated_contracts type old_regs caller_extframe.(ecf_associated) dest;
                           ecf_context_u128_value := select_ctx type reg_context_u128 caller_extframe.(ecf_context_u128_value);
                           ecf_shards := select_shards type is_shard_provided abi_shard caller_extframe.(ecf_shards);

                           ecf_mem_ctx := new_mem_ctx;
                           ecf_is_static := ecf_is_static caller_extframe || is_static_call;
                           ecf_common := {|
                                          cf_exception_handler_location := handler;
                                          cf_sp := INITIAL_SP_ON_FAR_CALL;
                                          cf_pc := zero16;
                                          cf_ergs_remaining := ergs_actual;
                                          cf_saved_checkpoint := gs.(gs_revertable);
                         |} (Some new_caller_stack)
      Some new_regs = regs_effect old_regs is_system false (NotNullPtr narrowed_ptr)
        (PtrValue {|
FarCallABI.fwd_memory := ForwardExistingFatPointer (NotNullPtr in_ptr);
           ergs_passed := ergs_query;
FarCallABI.shard_id := abi_shard;
           constructor_call := false;
           to_system := is_syscall_query;
          gs_flags := flags;
          gs_regs := old_regs;
          gs_pages := old_pages;
          gs_callstack := cs0;
          gs_context_u128 := reg_context_u128;
          gs_status := NoPanic;
          gs_flags := flags_clear;
          gs_regs := new_regs;
          gs_pages := new_pages;
          gs_callstack := new_stack;
          gs_context_u128 := zero128;
          gs_status := NoPanic;

  | farcall_fwd_new_ptr: flags old_regs old_pages cs0 cs1 cs2 new_regs new_caller_stack new_stack reg_context_u128 new_pages new_code_page new_const_page new_mem_ctx abi_shard ergs_query ergs_actual is_syscall_query out_ptr in_span page_type,

      let is_system := addr_is_kernel dest && is_syscall_query in
      let allow_masking := negb is_system in
      let callee_shard := if is_shard_provided then abi_shard else current_shard cs0 in

      paid_code_fetch allow_masking callee_shard
        gs.(gs_revertable).(gs_depot) gs.(gs_contracts) dest cs0 (Fetched cs1 new_code_page new_const_page)

      (*!*)paid_forward_new_fat_ptr page_type in_span cs0 (out_ptr, cs1)

      let caller_extframe := active_extframe cs2 in
      let mem_ctx0 := caller_extframe.(ecf_mem_ctx) in
      alloc_pages_extframe (old_pages, mem_ctx0) new_code_page new_const_page (new_pages, new_mem_ctx)
      pass_allowed_ergs (ergs_query,cs2) (ergs_actual, new_caller_stack)

      new_stack = ExternalCall {|
                           ecf_associated := select_associated_contracts type old_regs caller_extframe.(ecf_associated) dest;
                           ecf_context_u128_value := select_ctx type reg_context_u128 caller_extframe.(ecf_context_u128_value);
                           ecf_shards := select_shards type is_shard_provided abi_shard caller_extframe.(ecf_shards);

                           ecf_mem_ctx := new_mem_ctx;
                           ecf_is_static := ecf_is_static caller_extframe || is_static_call;
                           ecf_common := {|
                                          cf_exception_handler_location := handler;
                                          cf_sp := INITIAL_SP_ON_FAR_CALL;
                                          cf_pc := zero16;
                                          cf_ergs_remaining := ergs_actual;
                                          cf_saved_checkpoint := gs.(gs_revertable);
                         |} (Some new_caller_stack)
      Some new_regs = regs_effect old_regs is_system false (NotNullPtr out_ptr)
        (IntValue {|
FarCallABI.fwd_memory := ForwardNewFatPointer page_type in_span;
          ergs_passed := ergs_query;
FarCallABI.shard_id := abi_shard;
          constructor_call := false;
          to_system := is_syscall_query;
(*!*) |})
          gs_flags := flags;
          gs_regs := old_regs;
          gs_pages := old_pages;
          gs_callstack := cs0;
          gs_context_u128 := reg_context_u128;
          gs_status := NoPanic;
          gs_flags := flags_clear;
          gs_regs := new_regs;
          gs_pages := new_pages;
          gs_callstack := new_stack;
          gs_context_u128 := zero128;
          gs_status := NoPanic;

Affected parts of VM state

  • flags are cleared
  • registers are affected as described by regs_effect.
  • new pages appear as described by alloc_pages_extframe.
  • context register is zeroed.
  • execution stack is affected in a non-trivial way (see step 10 in description for farcall).

Comparison with near calls

  • Far calls can not accept more than max_passable ergs, while near calls may accept all available ergs.


  • Calling other contracts
  • Calling precompiles Usually we call a system contract with assigned precompile. It prepares data for a precompile, performs precompile call, and returns the result.



  1. Attempting to pass an existing fat_ptr, but the passed value is not tagged as a pointer.

  | farcall_fwd_existing_fatptr_notag: (ts1 ts2:transient_state) ___0 ___1 ___2 ___3 ___4,

     ts2 = ts1 <| gs_status := Panic FarCallInputIsNotPointerWhenExpected |>
       (IntValue {|
           FarCallABI.fwd_memory := ForwardExistingFatPointer ___0;
           ergs_passed := ___1;
           FarCallABI.shard_id := ___2;
           constructor_call := ___3;
           to_system := ___4;
         |}) ts1 ts2
  1. The hash for the contract code (stored in the storage of DEPLOYER_SYSTEM_CONTRACT_ADDRESS) is malformed.

  | farcall_malformed_decommitment_hash: cs0 abi_shard is_syscall_query ts1 ts2 ___1 ___2 ___3 ___4 _tag,
      let is_system := addr_is_kernel dest && is_syscall_query in
      let allow_masking := negb is_system in
      let callee_shard := if is_shard_provided then abi_shard else current_shard cs0 in
      paid_code_fetch allow_masking callee_shard (gs_depot gs) (gs_contracts gs) dest cs0 (CodeFetchInvalidVerisonedHashFormat ___4)

      ts2 = ts1 <| gs_status := Panic FarCallInvalidCodeHashFormat |>
        (mk_pv _tag {|
          FarCallABI.fwd_memory := ___1;
          ergs_passed := ___2;
          FarCallABI.shard_id := abi_shard;
          constructor_call := ___3;
          to_system := is_syscall_query;
       ts1 ts2
  1. Not enough ergs to pay for code decommitment.

  | farcall_decommitment_unaffordable: cs0 abi_shard is_syscall_query ts1 ts2 ___1 ___2 ___3 ___4 _tag,
      let is_system := addr_is_kernel dest && is_syscall_query in
      let allow_masking := negb is_system in
      let callee_shard := if is_shard_provided then abi_shard else current_shard cs0 in
      paid_code_fetch allow_masking callee_shard (gs_depot gs) (gs_contracts gs) dest cs0 (CodeFetchUnaffordable ___1)
      cs0 = gs_callstack ts1
      ts2 = ts1 <| gs_status := Panic FarCallNotEnoughErgsToDecommit |>
        (mk_pv _tag {|
          FarCallABI.fwd_memory := ___2;
          ergs_passed := ___3;
          FarCallABI.shard_id := abi_shard;
          constructor_call := ___4;
          to_system := is_syscall_query;
       ts1 ts2
  1. Paid for decommitment; Returning a new fat pointer, but not enough ergs to pay for memory growth.

Not formalized

  • system contracts + constructor calls + “call in now constructed system contract” exception

End FarCallDefinitions.

Inductive step_farcall : instruction smallstep :=

| step_farcall_normal: handler pv_abi (dest:word) call_shard call_as_static s1 s2 ts1 ts2 (__:bool),

    let dest_addr := low contract_address_bits dest in
    let handler_code_addr := low code_address_bits handler in
    farcall Normal call_as_static call_shard dest_addr handler_code_addr s1.(gs_global) pv_abi ts1 ts2
    step_transient_only ts1 ts2 s1 s2
    step_farcall (OpFarCall (Some pv_abi) (mk_pv __ dest) handler call_shard call_as_static) s1 s2
| step_farcall_mimic: handler pv_abi (dest:word) call_shard call_as_static s1 s2 ts1 ts2 (__:bool),

    let dest_addr := low contract_address_bits dest in
    let handler_code_addr := low code_address_bits handler in
    farcall Mimic call_as_static call_shard dest_addr handler_code_addr s1.(gs_global) pv_abi ts1 ts2
    step_transient_only ts1 ts2 s1 s2
    step_farcall (OpMimicCall (Some pv_abi) (mk_pv __ dest) handler call_shard call_as_static) s1 s2
| step_farcall_delegate: handler pv_abi (dest:word) call_shard call_as_static s1 s2 ts1 ts2 (__:bool),

    let dest_addr := low contract_address_bits dest in
    let handler_code_addr := low code_address_bits handler in
    farcall Delegate call_as_static call_shard dest_addr handler_code_addr s1.(gs_global) pv_abi ts1 ts2
    step_transient_only ts1 ts2 s1 s2
    step_farcall (OpDelegateCall (Some pv_abi) (mk_pv __ dest) handler call_shard call_as_static) s1 s2
End FarCalls.

Library EraVM.sem.FarRet

OpRet (case of far return)

The near return and far return share the same syntax, but their runtime semantic is different:

Abstract Syntax

OpRet (in1: in_reg)


  • ret in1

  • ret, an alias to ret r1. Argument is ignored for near returns.

Legacy syntax

  • ret in1
  • ret is an alias for ret r1
  • ret.ok in1 aliased as ret in1


A normal return from a far call. Will pop up current callframe, return unspent ergs to the caller, and continue execution from the saved return address (from where the call had taken place). The register args describes a span of memory passed to the external caller.


  1. Fetch the value from register args and decode the value of type fwd_memory:

    Inductive fwd_memory :=
      ForwardFatPointer (p:fat_ptr)
    | ForwardNewFatPointer (heap_var: data_page_type) (s:span).

    The exact encoding is described by ABI.

  2. Forward memory to the caller (see paid_forward):

    • If args is ForwardFatPointer p, an existing fat_ptr is forwarded:

      • ensure that the register containing args is tagged as a pointer.
      • ensure that the memory page of p does NOT refer to a page owned by an older frame.
      • fat_ptr_narrow p so it starts at its current offset, and the offset is reset to zero.

      There is no payment because the existing fat pointer has already been paid for.

      Attention: shrinking and narrowing far pointers are different. See fat_ptr_shrink and fat_ptr_narrow.

    • If args is ForwardNewFatPointer heap_variant [start; limit), a new fat_ptr is created:

      • let B be the bound of the heap_variant taken from ctx_heap_bound field of ecf_mem_ctx of the active_extframe.

      • let I be the page id of the heap_variant taken from ctx_heap_page_id field of ecf_mem_ctx of the active_extframe.

      • build a fat pointer P from the span as described in paid_forward_heap_span.

        P := (I, (\mathit{start}, \mathit{limit}), 0)

      • if \mathit{start} + \mathit{limit} >B, pay for the growth difference (growth_cost (\mathit{start} + \mathit{limit} - B)).

      Note: it is not useful to readjust the current heap/auxheap bounds after paying for growth. The bounds are part of mem_ctx of the topmost frame, which is about to be discarded.

  3. Return the remaining ergs from cf_ergs_remaining of the destroyed frame to the caller.

  4. Clear flags.

  5. Encode P and store it in register r1, setting its pointer tag.

    All other registers are zeroed. Registers r2, r3, and r4 are reserved and may gain a special meaning in newer versions of EraVM.

  6. Clear context register.

Affected parts of the state

  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
  • Execution stack:
    • Current frame is dropped.
    • Caller frame:
      • Unspent ergs are given back to caller (but memory growth is paid first).
  • Flags are cleared.
  • Context register is zeroed (only returns from far calls).
  • Registers are cleared (only returns from far calls).


Normal returns from functions (and contracts).

  • OpRevert executes the current frame’s exception handler instead of returning to the caller.
  • OpPanic executes the current frame’s exception handler instead of returning to the caller, and sets overflow flag.

| step_RetExt_heapvar:
   pages cf caller_stack cs1 new_caller new_regs ___1 ___2 ___3 out_ptr heap_type hspan params s1 s2 status enc_ptr,
    let cs0 := ExternalCall cf (Some caller_stack) in

    paid_forward_new_fat_ptr heap_type hspan cs0 (out_ptr, cs1)
    ergs_return_caller_and_drop cs1 new_caller
    params = FarRetABI.mk_params (ForwardNewFatPointer heap_type hspan)
    Some enc_ptr = encode_fat_ptr_word zero128 (NotNullPtr out_ptr)
    new_regs = (reserve regs_state_zero)
                             <| r1 := PtrValue enc_ptr |>
    step_transient_only {|
                          gs_flags := ___1 ;
                          gs_callstack := cs0;
                          gs_regs := ___2;
                          gs_context_u128 := ___3;

                          gs_pages := pages;
                          gs_status := status;
                          gs_flags := flags_clear;
                          gs_callstack := new_caller;
                          gs_regs := new_regs;
                          gs_context_u128 := zero128;

                          gs_pages := pages;
                          gs_status := status;
                           |} s1 s2
    step_farret (OpRet (Some (IntValue params))) s1 s2

  | step_RetExt_ForwardFatPointer:
   pages cf caller_stack cs1 new_caller new_regs ___1 ___2 ___3 in_ptr out_ptr page params s1 s2 status enc_ptr,
    let cs0 := ExternalCall cf (Some caller_stack) in

    in_ptr.(fp_page) = Some page

    page_older page (get_mem_ctx cs0) = false

    validate in_ptr = no_exceptions

    fat_ptr_narrow in_ptr out_ptr

    ergs_return_caller_and_drop cs1 new_caller
    params = FarRetABI.mk_params (ForwardExistingFatPointer (NotNullPtr in_ptr))
    Some enc_ptr = encode_fat_ptr_word zero128 (NotNullPtr out_ptr)
    new_regs = (reserve regs_state_zero)
                             <| r1 := PtrValue enc_ptr |>
    step_transient_only {|
                          gs_flags := ___1 ;
                          gs_callstack := cs0;
                          gs_regs := ___2;
                          gs_context_u128 := ___3;

                          gs_pages := pages;
                          gs_status := status;
                          gs_flags := flags_clear;
                          gs_callstack := new_caller;
                          gs_regs := new_regs;

                          gs_context_u128 := zero128;
                          gs_pages := pages;
                          gs_status := status;
                          |} s1 s2
    step_farret (OpRet (Some (PtrValue params))) s1 s2


  1. Attempt to forward an existing fat pointer, but the value holding RetABI is not tagged as a pointer.
  1. Attempt to return a pointer created before the current callframe. It is forbidden to pass a pointer to a contract in a far call and return it back. Otherwise we could create a fat_ptr P to a heap page of contract A, pass it to a contract B, return it back to A, and then modify the contents on the heap page of A. This way we will also modify the memory slice associated with P.

In other words, this is a situation where:

  • caller makes far call to some contract;
  • callee does return-forward @calldataptr;
  • caller modifies calldata corresponding heap region, that leads to modification of returndata.
  1. Attempt to return a malformed pointer.
  1. Attempt to return a new pointer but unable to pay for memory growth.

Library EraVM.sem.FarRevert

OpRevert (case of far revert)

The near revert and far revert share the same syntax, but their runtime semantic is different:

Abstract Syntax

OpRevert (in1: in_reg)


  • rev in1

  • rev, an alias to rev r1. Argument is ignored for near reverts.

Legacy syntax

  • revert is an alias for revert r1
  • ret.revert in1


An abnormal return from a far call. Will pop up current callframe, give back unspent ergs and execute a currently active exception handler. The input register describes a slice of memory passed to the external caller.


Restores storage to the state before external call. 1. Let E be the address of the active_exception_handler. 2. Perform a rollback. 3. Proceed with the same steps as OpFarRetABI (see step_farret). 3. Set PC to E.

Affected parts of the state

  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
  • Execution stack:
    • Current frame is dropped.
    • Caller frame:
      • if a label is explicitly provided, and current frame is internal (near call), then caller’s PC is overwritten with the label. Returns from external calls ignore label, even if it is explicitly provided.
      • Unspent ergs are given back to caller (but memory growth is paid first).
  • Storage changes are reverted.
  • Flags are cleared.
  • Context register is zeroed (only reverts from far calls).
  • Registers are cleared (only reverts from far calls).


  • Abnormal returns from near/far calls when a recoverable error happened. Use panic for irrecoverable errors.
  • OpRet returns to the caller instead of executing an exception handler.
  • OpPanic acts similarly to OpRevert but does not pass any data to the caller frame and sets an overflow flag.

  | step_RevertExt_heapvar:
     gs gs' pages cf caller_stack cs1 cs2 new_caller new_regs params out_ptr heap_type hspan ___2 ___3 ___4 _tag ptr_enc,
      let cs0 := ExternalCall cf (Some caller_stack) in

      params = ForwardNewFatPointer heap_type hspan

      paid_forward_new_fat_ptr heap_type hspan cs0 (out_ptr, cs1)
      ergs_return_caller_and_drop cs1 cs2

      new_caller = pc_set (active_exception_handler cs0) cs2

      rollback cf.(cf_saved_checkpoint) gs gs'
      Some ptr_enc = encode_fat_ptr_word zero128 (NotNullPtr out_ptr)
      new_regs = reserve (regs_state_zero <| r1 := PtrValue ptr_enc |> )

      step_farrevert (OpRevert (Some (mk_pv _tag (FarRetABI.mk_params params))))
                       gs_transient := {|
                                        gs_flags := ___2 ;
                                        gs_callstack := cs0;
                                        gs_regs := ___3;
                                        gs_context_u128 := ___4;

                                        gs_pages := pages;
                                        gs_status := NoPanic;
                       gs_global := gs;
                       gs_transient := {|
                                        gs_flags := flags_clear;
                                        gs_callstack := new_caller;
                                        gs_regs := new_regs;
                                        gs_context_u128 := zero128;

                                        gs_pages := pages;
                                        gs_status := NoPanic;
                       gs_global := gs';
  | step_RevertExt_ForwardFatPointer:
     pages cf caller_stack cs1 cs2 new_caller new_regs ___2 ___3 ___4 in_ptr out_ptr page params gs gs' ptr_enc,
      let cs0 := ExternalCall cf (Some caller_stack) in

      (* Panic if not a pointer *)

      params = ForwardExistingFatPointer (NotNullPtr in_ptr)
      in_ptr.(fp_page) = Some page

      MemoryContext.page_older page (get_mem_ctx cs0) = false

      validate in_ptr = no_exceptions

      fat_ptr_narrow in_ptr out_ptr

      ergs_return_caller_and_drop cs1 cs2

      new_caller = pc_set (active_exception_handler cs0) cs2
      Some ptr_enc = encode_fat_ptr_word zero128 (NotNullPtr out_ptr)
      new_regs = (reserve regs_state_zero) <| r1 := PtrValue ptr_enc |>
      rollback cf.(cf_saved_checkpoint) gs gs'
      step_farrevert (OpRevert (Some (PtrValue (FarRetABI.mk_params params))))
                       gs_transient := {|
                                        gs_flags := ___2;
                                        gs_callstack := cs0;
                                        gs_regs := ___3 ;
                                        gs_context_u128 := ___4;

                                        gs_pages := pages;
                                        gs_status := NoPanic;

                       gs_global := gs;
                       gs_transient := {|
                                        gs_flags := flags_clear;
                                        gs_callstack := new_caller;
                                        gs_regs := new_regs;
                                        gs_context_u128 := zero128;

                                        gs_pages := pages;
                                        gs_status := NoPanic;

                       gs_global := gs';


  1. Attempt to forward an existing fat pointer, but the value holding RetABI is not tagged as a pointer.
  1. Attempt to return a pointer created before the current callframe. It is forbidden to pass a pointer to a contract in a far call and return it back. Otherwise we could create a fat_ptr P to a heap page of contract A, pass it to a contract B, return it back to A, and then modify the contents on the heap page of A. This way we will also modify the memory slice associated with P.

In other words, this is a situation where:

  • caller makes far call to some contract;
  • callee does return-forward @calldataptr;
  • caller modifies calldata corresponding heap region, that leads to modification of returndata.
  1. Attempt to return a malformed pointer.
  1. Attempt to return a new pointer but unable to pay for memory growth.

Library EraVM.sem.LoadPtr


Abstract Syntax

OpLoadPtr (in1: in_reg) (out1: out_reg)


ldp in1, out1

Legacy syntax

  • uma.fat_ptr_read in1, out aliased as ld in1, out


Read 32 consecutive bytes from address provided by a fat pointer ptr of active heap or aux_heap page as a 256-bit word, Big Endian. Reading bytes past the slice bound yields zero bytes.


  1. Let in_ptr = (page, start, offset, length) be a fat_ptr decoded from in1. Requires that in1 is tagged as a pointer.

  2. Validate that offset is in bounds: offset < length.

  3. Read 32 consecutive bytes as a Big Endian 256-bit word from address offset in heap variant.

    Reading bytes past start + length returns zero bytes. For example, consider a pointer with:

    page   := _;
    start  := 0;
    length := 5;
    offset := 2

    Reading will produce a word with 3 most significant bytes read from memory fairly (addresses 2, 3, 4) and 29 zero bytes coming from attempted reads past fp_start + fp_length bound.

  4. Store the word to res.

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, because out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
  • execution stack:
    • ergs allocated for the current function/contract instance, if the heap variant has to be grown;
    • heap variant bounds, if heap variant has to be grown.


See OpLoadPtrInc.


  1. Argument is not a tagged pointer.

Library EraVM.sem.LoadPtrInc


Abstract Syntax

OpLoadPtrInc (in1: in_regimm) (out1: out_reg) (out2: out_reg)


ldpi in1, out1, out2

Legacy syntax

  • in1, out aliased as in1, out


Read 32 consecutive bytes from address provided by a fat pointer ptr of active heap or aux_heap page as a 256-bit word, Big Endian. Reading bytes past the slice bound yields zero bytes.

Additionally, store a pointer to the next word to inc_ptr register.


  1. Let in_ptr = (page, start, offset, length) be a fat_ptr decoded from in1. Requires that in1 is tagged as a pointer.

  2. Validate that offset is in bounds: offset < length.

  3. Read 32 consecutive bytes as a Big Endian 256-bit word from address offset in heap variant.

    Reading bytes past start + length returns zero bytes. For example, consider a pointer with:

    page   := _;
    start  := 0;
    length := 5;
    offset := 2

    Reading will produce a word with 3 most significant bytes read from memory fairly (addresses 2, 3, 4) and 29 zero bytes coming from attempted reads past fp_start + fp_length bound.

  4. Store the word to res.

  5. Store an encoded fat pointer to the next 32-byte word in heap variant in inc_ptr. Its fields are assigned as follows:

    page := in_ptr.(fp_page);
    start := in_ptr.(fp_page);
    length := in_ptr.(fp_length);
    offset := in_ptr.(fp_offset) + 32;

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, because out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
  • execution stack:
    • ergs allocated for the current function/contract instance, if the heap variant has to be grown;
    • heap variant bounds, if heap variant has to be grown.


See OpLoadPtrInc.


  1. Argument is not a tagged pointer.
  1. Incremented pointer overflows.

Library EraVM.sem.Load

Require SemanticCommon MemoryManagement.

Import Arith MemoryOps MemoryManagement isa.CoreSet Pointer SemanticCommon PrimitiveValue State.

Section LoadDefinition.

  Open Scope ZMod_scope.

  Generalizable Variables cs flags regs mem.
  Inductive step_load: instruction tsmallstep :=


Abstract Syntax

OpLoad (in1: in_regimm) (out1: out_reg) (page_type: data_page_type)


  • ldm in1, out1

  • ldm.h to access heap (default)

  • ldm.ah to access auxheap

  • to access static memory page

Legacy syntax

  • uma.heap_read in1, out aliased as ld.1 in1, out
  • uma.aux_heap_read in1, out aliased as ld.2 in1, out


Decode the heap address from in1, load 32 consecutive bytes from the specified active heap variant.


  1. Decode a heap_ptr \mathit{addr} from ptr.

  2. Ensure reading 32 consecutive bytes is possible; for that, check if \mathit{addr < 2^{32}-32}.

  3. Let B be the selected heap variant bound. If \mathit{addr + 32} > B, grow heap variant bound and pay for the growth. We are aiming at reading a 256-bit word starting from address \mathit{addr} so the heap variant bound should contain all of it.

  4. Read 32 consecutive bytes as a Big Endian 256-bit word from \mathit{addr} in the heap variant, store result to res.

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, because out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
  • execution stack:
    • ergs allocated for the current function/contract instance, if the heap variant has to be grown;
    • heap variant bounds, if heap variant has to be grown.


  | step_Load:
     new_cs heap_variant ctx result mem selected_page bound addr high224,
      addr MAX_OFFSET_TO_DEREF_LOW_U32 = true

      heap_variant_page heap_variant cs1 mem selected_page
      mb_load_result BigEndian selected_page addr result

      word_upper_bound (mk_hptr addr) bound
      bound_grow_pay (heap_variant, bound) cs0 new_cs

      step_load (OpLoad (Some (IntValue (high224, mk_hptr addr))) (IntValue result) heap_variant)
           gs_callstack := cs0;

           gs_regs := regs;
           gs_pages := mem;
           gs_flags := flags;
           gs_context_u128 := ctx;
          gs_status := NoPanic;
           gs_callstack := new_cs;

           gs_regs := regs;
           gs_pages := mem;
           gs_flags := flags;
           gs_context_u128 := ctx;
          gs_status := NoPanic;


  1. Accessing an address greater than MAX_OFFSET_TO_DEREF_LOW_U32.

  | step_Load_offset_too_large:
     heap_variant ___ addr s1 s2 high224,
          addr > MAX_OFFSET_TO_DEREF_LOW_U32 = true
          step_panic HeapPtrOffsetTooLarge s1 s2
          step_load (OpLoad (Some (IntValue (high224, mk_hptr addr))) ___ heap_variant) s1 s2
  1. Passed fat_ptr instead of heap_ptr.

  | step_Load_expects_intvalue:
     s1 s2 ___ ____ _____,
          step_panic ExpectedHeapPointer s1 s2
          step_load (OpLoad (Some (PtrValue ___)) ____ _____) s1 s2
  1. Accessing an address requires growing the bound of the corresponding heap variant, but the growth is unaffordable.

  | step_Load_growth_unaffordable:
     (s1 s2:state) cs ptr bound heap_variant ___ high224,
          word_upper_bound ptr bound
          growth_to_bound_unaffordable cs (heap_variant, bound)
          gs_callstack s1 = cs
          step_panic HeapGrowthUnaffordable s1 s2
          step_load (OpLoad (Some (IntValue (high224, ptr ))) ___ heap_variant) s1 s2
End LoadDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.LoadInc

Require SemanticCommon MemoryManagement.

Import Arith MemoryOps MemoryManagement isa.CoreSet Pointer SemanticCommon PrimitiveValue State.

Section LoadIncDefinition.

  Open Scope ZMod_scope.
  Generalizable Variables cs flags regs mem.
  Inductive step_load_inc : instruction tsmallstep :=


Abstract Syntax

OpLoadInc (in1: in_regimm) (out1: out_reg) (out2: out_reg) (page_type: data_page_type)


  • ldmi in1, out1, out2

  • ldmi.h to access heap (default)

  • ldmi.ah to access auxheap

  • to access static memory page

Legacy syntax

  • in1, out1, out2 aliased as in1, out1, out2
  • in1, out1, out2 aliased as in1, out1, out2


Decode the heap address from in1, load 32 consecutive bytes from the specified active heap variant. Additionally, store a pointer to the next word to inc_ptr register.


  1. Decode a heap_ptr \mathit{addr} from ptr.

  2. Ensure reading 32 consecutive bytes is possible; for that, check if \mathit{addr < 2^{32}-32}.

  3. Let B be the selected heap variant bound. If \mathit{addr + 32} > B, grow heap variant bound and pay for the growth. We are aiming at reading a 256-bit word starting from address \mathit{addr} so the heap variant bound should contain all of it.

  4. Read 32 consecutive bytes as a Big Endian 256-bit word from \mathit{addr} in the heap variant, store result to res.

  5. Store an encoded heap_ptr \mathit{addr+32} to the next 32-byte word in the heap variant in inc_ptr.

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, because out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
  • execution stack:
    • ergs allocated for the current function/contract instance, if the heap variant has to be grown;
    • heap variant bounds, if heap variant has to be grown.


See OpLoad, OpLoadInc, OpStore, OpStoreInc.


  1. Accessing an address greater than MAX_OFFSET_TO_DEREF_LOW_U32.

  | step_Load_offset_too_large:
     heap_variant ___ ____ addr s1 s2 high224,
          addr > MAX_OFFSET_TO_DEREF_LOW_U32 = true
          step_panic HeapPtrOffsetTooLarge s1 s2
          step_load_inc (OpLoadInc (Some (IntValue (high224, mk_hptr addr))) ___ heap_variant ____) s1 s2
  1. Passed fat_ptr instead of heap_ptr.

  | step_Load_expects_intvalue:
     s1 s2 ___ ____ _____ ______,
          step_panic ExpectedHeapPointer s1 s2
          step_load_inc (OpLoadInc (Some (PtrValue ___)) ____ _____ ______) s1 s2
  1. Accessing an address requires growing the bound of the corresponding heap variant, but the growth is unaffordable.

  | step_Load_growth_unaffordable:
     (s1 s2:state) cs ptr bound heap_variant ___ ____ high224,
          word_upper_bound ptr bound
          growth_to_bound_unaffordable cs (heap_variant, bound)
          gs_callstack s1 = cs
          step_panic HeapGrowthUnaffordable s1 s2
          step_load_inc (OpLoadInc (Some (IntValue (high224, ptr))) ___ heap_variant ____) s1 s2
  1. Incremented pointer overflows.

  | step_LoadInc_inc_overflow:
     (s1 s2:state) heap_variant result hptr ___ high224,
          hp_inc_OF hptr = None
          step_panic HeapPtrIncOverflow s1 s2
          step_load_inc (OpLoadInc (Some (IntValue (high224, hptr))) (IntValue result) heap_variant ___) s1 s2

End LoadIncDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.Store


Abstract Syntax

OpStore (in1: in_regimm) (in2: in_reg) (page_type: data_page_type)


  • stm in1, in2

  • stm.h to access heap (default)

  • stm.ah to access auxheap

  • to access static memory page

Legacy syntax

  • uma.heap_write in1, in2 aliased as in1, out
  • uma.aux_heap_write in1, in2 aliased as in1, out


Decode the heap address from in1, store 32 consecutive bytes to the specified active heap variant.


  1. Decode a heap_ptr \mathit{addr} from ptr.

  2. Ensure storing 32 consecutive bytes is possible; for that, check if \mathit{addr < 2^{32}-32}.

  3. Let B be the selected heap variant bound. If \mathit{addr + 32} > B, grow heap variant bound and pay for the growth. We are aiming at reading a 256-bit word starting from address \mathit{addr} so the heap variant bound should contain all of it.

  4. Store 32 consecutive bytes as a Big Endian 256-bit word from val to \mathit{addr} in the heap variant.

Affected parts of the state

  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
  • execution stack:
    • allocated ergs if the heap variant has to be grown;
    • heap bounds, if heap variant has to be grown.


  | step_Store:
     high224 result flags new_cs heap_variant value new_mem selected_page bound modified_page cs regs mem addr ctx,

      let selected_page_id := heap_variant_id heap_variant cs in

      addr MAX_OFFSET_TO_DEREF_LOW_U32 = true

      heap_variant_page heap_variant cs mem selected_page

      word_upper_bound (mk_hptr addr) bound
      bound_grow_pay (heap_variant, bound) cs new_cs

      mb_store_word_result BigEndian selected_page addr value modified_page

      page_replace selected_page_id (mk_page (DataPage modified_page)) mem new_mem

      step_store (OpStore (Some (IntValue (high224, mk_hptr addr))) (IntValue result) heap_variant)
             gs_callstack := cs;
             gs_pages := mem;

             gs_regs := regs;
             gs_flags := flags;
             gs_context_u128 := ctx;
             gs_status := NoPanic;
             gs_callstack := new_cs;
             gs_pages := new_mem;

             gs_regs := regs;
             gs_flags := flags;
             gs_context_u128 := ctx;
             gs_status := NoPanic;

Affected parts of VM state


  1. Accessing an address greater than MAX_OFFSET_TO_DEREF_LOW_U32.

  | step_Store_offset_too_large:
     heap_variant ___1 addr high224 s1 s2,
          addr > MAX_OFFSET_TO_DEREF_LOW_U32 = true
          step_panic HeapPtrOffsetTooLarge s1 s2
          step_store (OpStore (Some (IntValue (high224, mk_hptr addr))) ___1 heap_variant) s1 s2
  1. Fat pointer provided where heap pointer is expected.

  | step_Store_expects_intvalue:
     s1 s2 ___1 ___2 ___3,
          step_panic ExpectedHeapPointer s1 s2
          step_store (OpStore (Some (PtrValue ___1)) ___2 ___3) s1 s2
  1. Accessing an address requires growing the bound of the corresponding heap variant, but the growth is unaffordable.

  | step_Store_growth_unaffordable:
     (s1 s2:state) high224 cs ptr bound heap_variant ___1,
          word_upper_bound ptr bound
          growth_to_bound_unaffordable cs (heap_variant, bound)
          gs_callstack s1 = cs
          step_panic HeapGrowthUnaffordable s1 s2
          step_store (OpStore (Some (IntValue (high224, ptr))) ___1 heap_variant) s1 s2
End StoreDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.StoreInc


Abstract Syntax

OpStoreInc (in1: in_regimm) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_reg) (page_type: data_page_type)


  • stmi in1, in2, out1

  • stmi.h to access heap (default)

  • stmi.ah to access auxheap

  • to access static memory page

Legacy syntax

  • in1, in2 aliased as in1, out
  • in1, in2 aliased as in1, out


Decode the heap address from in1, store 32 consecutive bytes to the specified active heap variant.

Additionally, store a pointer to the next word to out1 register.


  1. Decode a heap_ptr \mathit{addr} from ptr.

  2. Ensure storing 32 consecutive bytes is possible; for that, check if \mathit{addr < 2^{32}-32}.

  3. Let B be the selected heap variant bound. If \mathit{addr + 32} > B, grow heap variant bound and pay for the growth. We are aiming at reading a 256-bit word starting from address \mathit{addr} so the heap variant bound should contain all of it.

  4. Store 32 consecutive bytes as a Big Endian 256-bit word from val to \mathit{addr} in the heap variant.

  5. Store an encoded heap_ptr \mathit{addr+32} to the next 32-byte word in the heap variant in inc_ptr.

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, because out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
  • execution stack:
    • allocated ergs if the heap variant has to be grown;
    • heap bounds, if heap variant has to be grown.


  | step_StoreInc:
     hptr flags new_cs heap_variant value new_mem selected_page bound modified_page cs regs mem ___1 addr hptr_mod ctx high224,

      let selected_page_id := heap_variant_id heap_variant cs in

      hptr = mk_hptr addr

      addr MAX_OFFSET_TO_DEREF_LOW_U32 = true

      heap_variant_page heap_variant cs mem selected_page

      word_upper_bound hptr bound
      bound_grow_pay (heap_variant, bound) cs new_cs

      mb_store_word_result BigEndian selected_page addr value modified_page
      page_replace selected_page_id (mk_page (DataPage modified_page)) mem new_mem

      hp_inc hptr hptr_mod

      step_storeinc (OpStoreInc (Some (IntValue (high224, hptr))) (mk_pv ___1 value) heap_variant (Some (IntValue (high224,hptr_mod))))
             gs_callstack := cs;
             gs_pages := mem;

             gs_regs := regs;
             gs_flags := flags;
             gs_context_u128 := ctx;
             gs_status := NoPanic;
             gs_callstack := new_cs;
             gs_pages := new_mem;

             gs_regs := regs;
             gs_flags := flags;
             gs_context_u128 := ctx;
             gs_status := NoPanic;


  1. Accessing an address greater than MAX_OFFSET_TO_DEREF_LOW_U32.

  | step_Store_offset_too_large:
     heap_variant ___1 ___2 addr s1 s2 high224,
          addr > MAX_OFFSET_TO_DEREF_LOW_U32 = true
          step_panic HeapPtrOffsetTooLarge s1 s2
          step_storeinc (OpStoreInc (Some (IntValue (high224, mk_hptr addr))) ___1 heap_variant ___2) s1 s2
  1. Fat pointer provided where heap pointer is expected.

  | step_Store_expects_intvalue:
     s1 s2 ___1 ___2 ___3 ___4,
          step_panic ExpectedHeapPointer s1 s2
          step_storeinc (OpStoreInc (Some (PtrValue ___1)) ___2 ___3 ___4) s1 s2
  1. Accessing an address requires growing the bound of the corresponding heap variant, but the growth is unaffordable.

  | step_Store_growth_unaffordable:
     (s1 s2:state) cs hptr bound heap_variant ___1 ___2 high242,
          word_upper_bound hptr bound
          growth_to_bound_unaffordable cs (heap_variant, bound)
          gs_callstack s1 = cs
          step_panic HeapGrowthUnaffordable s1 s2
          step_storeinc (OpStoreInc (Some (IntValue (high242, hptr))) ___1 heap_variant ___2) s1 s2
  1. Incrementing the pointer leads to overflow.

  | step_Store_inc_overflow:
     (s1 s2:state) hptr ___1 ___2 ___3 high242,
          hp_inc_OF hptr = None
          step_panic HeapGrowthUnaffordable s1 s2
          step_storeinc (OpStoreInc (Some (IntValue (high242, hptr))) ___1 ___2 ___3) s1 s2
End StoreIncDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.PtrAdd


Abstract Syntax

OpPtrAdd (in1: in_reg) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_reg) (swap: mod_swap)


  • addp in1, in2, out1

  • addp.s in1, in2, out1 to set mod_swap modifier

Legacy syntax

  • ptr.add in1, in2, out
  • ptr.add.s in1, in2, out


Takes a fat pointer from in1 and a 32-bit unsigned number from in2. Advances the fat pointer’s offset by that number, and writes (in2{128…255} || incremented pointer) to out.


Note: In the following description the operands are bound after taking mod_swap modifier into account.

  1. Fetch input operands, swap them if swap modifier is set. Now operands are \mathit{op_1} and \mathit{op_2}.

  2. Ensure the \mathit{op_1} is tagged as a pointer, and \mathit{op_2} is not tagged as a pointer. Otherwise panic.

  3. Decode fat pointer \mathit{ptr_{in}} from \mathit{op_1}

  4. Let \mathit{diff} be \mathit{op_2} truncated to 32 bits:

    \mathit{diff} := \mathit{op}_2 \mod 2^{32}

    It is required that \mathit{op}_2 < \texttt{MAX\_OFFSET\_FOR\_ADD\_SUB}, otherwise VM panics.

  5. Advance pointer offset of \mathit{ptr_{in}} by \mathit{diff}:

\mathit{ptr_{out}} := \mathit{ptr_{in}} | _\mathit{offset := offset + diff}

  1. Store the result, tagged as a pointer, to out. The most significant 128 bits of result are taken from op1, the least significant bits hold an encoded pointer:

result := \mathit{op_1}\{255\dots128\} \#\# \texttt{encode}(\mathit{ptr_{out}})

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, because out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction


  • Used as a substitute for an absent MOV instruction to copy fat pointers around.
  • Manipulating fat pointers to pass slices of memory between functions.

See OpPtrAdd, OpPtrSub, OpPtrShrink, OpPtrPack.

  Inductive step_ptradd : instruction smallstep :=
  | step_PtrAdd:
     s ofs new_ofs pid high128 (arg_delta:word) (mem_delta: mem_address) span,

      arg_delta < MAX_OFFSET_FOR_ADD_SUB = true
      mem_delta = low mem_address_bits arg_delta
      (false, new_ofs) = ofs + mem_delta

      step_ptradd (OpPtrAdd
              (Some (PtrValue (high128, NotNullPtr (mk_fat_ptr pid (mk_ptr span ofs)))))
              (IntValue arg_delta)
              (Some (PtrValue (high128, NotNullPtr (mk_fat_ptr pid (mk_ptr span new_ofs))))))
        s s


  1. First argument is not a pointer (after accounting for swap).
  1. Second argument is a pointer (after accounting for swap).
  1. Second argument is larger than MAX_OFFSET_FOR_ADD_SUB (after accounting for swap).
  1. Addition overflows.

  | step_PtrAdd_overflow:
     s1 s2 ofs new_ofs pid (arg_delta:word) (mem_delta: mem_address) span high128,

      arg_delta < MAX_OFFSET_FOR_ADD_SUB = true
      mem_delta = low mem_address_bits arg_delta
      (true, new_ofs) = ofs + mem_delta

      step_panic FatPointerOverflow s1 s2
      step_ptradd (OpPtrAdd
              (Some (PtrValue (high128, NotNullPtr (mk_fat_ptr pid (mk_ptr span ofs)))))
              (IntValue arg_delta)
              (Some (PtrValue (high128, NotNullPtr (mk_fat_ptr pid (mk_ptr span new_ofs))))))
        s1 s2.
End PtrAddDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.PtrSub

Require SemanticCommon.

Import spec.

Section PtrSubDefinition.
  Open Scope ZMod_scope.


Abstract Syntax

OpPtrSub (in1: in_reg) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_reg) (swap: mod_swap)


  • subp in1, in2, out1

  • subp.s in1, in2, out1 to set mod_swap modifier

Legacy syntax

  • ptr.sub in1, in2, out
  • ptr.sub.s in1, in2, out


Takes a fat pointer from in1 and a 32-bit unsigned number from in2. Advances the fat pointer’s offset by that number, and writes (in2{128…255} || incremented pointer) to out.


Note: In the following description the operands are bound after taking mod_swap modifier into account.

  1. Fetch input operands, swap them if swap modifier is set. Now operands are \mathit{op_1} and \mathit{op_2}.

  2. Ensure the \mathit{op_1} is tagged as a pointer, and \mathit{op_2} is not tagged as a pointer. Otherwise panic.

  3. Decode fat pointer \mathit{ptr_{in}} from \mathit{op_1}

  4. Let \mathit{diff} be \mathit{op_2} truncated to 32 bits:

    \mathit{diff} := \mathit{op}_2 \mod 2^{32}

    It is required that \mathit{op}_2< \texttt{MAX\_OFFSET\_FOR\_ADD\_SUB}, otherwise VM panics.

  5. Advance pointer offset of \mathit{ptr_{in}} by \mathit{diff}:

\mathit{ptr_{out}} := \mathit{ptr_{in}} | _\mathit{offset := offset - diff}

  1. Store the result, tagged as a pointer, to out. The most significant 128 bits of result are taken from op1, the least significant bits hold an encoded pointer:

result := \mathit{op_1}\{255\dots128\} \#\# \texttt{encode}(\mathit{ptr_{out}})

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, because out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction


  • Manipulating fat pointers to pass slices of memory between functions.

See OpPtrAdd, OpPtrSub, OpPtrShrink, OpPtrPack.

  Inductive step_ptrsub : instruction smallstep :=
  | step_PtrSub:
     high128 s ofs new_ofs pid (arg_delta:word) (mem_delta: mem_address) span,

      arg_delta MAX_OFFSET_FOR_ADD_SUB = true
      mem_delta = low mem_address_bits arg_delta
      (false,new_ofs) = ofs - mem_delta

      step_ptrsub (OpPtrSub
              (Some (PtrValue (high128, NotNullPtr (mk_fat_ptr pid (mk_ptr span ofs)))))
              (IntValue arg_delta)
              (Some (PtrValue (high128, NotNullPtr (mk_fat_ptr pid (mk_ptr span new_ofs))))))
        s s


  1. First argument is not a pointer (after accounting for swap).
  1. Second argument is a pointer (after accounting for swap).
  1. Second argument is larger than MAX_OFFSET_FOR_SUB_SUB (after accounting for swap).
  1. Subtraction underflows.

  | step_PtrSub_underflow:
     high128 s1 s2 ofs new_ofs pid (arg_delta:word) (mem_delta: mem_address) span,

      arg_delta < MAX_OFFSET_FOR_ADD_SUB = true
      mem_delta = low mem_address_bits arg_delta
      (true, new_ofs) = ofs - mem_delta

      step_panic FatPointerOverflow s1 s2
      step_ptrsub (OpPtrSub
                     (Some (PtrValue (high128, NotNullPtr (mk_fat_ptr pid (mk_ptr span ofs)))))
                     (IntValue arg_delta)
                     (Some (PtrValue (high128, NotNullPtr (mk_fat_ptr pid (mk_ptr span new_ofs))))))

        s1 s2
End PtrSubDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.PtrShrink


Attention: shrinking and narrowing far pointers are different. See fat_ptr_shrink and fat_ptr_narrow.

Abstract Syntax

OpPtrShrink (in1: in_reg) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_reg) (swap: mod_swap)


  • shrnk in1, in2, out1

  • shrnk.s in1, in2, out1 to set mod_swap modifier

Legacy syntax

  • ptr.shrink in1, in2, out
  • ptr.shrink.s in1, in2, out, for setting the swap modifier.


Shrink the fat pointer, decreasing its length.


Note: In the following description the operands are bound after taking mod_swap modifier into account.

  1. Fetch input operands, swap them if swap modifier is set. Now operands are \mathit{op_1} and \mathit{op_2}.
  2. Ensure the \mathit{op_1} is tagged as a pointer, and \mathit{op_2} is not tagged as a pointer. Otherwise panic.
  3. Decode fat pointer \mathit{ptr_{in}} from \mathit{op_1}
  4. Let \mathit{diff} be \mathit{op_2} truncated to 32 bits:

\mathit{diff} := \mathit{op}_2 \mod 2^{32}

  1. Rewind pointer length of \mathit{ptr_{in}} by \mathit{diff}:

\mathit{ptr_{out}} := \mathit{ptr_{in}} | _\mathit{length := length - diff}

  1. Store the result, tagged as a pointer, to out:

result := \mathit{op_1}\{255\dots128\} \#\# \texttt{encode}(\mathit{ptr_{out}})

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, because out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction


  • Instead of copying a fragment of a memory region defined by a fat pointer to pass it to some other contract, we may shrink the pointer and cheaply pass a sub-fragment to another contract without copying.

See OpPtrAdd, OpPtrSub, OpPtrShrink, OpPtrPack.

  | step_PtrShrink :
     s high128 ptr_in ptr_out delta ,

      let diff := low mem_address_bits delta in
      fat_ptr_shrink diff ptr_in ptr_out

      step_ptrshrink (OpPtrShrink
                        (Some (PtrValue (high128, NotNullPtr ptr_in)))
                        (IntValue delta)
                        (Some (PtrValue (high128, NotNullPtr ptr_out))))
        s s


  1. First argument is not a pointer (after accounting for swap).
  1. Second argument is a pointer (after accounting for swap).
  1. Shrinking underflows.

  | step_PtrShrink_underflow:
     s1 s2 high128 ptr_in ptr_out delta ,
      let diff := low mem_address_bits delta in
      fat_ptr_shrink_OF diff ptr_in = None

      step_ptrshrink (OpPtrShrink
                         (Some (PtrValue (high128, NotNullPtr ptr_in)))
                        (IntValue delta)
                        (Some (PtrValue (high128, NotNullPtr ptr_out))))
        s1 s2
End PtrShrinkDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.PtrPack


Abstract Syntax

OpPtrPack (in1: in_reg) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_reg) (swap: mod_swap)


  • pack in1, in2, out1

  • pack.s in1, in2, out1 to set mod_swap modifier

Legacy syntax

  • ptr.pack in1, in2, out
  • ptr.pack.s in1, in2, out, for setting the swap modifier.


Concatenates the lower 128 bit of in1 and the higher 128 bits of in2, writes result to out. in1 should hold a fat_ptr.


Note: In the following description the operands are bound after taking mod_swap modifier into account.

  1. Fetch input operands, swap them if swap modifier is set. Now operands are \mathit{op_1} and \mathit{op_2}.
  2. Ensure the \mathit{op_1} is tagged as a pointer, and \mathit{op_2} is not tagged as a pointer. Otherwise panic.
  3. Ensure that the lower 128 bits of \mathit{op}_2 are zero. Otherwise panic.
  4. Store the result, tagged as a pointer, to out:

result := \mathit{op_2}\{255\dots128\} \#\# \mathit{op_1}\{128\dots 0\}

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, because out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction


  • fat pointer in in_1 spans across bits in_1{0\dots127}, and the bits in_1{128\dots255} are therefore available to put other data. This is used by for memory forwarding to far calls when we need to forward an existing fat pointer.

    To pass a fat pointer P to far call, it is necessary to encode an instance of FarCallABI with fwd_memory := ForwardFatPointer P into a PtrValue.

    Module ABI.FarCall.
    Record params :=
      mk_params {
          fwd_memory: fwd_memory;
          ergs_passed: ergs;
          shard_id: shard_id;
          constructor_call: bool;
          to_system: bool;

    The compound type of FarCallABI is serialized to a word in such a way that the pointer takes up the lower 128 bits of memory. This matches the layout of any fat pointer: serialized pointers occupy the lower 128 bit of a word.

    Therefore, encoding an instance of FarCallABI can be done as follows:

See OpPtrAdd, OpPtrSub, OpPtrShrink, OpPtrPack.

  | step_PtrPack :
     op1_high128 ptr (op2:word) (s:state) encoded result,
      low 128 op2 = zero128
      Some encoded = encode_fat_ptr ptr
      result = (@high 128 128 op2) ## encoded
      step_ptrpack (@OpPtrPack bound (Some (PtrValue (op1_high128, ptr))) (IntValue op2) (IntValue result)) s s


  1. First argument is not a pointer (after accounting for swap).
  1. Second argument is a pointer (after accounting for swap).
  1. Low 128 bits of the second operand are not zero (after accounting for swap).

Library EraVM.sem.SStore

From RecordUpdate Require Import RecordSet.
Require SemanticCommon.

Import Common Core Predication Ergs isa.CoreSet CallStack Event memory.Depot TransientMemory MemoryOps State
  PrimitiveValue SemanticCommon ZArith RecordSetNotations.

Section SStoreDefinition.

  Definition sstore_cost cs : ergs :=
    let pubdata := (net_pubdata cs) in
    ergs_of (pubdata × Z.of_nat bytes_in_word).

  Inductive step_sstore: instruction smallstep :=


Abstract Syntax

OpSStore (in1: in_reg) (in2: in_reg)


sts in1, in2

Legacy syntax

log.swrite in1, in2 aliased as sstore in1, in2


Store word in the storage of the active contract by key.


  • Store word in current shard’s, and current contract’s storage by key key. Current contract is identified by the field ecf_this_address of the active external frame.
  • Pay for transient storage write.

Affected parts of the state

  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
  • Depot of the current shard.



  | step_SStore:
     cs new_cs key new_depot write_value gs new_gs ts1 ts2 __ ,

      (* there are currently no refunds *)
      cs = gs_callstack ts1
      let fqa_storage := mk_fqa_key (current_storage_fqa cs) key in
      let old_depot := gs.(gs_revertable).(gs_depot) in
      storage_write old_depot fqa_storage write_value new_depot
      global_state_new_depot new_depot gs new_gs

      ts2 = ts1 <| gs_callstack := new_cs |>
      pay (sstore_cost cs) cs new_cs

      step_sstore (OpSStore (mk_pv __ key) (IntValue write_value))
                    gs_transient := ts1;
                    gs_global := gs;
                    gs_transient := ts2;
                    gs_global := new_gs;


  1. Not enough ergs to pay for storage write.

  | step_SStore_unaffordable:
     cs gs ts1 ts2 ___1 ___2,

      (* there are currently no refunds *)
      cs = gs_callstack ts1
      affordable cs (sstore_cost cs) = false
      ts2 = ts1 <| gs_status := Panic StorageWriteUnaffordable |>
      step_sstore (OpSLoad ___1 ___2)
                    gs_transient := ts1;
                    gs_global := gs;
                    gs_transient := ts2;
                    gs_global := gs;
End SStoreDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.SLoad


Abstract Syntax

OpSLoad (in1: in_reg) (out1: out_reg)


lds in1, out1

Legacy syntax

log.sread in1, out aliased as sload in1, out


Access word in the storage of the active contract by key.


  1. Load word from current shard, current contract’s storage by key key.

    Current contract is identified by the field ecf_this_address of the active external frame.

  2. Store the value to dest.

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, because out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction


  • Only OpSLoad is capable of reading data from storage.

Library EraVM.sem.TransientLoad


Abstract Syntax

OpTransientLoad (in1: in_reg) (out1: out_reg)


ldt in1, out1

Legacy syntax

tload in1, out1


Access word in the transient storage of the active contract by key.

Transient contract storage of all contracts resets when OpIncrementTxNumber is called.


  1. Load word from current shard, current contract’s transient storage by key key.

    Current contract is identified by the field ecf_this_address of the active external frame.

  2. Store the value to dest.

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, because out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction


  • Only OpTransientLoad is capable of reading data from transient storage.
  • Much cheaper than storage for e.g. reentrancy locks.

  (* FIXME: semantic is incorrect *)
  | step_TLoad:
     read_value key (s:state) __,
      let fqa_storage := mk_fqa_key (current_storage_fqa (gs_callstack s)) key in

      storage_read (gs_revertable s).(gs_depot) fqa_storage read_value
      step_tload (OpSLoad (mk_pv __ key)(IntValue read_value)) s s

End TransientLoadDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.TransientStore

From RecordUpdate Require Import RecordSet.
Require SemanticCommon.

Import Common Core Predication Ergs isa.CoreSet CallStack Event memory.Depot TransientMemory MemoryOps State
  PrimitiveValue SemanticCommon ZArith RecordSetNotations.

Section TransientStoreDefinition.

  Definition tstore_cost cs : ergs :=
    let pubdata := (net_pubdata cs) in
    ergs_of (pubdata × Z.of_nat bytes_in_word).

  Inductive step_tstore: instruction smallstep :=


Abstract Syntax

OpTransientStore (in1: in_reg) (in2: in_reg)


stt in1, in2

Legacy syntax

tstore in1, in2


Store word in the transient storage of the active contract by key.


  • Store word in current shard’s, and current contract’s transient storage by key key. Current contract is identified by the field ecf_this_address of the active external frame.
  • Pay for transient storage write.

Affected parts of the state

  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
  • Transient depot of the current shard.


  (* FIXME: semantic is incorrect *)
  | step_TransientStore:
     cs new_cs key new_depot write_value gs new_gs ts1 ts2 __ ,

      (* there are currently no refunds *)
      cs = gs_callstack ts1
      let fqa_storage := mk_fqa_key (current_storage_fqa cs) key in
      let old_depot := gs.(gs_revertable).(gs_depot) in
      storage_write old_depot fqa_storage write_value new_depot
      global_state_new_depot new_depot gs new_gs

      ts2 = ts1 <| gs_callstack := new_cs |>
      pay (tstore_cost cs) cs new_cs

      step_tstore (OpTransientStore (mk_pv __ key) (IntValue write_value))
                    gs_transient := ts1;
                    gs_global := gs;
                    gs_transient := ts2;
                    gs_global := new_gs;


  1. Not enough ergs to pay for storage write.

  (* FIXME: semantic *)
  | step_TransientStore_unaffordable:
     cs gs ts1 ts2 ___1 ___2,

      (* there are currently no refunds *)
      cs = gs_callstack ts1
      affordable cs (tstore_cost cs) = false
      ts2 = ts1 <| gs_status := Panic StorageWriteUnaffordable |>
      step_tstore (OpSLoad ___1 ___2)
                    gs_transient := ts1;
                    gs_global := gs;
                    gs_transient := ts2;
                    gs_global := gs;
End TransientStoreDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.OpEvent

Require SemanticCommon.

Import CallStack Event isa.CoreSet State PrimitiveValue SemanticCommon.
Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool ssreflect.eqtype ssreflect.tuple.

Section EventDefinition.
  Inductive step_event: instruction smallstep :=


Abstract Syntax

OpEvent (in1: in_reg) (in2: in_reg) (is_first: bool)


log in1, in2

Legacy syntax

  • log.event in1, in2 aliased as event in1, in2
  • log.event.first in1, in2 aliased as event.i in1, in2


Emit an event with provided key and value. See event for more details on events system.


  1. Fetch key and value from in1 and in2.
  2. If is_first is true, mark the event as the first in a chain of events.
  3. Emit event.

Affected parts of the state

  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
  • Event queue.


  | step_Event:
     xs is_first _tag1 _tag2
      key value gs new_gs,
      let regs := gs_regs xs in
      let pages := gs_pages xs in
      let xstack := gs_callstack xs in

      emit_event (EventQuery {|
                      ev_shard_id := current_shard xstack;
                      ev_is_first := is_first;
                      ev_tx_number_in_block := gs_tx_number_in_block gs;
                      ev_address := current_contract xstack;
                      ev_key := key;
                      ev_value := value;
                    |}) gs new_gs

      step_event (OpEvent (mk_pv _tag1 key) (mk_pv _tag2 value) is_first)
                   gs_global := gs;
                   gs_transient := xs;
                   gs_global := new_gs;
                   gs_transient := xs;
End EventDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.ToL1

From RecordUpdate Require Import RecordSet.

Require SemanticCommon.

Import Arith Common Ergs CallStack Event TransientMemory isa.CoreSet State
  PrimitiveValue SemanticCommon RecordSetNotations.
Import ssreflect.tuple ssreflect.eqtype.

Section ToL1Definition.

  Open Scope ZMod_scope.


Abstract Syntax

OpToL1 (in1: in_reg) (in2: in_reg) (is_first: bool)


logl1 in1, in2

Legacy syntax

  • log.to_l1 in1, in2
  • log.to_l1.first in1, in2


Emit a message to L1 with provided key and value. See event for more details on events system.


  1. Fetch key and value from key and value.
  2. If is_first is true, mark the event as the first in a chain of events.
  3. Emit L1 message event.

Affected parts of the state

  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction
  • L1 Event queue.


Communicating with L1.

  Inductive step_tol1: instruction smallstep :=

  | step_ToL1:
     cs new_cs is_first key value gs new_gs cost cost_truncated ts1 ts2 __ ___1,

      cost = gs_current_ergs_per_pubdata_byte gs × ergs_of L1_MESSAGE_PUBDATA_BYTES
      cost < (fromZ (unsigned_max ergs_bits))
      cost_truncated = low ergs_bits cost
      pay cost_truncated cs new_cs

      emit_l1_msg {|
          ev_shard_id := current_shard cs;
          ev_is_first := is_first;
          ev_tx_number_in_block := gs_tx_number_in_block gs;
          ev_address := current_contract cs;
          ev_key := key;
          ev_value := value;
        |} gs new_gs
      ts2 = ts1 <| gs_callstack := new_cs |>
      step_tol1 (OpToL1Message (mk_pv __ key) (mk_pv ___1 value) is_first)
             gs_transient := ts1;
             gs_global := gs;
             gs_transient := ts2;
             gs_global := new_gs;
End ToL1Definition.

Library EraVM.sem.PrecompileCall

From RecordUpdate Require Import RecordSet.

Require SemanticCommon Precompiles.

Import Addressing ABI Bool Common Coder Predication Ergs CallStack Event TransientMemory MemoryOps isa.CoreSet State
  Addressing.Coercions PrimitiveValue SemanticCommon RecordSetNotations PrecompileParametersABI.

Section PrecompileCallDefinition.
  Open Scope ZMod_scope.
  Import ssreflect.tuple ssreflect.eqtype.


Abstract Syntax

OpPrecompileCall (in1: in_reg) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_reg)


callp in1, in2, out1

Legacy syntax

log.precompile in1, in2, out1


A precompile call is a call to an extension of a virtual machine. The extension operates differently depending on the currently executing contract’s address. Only system contracts may have precompiles.


Attempt to pay the extra cost:

\mathit{cost_{extra}} = \mathit{in}_2 \mod 2^{32}

  • If the cost is affordable:
    • pay \mathit{cost_{extra}}
    • execute the precompile logic associated to the currently executing contract. This will emit a special event.
    • set {out}_1 to one.
  • If the cost is unaffordable, do not pay anything beyound base_cost of this instruciton. Set {out}_1 to zero.

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, because out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction


  Inductive step_precompile: instruction smallstep :=
  | step_PrecompileCall_affordable:
     flags pages cs regs result new_cs extra_ergs gs new_gs ctx ___1 new_xs params,
      let heap_id := active_heap_id cs in

      let cost := low ergs_bits extra_ergs in

      pay cost cs new_cs
      result = one256

      let xs := {|
                     gs_callstack := new_cs;

                     gs_regs := regs;
                     gs_pages := pages;
                     gs_flags := flags;
                     gs_context_u128 := ctx;
                     gs_status := NoPanic;
                   |} in
      Precompiles.precompile_processor (current_contract cs) params xs new_xs

      emit_event (PrecompileQuery {|
                      q_contract_address := current_contract cs;
                      q_tx_number_in_block := gs_tx_number_in_block gs;
                      q_shard_id := current_shard cs;
                      q_key := params;
                    |}) gs new_gs
      step_precompile (OpPrecompileCall (Some (IntValue params)) (mk_pv ___1 extra_ergs) (IntValue result))
                        gs_transient := {|
                                      gs_regs := regs;
                                      gs_pages := pages;
                                      gs_callstack := cs;
                                      gs_flags := flags;
                                      gs_context_u128 := ctx;
                                      gs_status := NoPanic;
                        gs_global := gs;

                        gs_transient := new_xs;
                        gs_global := new_gs;
  | step_PrecompileCall_unaffordable:
     flags pages cs regs extra_ergs ___1 ___2 s1 s2 result ctx,
      let cost := low ergs_bits extra_ergs in
      affordable cs cost = false

      result = zero256
          gs_callstack := cs;

          gs_regs := regs;
          gs_flags := flags;
          gs_pages := pages;
          gs_context_u128 := ctx;
          gs_status := NoPanic;
          gs_callstack := ergs_reset cs;

          gs_regs := regs;
          gs_flags := flags;
          gs_pages := pages;
          gs_context_u128 := ctx;
          gs_status := NoPanic;
        |} s1 s2
      step_precompile (OpPrecompileCall ___2 (mk_pv ___1 extra_ergs) (IntValue result)) s1 s2

End PrecompileCallDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.Decommit

From RecordUpdate Require Import RecordSet.

Require SemanticCommon.

Import Addressing Bool Core Common Predication GPR CallStack TransientMemory MemoryOps isa.CoreSet State
  PrimitiveValue SemanticCommon RecordSetNotations.

Section DecommitDefinition.

  Inductive step_decommit: @instruction decoded smallstep :=


Abstract Syntax

OpDecommit (in1: in_reg) (in2: in_reg) (out1: out_reg)


dcmt in1, in2, out1

Legacy syntax

decommit in1, in2, out1


Decommit code into memory.



Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, because out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction


  • Read data from a read-only slice returned from a far call, or passed to a far call.
  • One of few instructions that accept only reg or imm operand but do not have full addressing mode, therefore can’t e.g. address stack. The full list is: OpLoad, OpLoadInc, OpStore, OpStoreInc, OpLoadPointer, OpLoadPointerInc.

    (* FIXME: no semantic yet *)
| step_decommit_apply:
   src0 src1 dst0 (s: state),

    step_decommit (OpDecommit src0 src1 dst0) s s.

End DecommitDefinition.

Library EraVM.sem.Contract


Abstract Syntax

OpContractThis (out1: out_reg)


this out1

Legacy syntax

context.this out


Retrieves the address of the currently executed contract.


  • Fetch the address of the currently executed contract from the active external frame.
  • Widen the address to word_bits, zero-extended, and write to register out.

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, because out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction



Abstract Syntax

OpContractCaller (out1: out_reg)


par out1

Legacy syntax

context.caller out


Retrieves the address of the contract which has called the currently executed contract.


  • Fetch the address of the currently executed contract from the active external frame.
  • Widen address is widened to word_bits, zero-extended, and written to register out.

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, because out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction


On OpDelegateCall this address is preserved to be the caller of the caller. See select_sender.


Abstract Syntax

OpContractCodeAddress (out1: out_reg)


code out1

Legacy syntax

context.code_source out


Retrieves the address of the contract code that is actually being executed.


  • Fetch the contract address of the currently executed code from the active external frame.
  • Widen the address to word_bits, zero-extended, and write to register out.

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, because out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction


Library EraVM.sem.VM


Abstract Syntax

OpVMErgsLeft (out1: out_reg)


ergs out1

Legacy syntax

context.ergs_left out


Retrieves the number of ergs allocated for the current frame.


  • Fetch the currently allocated ergs from the topmost frame, external or internal. The ergs belonging to the parent frames are not counted.
  • Widen the ergs number to word_bits, zero-extended, and write to out.

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, because out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction


  • Check if the number of ergs is sufficient for an expensive task.
  • Should be used before OpPrecompileCall.


Abstract Syntax

OpVMSP (out1: out_reg)


sp out1

Legacy syntax

context.sp out


Retrieves current stack pointer value.


  • Fetch the current SP from the topmost frame, external or internal. It points past the topmost element of the stack.
  • Widen the SP value to word_bits, zero-extended, and write to out.

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, because out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction



Abstract Syntax

OpVMMeta (out1: out_reg)


meta out1

Legacy syntax

context.meta  out


VM internal state introspection.


  • Stores the encoded value of MetaParametersABI in out. The value is structured as follows:
Record params := {
      ergs_per_pubdata_byte: ergs;
      heap_size: mem_address;
      aux_heap_size: mem_address;
      this_shard_id: shard_id;
      caller_shard_id: shard_id;
      code_shard_id: shard_id;

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, because out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction


  | step_VMMeta:
     params cs shards
      (s1 s2: state),
      cs = gs_callstack s1
      shards = (active_extframe cs).(ecf_shards)
      params = {|
                 ergs_per_pubdata_byte := gs_current_ergs_per_pubdata_byte s1;
                 heap_size := heap_bound cs;
                 aux_heap_size := auxheap_bound cs;
                 this_shard_id := shard_this shards;
                 caller_shard_id := shard_caller shards;
                 code_shard_id := shard_code shards;
      step_vm (OpVMMeta (Some (IntValue params))) s1 s2
End VMDefinitions.

Library EraVM.sem.Context


Abstract Syntax

OpGetCapturedContext (out1: out_reg)


ldvl out1

Legacy syntax

context.get_context_u128 out


Retrieves current captured context value from the active external frame.

Does not interact with the context register.


  • Fetch the current context value from the active external frame.
  • Widen the context value from 128 bits to word_bits, zero-extended, and write to out.

Affected parts of the state

  • GPRs, because out resolves to a register.
  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction



Abstract Syntax

OpSetContextReg (in1: in_reg)


stvl in1

Legacy syntax

context.set_context_u128 in


Sets context register.

Does not interact with the captured context value in the active external frame.


  • Fetch the value from out and narrow it to 128 bits.
  • Store the shrunk value in the context register gs_context_u128.

Affected parts of the state

  • Execution stack:
    • PC, as by any instruction


Library EraVM.Coder

Require Common.
Import ssreflect ssrfun.

Section Encoding.


Application Binary Interfaces (ABI) require describing serialization and deserialization.

  • Serialization encodes an instance of type T into a word of type word.
  • Deserialization tries to decode an instance of type T from a word of type word.

  Context {U T:Type}.

The type decoder defines an embedding of a subset of words of type word to a type T. Decoding may fail if the input word is malformed.

  Definition decoder := U option T.

Definition encoder defines an embedding of type T to a set of possible word values.

The record coder connects a specific decoder with the matching encoder, and proofs of their properties.

  Record coder := mk_coder {
      decode: decoder;
      encode: encoder;


decode and encode should be mutual inverses in the following sense:

      _: revertible decode encode;
End Encoding.

Section Properties.

  Context {A B C: Type}.

  Section PropertyComposition.
    Context (encode1: @encoder B A) (decode1:@decoder B A) (encode2: @encoder C B) (decode2: @decoder C B).

    Theorem revertible1_compose:
      revertible decode1 encode1
      revertible decode2 encode2
      let encode3 : A option C := pcomp encode2 encode1 in
      let decode3 : C option A := pcomp decode1 decode2 in
      revertible decode3 encode3.

  End PropertyComposition.

  Definition coder_compose (c2: @coder C B) (c1: @coder B A) : @coder C A.
End Properties.

Library EraVM.ABI

Require Coder Ergs Pointer GPR MemoryManagement TransientMemory lib.BitsExt.

Import ssreflect ssreflect.ssrfun ssreflect.ssrbool ssreflect.eqtype ssreflect.tuple zmodp.
Import Core Common Coder Bool GPR Ergs MemoryManagement TransientMemory Pointer.

Application binary interface (ABI)

This section details the serialization and deserialization formats for compound instruction arguments.

The description from Rust VM implementation is described here:

Library EraVM.ABI.NearCallABI

Require Coder Ergs TransientMemory.

Import ssreflect.
Import Types Core Coder Ergs TransientMemory.

Section NearCallABI.

Near call may only accept one parameter: the amount of ergs allocated to it.

Record params: Type :=
  mk_params {
      ergs_passed: u32; (* in low 32 bits *)

Definition encode : params option u32 := fun pSome p.(ergs_passed).
Definition decode : u32 option params := fun uSome (mk_params u).

Definition encode_word (p:params) (high224: u224) : option word :=
  option_map (fun encodedhigh224 ## encoded) (encode p).

Definition decode_word (w:word) : option (u224 × params) :=
  option_map (fun decoded(@high 224 32 w, decoded)) (decode (low 32 w)).

Definition coder : @coder u32 params.
End NearCallABI.

Library EraVM.ABI.FatPointerABI

Require Coder Pointer lib.BitsExt.

Import ssreflect ssreflect.ssrfun ssreflect.eqtype ssreflect.tuple.
Import Core Common Coder Pointer lib.BitsExt.

Section FatPointerABI.

Record fat_ptr_layout displays the memory layout of a 128-bit fat pointer.

Record fat_ptr_layout := mk_fat_ptr_layout {
                              length: u32;
                              start: u32;
                              page: u32;
                              offset: u32;
Definition null_fat_ptr_layout := mk_fat_ptr_layout zero32 zero32 zero32 zero32.
Section LayoutCoder.

Functions encode_layout and decode_layout formalize the encoding of a fat_ptr_nullable to fat_ptr_layout.

  Definition encode_layout : @encoder fat_ptr_layout fat_ptr_nullable :=
    fun fp : fat_ptr_nullable
      match fp with
      | NullPtrSome null_fat_ptr_layout
      | NotNullPtr (mk_fat_ptr p (mk_ptr (mk_span s l) ofs)) ⇒
          if (p == 0) || (p 2^32) then None else
            Some (mk_fat_ptr_layout l s (# p) ofs)

  Definition decode_layout : @decoder fat_ptr_layout fat_ptr_nullable :=
    fun w: fat_ptr_layout
      match w with
      | mk_fat_ptr_layout length start page offset
          if page == zero32 then Some NullPtr else
            Some (NotNullPtr {|
                      fp_page := toNat page;
                      fp_ptr := {|
                                 p_span := mk_span start length;
                                 p_offset := offset;

  Theorem layout_coding_revertible: revertible decode_layout encode_layout.

  Definition fat_ptr_layout_coder : @Coder.coder fat_ptr_layout fat_ptr_nullable
    := mk_coder decode_layout encode_layout layout_coding_revertible.

End LayoutCoder.

Section BinaryCoder.
  #[local] Open Scope ZMod_scope.

  Definition encode_bin: @encoder u128 fat_ptr_layout :=
    fun fp: fat_ptr_layout
      match fp with
      | mk_fat_ptr_layout length start page offset
          Some (length ## start ## page ## offset)

  Definition decode_bin : @decoder u128 fat_ptr_layout :=
    fun w: u128
      let length := w { 3×32, 4×32 } in
      let start := w { 2×32, 3×32 } in
      let page := w { 32, 2×32} in
      let offset := w { 0, 32 } in
      Some (mk_fat_ptr_layout length start page offset).

  Lemma fat_ptr_bin_revertible: revertible decode_bin encode_bin.

  Definition binary_coder: @Coder.coder u128 fat_ptr_layout :=
    mk_coder decode_bin encode_bin fat_ptr_bin_revertible.
End BinaryCoder.

Section ComposedCoder.
  Definition ABI : @Coder.coder u128 fat_ptr_nullable :=
    coder_compose binary_coder fat_ptr_layout_coder.

  Definition decode_fat_ptr (w:u128) : option fat_ptr_nullable := ABI.(decode) w.

  Definition decode_fat_ptr_word (w:word) : option (u128 × fat_ptr_nullable) :=
    let (high128, low128) := split2 128 128 w in
    match decode_fat_ptr low128 with
    | Some fpnSome (high128, fpn)
    | _None

  Definition decode_heap_ptr (w:word) : option (u224 × heap_ptr) :=
    let (msbs, ofs) := split2 _ 32 w in
    Some (msbs, mk_hptr ofs).

  Definition encode_heap_ptr (h:heap_ptr) : option u32 :=
    Some (hp_addr h)

  Definition encode_heap_ptr_word (high224: u224) (h:heap_ptr) : option word :=
    match encode_heap_ptr h with
    | Some hpencSome (high224 ## hpenc)
    | _None
  Definition encode_fat_ptr (fp: fat_ptr_nullable) : option u128 := ABI.(encode) fp.
  Definition encode_fat_ptr_word (high_bytes: u128) (fp: fat_ptr_nullable) : option word :=
    match encode_fat_ptr fp with
    | Some encSome (high_bytes ## enc)
    | _None
End ComposedCoder.
End FatPointerABI.

Library EraVM.ABI.ForwardPageTypesABI

Require Coder Ergs MemoryManagement Pointer TransientMemory lib.BitsExt ABI.FatPointerABI.

Import ssreflect ssreflect.ssrfun ssreflect.eqtype ssreflect.tuple.
Import Arith Core Common Coder Ergs MemoryManagement Pointer TransientMemory lib.BitsExt FatPointerABI.

Module FarCallForwardPageType.
  Definition UseHeap : u8 := # 0.
  Definition ForwardFatPointer : u8 := # 1.
  Definition UseAuxHeap : u8 := # 2.
  (* other u8 values are mapped to UseHeap. *)
End FarCallForwardPageType.

Definition data_page_type_to_u8 (t:data_page_type) : u8 :=
  match t with
  | HeapFarCallForwardPageType.UseHeap
  | AuxHeapFarCallForwardPageType.UseAuxHeap

Definition span_of (fp: fat_ptr_layout) : option span :=
  if fp.(offset) == zero32
  then Some (mk_span fp.(start) fp.(length))
  else None

Definition fwd_memory_adapter (fwd_type: u8) (raw_fat_ptr_layout: fat_ptr_layout) : option MemoryManagement.fwd_memory:=
  if fwd_type == FarCallForwardPageType.ForwardFatPointer then
    option_map ForwardExistingFatPointer
      (FatPointerABI.decode_layout raw_fat_ptr_layout)
    match span_of raw_fat_ptr_layout with
    | Some span
        Some (
            if fwd_type == FarCallForwardPageType.UseAuxHeap then
              ForwardNewFatPointer AuxHeap span
            else (* Heap or a default option *)
              ForwardNewFatPointer Heap span
    | NoneNone

Library EraVM.ABI.FarCallABI

This record describes all the parameters that FarCalls can use.

Record params :=
  mk_params {
      fwd_memory: fwd_memory;
      ergs_passed: ergs;
      shard_id: shard_id;
      constructor_call: bool;
      to_system: bool;

This record describes the layout of 256-bit word that encodes these parameters.

Record params_layout :=
  mk_params_layout {
      raw_to_system_bool: u8;
      raw_constructor_call_bool: u8;
      raw_shard_id: u8;
      raw_memory_forwarding_type_enum : u8;
      raw_ergs_passed: u32;
      (*raw_reserved: u64; *)
      raw_fat_ptr_layout: fat_ptr_layout;

Section BinaryCoder.
  Open Scope ZMod_scope.
  Definition encode_bin : @encoder word params_layout :=
    fun params
      match params with
       | mk_params_layout to_system8 constructor_call8 shard_id8 memory_forwarding_type8 ergs_passed32 (* reserved64 *) fat_ptr_layout128
          match FatPointerABI.encode_bin fat_ptr_layout128 with
          | Some ptr_encoded128Some (
                                      to_system8 ## constructor_call8 ## shard_id8 ## memory_forwarding_type8 ##
                                        ergs_passed32 ##
                                        zero64 ##
          | NoneNone

  Definition decode_bin : @decoder word params_layout :=
    fun w
      let to_system : u8 := w { 256-8, 256 } in
      let constructor_call : u8 := w { 256 - 2×8, 256 - 8 } in
      let shard_id : u8 := w { 256 - 3×8, 256 - 2×8 } in
      let memory_forwarding_type : u8 := w { 256 - 4×8, 256 - 3×8 } in
      let ergs_passed : u32 := w { 256 - 2×32, 256 - 32 } in
      let ptr : option fat_ptr_layout := FatPointerABI.decode_bin (low 128 w) in
      match ptr with
      | Some ptrSome (mk_params_layout to_system constructor_call shard_id memory_forwarding_type ergs_passed ptr )
      | NoneNone

  Theorem binary_coder_revertible: revertible decode_bin encode_bin.

  Definition coder_binary : @coder word params_layout :=
    mk_coder decode_bin encode_bin binary_coder_revertible.

End BinaryCoder.

Section LayoutCoder.

  Definition encode_layout: @encoder params_layout params :=
fun params
  match params with
  | mk_params (ForwardExistingFatPointer fptr) ergs_passed shard_id constructor_call to_system
      match FatPointerABI.encode_layout fptr with
        | Some ptr_layout
                raw_to_system_bool:= if to_system then # 1 else # 0;
                raw_constructor_call_bool := if constructor_call then # 1 else # 0;
                raw_shard_id := shard_id;
                raw_memory_forwarding_type_enum := FarCallForwardPageType.ForwardFatPointer;
                raw_ergs_passed:= ergs_passed;
                (*raw_reserved: u64; *)
                raw_fat_ptr_layout:= ptr_layout;
      | NoneNone
  | mk_params (ForwardNewFatPointer heap_variant span) ergs_passed shard_id constructor_call to_system
          raw_to_system_bool:= if to_system then # 1 else # 0;
          raw_constructor_call_bool := if constructor_call then # 1 else # 0;
          raw_shard_id := shard_id;
          raw_memory_forwarding_type_enum := data_page_type_to_u8 heap_variant;
          raw_ergs_passed := ergs_passed;
          (*raw_reserved: u64; *)
          raw_fat_ptr_layout:= {|
                                start := span.(s_start);
                                length := span.(s_length);
                                page := zero32;
                                offset := zero32;

  Definition decode_layout: @decoder params_layout params :=
    fun layout
      match layout with
      | mk_params_layout raw_to_system_bool raw_constructor_call_bool raw_shard_id raw_memory_forwarding_type_enum raw_ergs_passed raw_fat_ptr_layout
          match fwd_memory_adapter raw_memory_forwarding_type_enum raw_fat_ptr_layout with
          | Some fwd_memory_valueSome (
                                          fwd_memory := fwd_memory_value;
                                          ergs_passed := raw_ergs_passed;
                                          shard_id := raw_shard_id;
                                          constructor_call := raw_constructor_call_bool != zero8;
                                          to_system := raw_to_system_bool != zero8;
          | NoneNone

  Theorem layout_coding_revertible: revertible decode_layout encode_layout.

  Definition coder_layout := mk_coder decode_layout encode_layout layout_coding_revertible.

End LayoutCoder.

Definition coder := coder_compose coder_binary coder_layout.
End FarCallABI.

Library EraVM.ABI.FarRetABI

This record describes all the parameters that far returns can use.

Section FarRetABI.
  Record params :=
  mk_params {
      fwd_memory: fwd_memory;

This record describes the layout of 256-bit word that encodes these parameters.

Record params_layout :=
  mk_params_layout {
      (* reserved 3 bytes *)
      raw_memory_forwarding_type_enum : u8;
      (* last 16 bytes contain the pointer *)
      raw_fat_ptr_layout: fat_ptr_layout;

Section BinaryCoder.
  Open Scope ZMod_scope.
  Definition encode_bin : @encoder word params_layout :=
    fun params
      match params with
       | mk_params_layout memory_forwarding_type8 fat_ptr_layout128
          match FatPointerABI.encode_bin fat_ptr_layout128 with
          | Some ptr_encoded128Some (zero8 ## zero8 ## zero8 ## memory_forwarding_type8 ##
                                        zero32 ##
                                        zero64 ##
          | NoneNone

  Definition decode_bin : @decoder word params_layout :=
    fun w
      let memory_forwarding_type : u8 := w { 256 - 4×8, 256 - 3×8 } in
      let ptr : option fat_ptr_layout := FatPointerABI.decode_bin (low 128 w) in
      match ptr with
      | Some ptrSome (mk_params_layout memory_forwarding_type ptr)
      | NoneNone

  Theorem binary_coder_revertible: revertible decode_bin encode_bin.

  Definition coder_binary : @coder word params_layout :=
    mk_coder decode_bin encode_bin binary_coder_revertible.

End BinaryCoder.

Section LayoutCoder.

 Definition encode_layout: @encoder params_layout params :=
fun params
  match params with
  | mk_params (ForwardExistingFatPointer fptr) ⇒
      match FatPointerABI.encode_layout fptr with
      | Some ptr_layout
                raw_memory_forwarding_type_enum := FarCallForwardPageType.ForwardFatPointer;
                raw_fat_ptr_layout:= ptr_layout;
      | NoneNone
  | mk_params (ForwardNewFatPointer heap_variant span) ⇒
          raw_memory_forwarding_type_enum := data_page_type_to_u8 heap_variant;
          raw_fat_ptr_layout:= {|
                                start := span.(s_start);
                                length := span.(s_length);
                                page := zero32;
                                offset := zero32;

  Definition decode_layout: @decoder params_layout params :=
    fun layout
      match layout with
      | mk_params_layout raw_memory_forwarding_type_enum raw_fat_ptr_layout
          match fwd_memory_adapter raw_memory_forwarding_type_enum raw_fat_ptr_layout with
          | Some fwd_memory_valueSome (mk_params fwd_memory_value)
          | NoneNone
  Theorem layout_coding_revertible: revertible decode_layout encode_layout.

  Definition coder_layout := mk_coder decode_layout encode_layout layout_coding_revertible.

End LayoutCoder.

Definition coder := coder_compose coder_binary coder_layout.
End FarRetABI.

Library EraVM.ABI.MetaParametersABI

Meta parameters are returned by OpContextMeta. This record shows the data that is contained in it.

Record params :=
  mk_params {
      ergs_per_pubdata_byte: ergs;
      heap_size: mem_address;
      aux_heap_size: mem_address;
      this_shard_id: shard_id;
      caller_shard_id: shard_id;
      code_shard_id: shard_id;

This record describes the exact memory layout in a 256-bit word, which holds parameters.

Record params_layout :=
  mk_params_layout {
      (* reserved: u8 *)
      l_code_shard_id : u8;
      l_caller_shard_id : u8;
      l_this_shard_id : u8;
     (* reserved: u96 *)
      l_aux_heap_size : u32;
      l_heap_size : u32;
      (* reserved: u32 *)
      l_ergs_per_pubdata_byte: u32;

Section BinaryCoder.
  #[local] Open Scope ZMod_scope.
  Context (zero96 : BITS 96 := # 0).

  Definition encode_bin : @encoder word params_layout :=
    fun layout
      match layout with
      | mk_params_layout
        ⇒ Some (
              zero8 ## l_code_shard_id8 ## l_caller_shard_id8 ## l_this_shard_id8 ## zero96 ## l_aux_heap_size32 ## l_heap_size32 ## zero32 ## l_ergs_per_pubdata_byte32)

  Definition decode_bin: @decoder word params_layout :=
    fun w
      Some {|
          (* reserved: u8 *)
          l_code_shard_id := w { 256 - 2×8 , 256 - 8} ;
          l_caller_shard_id := w {256 - 3 × 8, 256 - 2 × 8};
          l_this_shard_id := w {256 - 4 × 8, 256 - 3 × 8};
          (* reserved: u96 *)
          l_aux_heap_size := w { 3 × 32, 4 × 32 };
          l_heap_size := w { 2 × 32, 3 × 32 };
          (* reserved: u32 *)
          l_ergs_per_pubdata_byte:= w { 0, 32 };

  Theorem binary_coder_revertible: revertible decode_bin encode_bin.

  Definition binary_coder := mk_coder decode_bin encode_bin binary_coder_revertible.
End BinaryCoder.

Section LayoutCoder.

Definition decode_layout : @decoder params_layout params :=
  fun layout
    match layout with
    | mk_params_layout l_code_shard_id l_caller_shard_id l_this_shard_id l_aux_heap_size l_heap_size
                                      ergs_per_pubdata_byte := l_ergs_per_pubdata_byte;
                                      heap_size := l_heap_size;
                                      aux_heap_size := l_aux_heap_size;
                                      this_shard_id := l_this_shard_id;
                                      caller_shard_id := l_caller_shard_id;
                                      code_shard_id := l_code_shard_id;

Definition encode_layout : @encoder params_layout params :=
  fun params
    match params with
    | mk_params ergs_per_pubdata_byte heap_size aux_heap_size this_shard_id caller_shard_id code_shard_idSome
                                      l_ergs_per_pubdata_byte := ergs_per_pubdata_byte;
                                      l_heap_size := heap_size;
                                      l_aux_heap_size := aux_heap_size;
                                      l_this_shard_id := this_shard_id;
                                      l_caller_shard_id := caller_shard_id;
                                      l_code_shard_id := code_shard_id;

Theorem layout_coder_revertible: revertible decode_layout encode_layout.

  Definition layout_coder := mk_coder decode_layout encode_layout layout_coder_revertible.
End LayoutCoder.

Definition coder := coder_compose binary_coder layout_coder.
End MetaParametersABI.

Library EraVM.ABI.PrecompileParametersABI

Require Coder TransientMemory lib.BitsExt.

Import ssreflect ssreflect.ssrfun ssreflect.eqtype ssreflect.tuple.
Import Core Common Coder TransientMemory lib.BitsExt.

Section PrecompileParametersABI.

  Record params :=
      input_memory_offset: mem_address;
      input_memory_length: mem_address;
      output_memory_offset: mem_address;
      output_memory_length: mem_address;
      per_precompile_interpreted: u64;
      memory_page_to_read: page_id;
      memory_page_to_write: page_id;
      precompile_interpreted_data: u64;


Definition params_eqn (x y: params) : bool :=
  (x.(input_memory_offset) == y.(input_memory_offset)) &&
    (x.(input_memory_length) == y.(input_memory_length)) &&
    (x.(output_memory_offset) == y.(output_memory_offset)) &&
    (x.(output_memory_length) == y.(output_memory_length)) &&
    (x.(per_precompile_interpreted) == y.(per_precompile_interpreted)) &&
    (x.(memory_page_to_read) == y.(memory_page_to_read)) &&
    (x.(memory_page_to_write) == y.(memory_page_to_write)) &&
    (x.(precompile_interpreted_data) == y.(precompile_interpreted_data)).

Lemma params_eqnP : Equality.axiom params_eqn.
  movex y.
  unfold params_eqn.
  destruct x,y =>//=.
  repeat match goal with
           [ |- context [(?x == ?y)] ] ⇒
             let Hf := fresh "H" in
             destruct (x == y) eqn: Hf; try rewrite Hf
         end =>//=; constructor; auto;
    repeat match goal with [ H: (?x == ?y) = true |- _] ⇒ move: H ⇒ /eqPend;
    try injection; intros; subst;
    repeat match goal with [ H: (?x == ?x) = false |- _] ⇒ rewrite eq_refl in H end =>//=.
  - constructor.

Canonical params_eqMixin := EqMixin params_eqnP.
Canonical params_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType _ params_eqMixin.

Library EraVM.encoding.EncodingUtils

Encoding parts of instructions

The encoding of asm_instruction is described in two stages:

  1. asm_to_mach describes how fields asm_instruction are mapped to the EraVM machine instruction mach_instruction; this describes the instruction layout.
  2. encode_mach_instruction describes the binary encoding of mach_instruction.

EraVM instructions mach_instruction are 64 bits wide. Starting from the least significant bit, they are made of the following parts:

The precise format is formalized by encode_mach_instruction.

Their encoding is independent and happens as follows:

  1. The mach_opcode packs together the information about
  • the instruction meaning, e.g. is it addition, or call, or something else;
  • its source and destination addressing modes. For example, in the encoding of add r1, r0, r3 the meaning of the register R1 in the field op_src0 is “use the value from register r1 as the first operand”. But in the encoding of add stack=[r1], r0, r3 the meaning of the register R1 in the field op_src0 is “use the value on the stack page by address R1 as the first operand”. This difference is reflected in the mach_opcode field: the addressing modes are encoded by encode_src_mode/encode_src_special_mode (for selected instructions)/encode_dst_mode) and mixed in mach_opcode by encode_opcode.

Definition encode_src_mode (sm:src_mode) : Z :=
  match sm with
  | SrcReg ⇒ 0
  | SrcSpRelativePop ⇒ 1
  | SrcSpRelative ⇒ 2
  | SrcStackAbsolute ⇒ 3
  | SrcImm ⇒ 4
  | SrcCodeAddr ⇒ 5

Definition encode_src_special_mode (sm:src_special_mode) : Z :=
  match sm with
  | SrcSpecialReg ⇒ 0
  | SrcSpecialImm ⇒ 1

Definition encode_dst_mode (sm:dst_mode) : Z :=
  match sm with
  | DstReg ⇒ 0
  | DstSpRelativePush ⇒ 1
  | DstSpRelative ⇒ 2
  | DstStackAbsolute ⇒ 3

The definitions encode_set_flags and encode_swap are encoding the mod_set_flags and mod_swap modifier values as one-bit numbers.

Definition encode_set_flags (m: mod_set_flags) : Z :=
  match m with
  | SetFlags ⇒ 1
  | PreserveFlags ⇒ 0
Definition encode_swap(m: mod_swap) : Z :=
  match m with
  | Swap ⇒ 1
  | NoSwap =>0

  1. encode_predicate maps eight different predicates to their encodings as 3-bit binary numbers.

Definition encode_predicate (p:predicate) : BITS 3 :=
  # match p with
    | IfAlways ⇒ 0
    | IfGT ⇒ 1
    | IfLT ⇒ 2
    | IfEQ ⇒ 3
    | IfGE ⇒ 4
    | IfLE ⇒ 5
    | IfNotEQ ⇒ 6
    | IfGTOrLT ⇒ 7

  1. Registers are encoded by their indices as 4-bit numbers, e.g. register R3 is encoded as 3 = 0011_2. The meaning of two source and two destination registers depends on the instruction and/or addressing modes.

Definition encode_reg (name:reg_name) : BITS 4 :=
  # (reg_idx name)

Definition encode_reg_opt (name:option reg_name) : BITS 4 :=
  match name with
  | Some nameencode_reg name
  | None# 0

  1. Immediate 16-bit values are encoded as-is.

For example, the instruction sub r0, r1, r2 will be encoded as 000000000210004B, which, in binary form, is:

0000000000000000 0010 0001 0000 000 00 00001001011

Let’s break it down:

| 0000000000000000 -> imm1
| 0000000000000000 -> imm0
| 0000 -> Dst1: R0 (4 bits, ignored)
| 0010 -> Dst0: R2 (4 bits)
| 0001 -> Src1: R1 (4 bits)
| 0000 -> Src0: R0 (4 bits)
| 000 -> Predicate: IfAlways (3 bits)
| 00 -> Reserved (2 bits)
|  00001001011 -> Opcode (11 bits)

Another example: sub stack=[r1+15], r2, stack+=[r3+63] is encoded as: 003f000f0321007d, which, in binary form, is:

0000 0000 0011 1111 0000 0000 0000 1111 0000 0011 0010 0001 0000 0000 0111 1101

Let’s break it down:

| 0000 0000 0011 1111  -> imm1: 63
| 0000 0000 0000 1111 -> imm0: 15
| 0000 -> dst1: R0 (4 bits, ignored)
| 0011 -> dst0: R3 (4 bits)
| 0010 -> src1: R2 (4 bits)
| 0001 ->  src0: R1 (4 bits)
| 000 -> Predicate: IfAlways (3 bits)
| 00 -> Reserved (2 bits)
| 000 0111 1101 -> Opcode (11 bits)

Be careful with the big-endian byte order in multibyte numbers.

Library EraVM.encoding.GeneratedEncodeOpcode

Require isa.Modifiers encoding.EncodingUtils.

Import ZArith.
Import GeneratedMachISA Modifiers encoding.EncodingUtils.

Section OpcodeEncoderDefinition.
Coercion encode_dst_mode : dst_mode >-> Z.
Coercion encode_src_mode : src_mode >-> Z.
Coercion encode_src_special_mode : src_special_mode >-> Z.
Coercion encode_swap: mod_swap >-> Z.
Coercion encode_set_flags : mod_set_flags >-> Z.
Coercion Z.b2z: bool >-> Z.

Definition encode_opcode (op:mach_opcode) : Z :=
   match op with
| OpInvalid ⇒ 0
| OpNoOp src dst ⇒ 1 + 4 × src + 1 × dst
| OpAdd src dst set_flags ⇒ 25 + 8 × src + 2 × dst + set_flags
| OpSub src dst swap set_flags ⇒ 73 + 16 × src + 4 × dst + 2 × set_flags + swap
| OpMul src dst set_flags ⇒ 169 + 8 × src + 2 × dst + set_flags
| OpDiv src dst swap set_flags ⇒ 217 + 16 × src + 4 × dst + 2 × set_flags + swap
| OpJump src ⇒ 313 + 1 × src
| OpXor src dst set_flags ⇒ 319 + 8 × src + 2 × dst + set_flags
| OpAnd src dst set_flags ⇒ 367 + 8 × src + 2 × dst + set_flags
| OpOr src dst set_flags ⇒ 415 + 8 × src + 2 × dst + set_flags
| OpShl src dst swap set_flags ⇒ 463 + 16 × src + 4 × dst + 2 × set_flags + swap
| OpShr src dst swap set_flags ⇒ 559 + 16 × src + 4 × dst + 2 × set_flags + swap
| OpRol src dst swap set_flags ⇒ 655 + 16 × src + 4 × dst + 2 × set_flags + swap
| OpRor src dst swap set_flags ⇒ 751 + 16 × src + 4 × dst + 2 × set_flags + swap
| OpPtrAdd src dst swap ⇒ 847 + 8 × src + 2 × dst + swap
| OpPtrSub src dst swap ⇒ 895 + 8 × src + 2 × dst + swap
| OpPtrPack src dst swap ⇒ 943 + 8 × src + 2 × dst + swap
| OpPtrShrink src dst swap ⇒ 991 + 8 × src + 2 × dst + swap
| OpNearCall ⇒ 1039
| OpContractThis ⇒ 1040
| OpContractCaller ⇒ 1041
| OpContractCodeAddress ⇒ 1042
| OpVMMeta ⇒ 1043
| OpVMErgsLeft ⇒ 1044
| OpVMSp ⇒ 1045
| OpGetCapturedContext ⇒ 1046
| OpSetContextReg ⇒ 1047
| OpAuxMutating ⇒ 1048
| OpIncrementTxNumber ⇒ 1049
| OpSLoad ⇒ 1050
| OpSStore ⇒ 1051
| OpToL1Message is_first ⇒ 1052 + is_first
| OpEvent is_first ⇒ 1054 + is_first
| OpPrecompileCall ⇒ 1056
| OpFarCall is_shard is_static ⇒ 1057 + 2 × is_static + is_shard
| OpDelegateCall is_shard is_static ⇒ 1061 + 2 × is_static + is_shard
| OpMimicCall is_shard is_static ⇒ 1065 + 2 × is_static + is_shard
| OpRet to_label ⇒ 1069 + to_label
| OpRevert to_label ⇒ 1071 + to_label
| OpPanic to_label ⇒ 1073 + to_label
| OpLoadHeap src inc ⇒ 1075 + 10 × src + inc
| OpStoreHeap src inc ⇒ 1077 + 10 × src + inc
| OpLoadAuxHeap src inc ⇒ 1079 + 10 × src + inc
| OpStoreAuxHeap src inc ⇒ 1081 + 10 × src + inc
| OpLoadPtr inc ⇒ 1083 + inc
| OpDecommit ⇒ 1093
| OpTransientLoad ⇒ 1094
| OpTransientStore ⇒ 1095
| OpStaticRead src inc ⇒ 1096 + 2 × src + inc
| OpStaticWrite src inc ⇒ 1100 + 2 × src + inc

End OpcodeEncoderDefinition.

Library EraVM.encoding.Encoder

Encoding machine instructions

For an overview of instruction sets and different layers of instructions definitions, used in this specification, refer to InstructionSets.

The binary encoding is defined for mach_instruction, which is a representation of an EraVM instruction aware of its encoding and layout. Once the asm_instruction has been transformed into mach_instruction via asm_to_mach, it is trivial to put all of mach_instruction’s fields in binary form via encode_mach_instruction.

Reminder: ## notation stands for concatenating binary strings; a ## b signifies that b holds less significant bits and a is prepended to it, forming a more significant part.

Definition encode_mach_instruction (i:@mach_instruction GPR.reg_name u16) : BITS 64 :=
  match i with
  | mk_ins op_code op_predicate op_src0 op_src1 op_dst0 op_dst1 op_imm0 op_imm1
     let reserved2 := @fromNat 2 0 in
       ## op_imm0
       ## encode_reg op_dst1
       ## encode_reg op_dst0
       ## encode_reg op_src1
       ## encode_reg op_src0
       ## encode_predicate op_predicate
       ## reserved2
       ## @fromZ 11 (encode_opcode op_code)

Definition encode_asm (i:predicated asm_instruction) : option (BITS 64) :=
  option_map encode_mach_instruction (asm_to_mach i)
End MachEncoder.

Library EraVM.Bootloader

Require memory.Depot.
Import memory.Depot.

Section Bootloader.
  Import ZArith spec.
  Open Scope Z.


Bootloader is a system contract in charge of block construction (sources).

Formally, bootloader is assigned an address BOOTLOADER_SYSTEM_CONTRACT_ADDRESS, but on execution start EraVM decommits its code directly by its versioned_hash.

  Definition BOOTLOADER_SYSTEM_CONTRACT_ADDRESS : contract_address := fromZ ((2^15) + 1).

Using the bootloader versioned_hash, EraVM queries the bootloader code from decommitter and starts executing it.

The heap page of the bootloader is different from other pages: it acts as an interface between server and EraVM. Server is able to modify the contents of this page at will. Server gradually fills it with transaction data, formatted according to an implementation-defined convention.

The bootloader then acts roughly as the following code (not an actual implementation):

contract Bootloader {
    function executeBlock(
        address operatorAddress,
      Transaction[2] memory transactions
    ) {
     for(uint i = 0; i < transactions.length; i++) {
        chargeFee(operatorAddress, transactions[i]);

    function validateTransaction(Transaction memory tx) {
    // validation logic
  function chargeFee(address operatorAddress, Transaction memory tx) {
    // charge fee
  function executeTransaction(Transaction memory tx) {
    // execution logic

The bootloader is therefore responsible for:

  • validating transactions;
  • executing transactions to form a new block;
  • setting some of the transaction- or block-wide transaction parameters (e.g. blockhash, tx.origin).

Server makes a snapshot of EraVM state after completing every transaction. When the bootloader encounters a malformed transaction, it fails, and the server restarts EraVM from the most recent snapshot, skipping this transaction. If a transaction is well-formed, EraVM may still panic while handling it outside the bootloader code. This is a normal situation and is handled by EraVM in a regular way, through panics. See e.g. OpPanic.

The exact code of the bootloader is a part of a protocol; its versioned_hash is included in the block header.

End Bootloader.

Library EraVM.Precompiles

Require memory.Depot ABI State.

Import ABI memory.Depot State.

Section Precompiles.


Precompiles are extensions of VM bound to one of the system contracts. When this contract executes an instruction OpPrecompileCall, VM executes an algorithm specific to this contract.

This requires preparing data for the precompiled algorithm in a special, algorithm-dependent way.

Precompiles are able to change data_pages.

Precompiles may fail.

Precompiles are not revertable; their functioning is not affected by rollbacks.

Currently we formalize precompiles as a black box.

Library EraVM.VersionedHash

Require Coder PrimitiveValue TransientMemory.

Section VersionedHash.
  Import ZArith ssrbool eqtype ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool ssreflect.eqtype ssreflect.tuple zmodp.
  Import Coder Common TransientMemory.

  Context {word: Type}.
  Context {ins_type: Type} (invalid_ins: ins_type).

Versioned hash

versioned_hash is a hash augmented with additional information. It is used as a key to identify the contract code for decommitter.

Additional information includes:

  • VERSION_BYTE (currently 1)
  • marker (is the contract being constructed or already constructed?)

The hash itself is described by partial_hash; it is computed as SHA256 hash modulo 2^{28 \times 8}.

  Definition VERSION_BYTE: u8 := fromZ 1%Z.


decidable equality
  Scheme Equality for marker.
  Lemma marker_eqP : Equality.axiom marker_beq.
  Proof. by move ⇒ [] []; constructor. Qed.

  Canonical marker_eqMixin := EqMixin marker_eqP.
  Canonical marker_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType marker marker_eqMixin.

  Definition marker_valid (m: marker) :=
    match m with
    | INVALIDfalse
    | _true

  Record versioned_hash := mk_vhash {
                               code_length_in_words: u16;
                               extra_marker: marker;
                               partial_hash: BITS (28×bits_in_byte)%nat
  Axiom hash_coder: @Coder.coder word versioned_hash.

EraVM accepts DEFAULT_AA_VHASH as a parameter. See also Parameters.

  Parameter DEFAULT_AA_VHASH: versioned_hash.

  Open Scope ZMod_scope.

equality on versioned hashes
  Definition eqn (x y:versioned_hash) : bool :=
    match x,y with
    | mk_vhash l1 em1 ph1 , mk_vhash l2 em2 ph2
        (l1 == l2) && (em1 == em2) && (ph1 == ph2)

  Lemma eqnP : Equality.axiom eqn.
    move ⇒ [l1 em1 ph1] [l2 em2 ph2].
    destruct (l1 == l2) eqn: H1;
      destruct (em1 == em2) eqn: H2;
      destruct (ph1 == ph2) eqn: H3;
      try move: (eqP H1) ⇒ ->; try move: (eqP H2) ⇒ ->; try move: (eqP H3) ⇒ ->; constructor =>//.
    - injection. move ⇒ ?; subst. by rewrite eq_refl in H3.
    - injection. move ⇒ ?; subst. by rewrite eq_refl in H2.
    - injection. move ⇒ ?; subst. by rewrite eq_refl in H3.
    - injection. move ⇒ ?; subst. by rewrite eq_refl in H1.
    - injection. move ⇒ ?; subst. by rewrite eq_refl in H3.
    - injection. move ⇒ ?; subst. by rewrite eq_refl in H2.
    - injection. move ⇒ ?; subst. by rewrite eq_refl in H3.

  Canonical vh_eqMixin := EqMixin eqnP.
  Canonical vh_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType _ vh_eqMixin.

Library EraVM.Decommitter


Decommitter is a module external to EraVM, a key-value storage where:

Decommitting refers to querying contract code from the decommitter and filling new code_page and const_page with it. The rest of the code page is filled with invalid instructions; the rest of const page is filled with zeros.

The mapping code_hash_location between contract addresses and the hashes of their codes is implemented by the storage of the contract DEPLOYER_SYSTEM_CONTRACT_ADDRESS.

Note: storage with the same contract address may differ between shards.

  Definition DEPLOYER_SYSTEM_CONTRACT_ADDRESS : contract_address := fromZ ((2^15) + 2).

  Definition code_hash_location (for_contract: contract_address) (sid:Depot.shard_id): fqa_key :=
    mk_fqa_key (mk_fqa_storage sid DEPLOYER_SYSTEM_CONTRACT_ADDRESS) (widen word_bits for_contract).

  Context {ins_type: Type} (invalid_ins: ins_type) (code_page := code_page invalid_ins)
    (empty_code : code_page := @mk_code_page _ invalid_ins (empty _))
    (empty_const: const_page := (empty _ )).

  Definition code_storage_params := {|
                                     addressable_block := code_page × const_page;
                                     address_bits := 256;
                                     default_value := (empty_code, empty_const);
                                     writable := false;

  Definition code_storage: Type := mem_parameterized code_storage_params.
Import VersionedHash.

  Record decommitter :=
    mk_code_mgr {
        cm_storage: code_storage;
        cm_accessed: history vh_eqType;

The versioned hash is called cold if it was not accessed during construction of the current block. Otherwise, it is warm. See is_first_access.

  Definition is_first_access cm vh := negb (contains _ (cm_accessed cm) vh).

Decommitting code by a cold versioned hash costs (ERGS_PER_CODE_WORD_DECOMMITTMENT * (block size in words)) ergs. Decommitting warm code is free.

When decommitter does not have code for the requested hash, VM may allow masking, and request the code with default versioned hash DEFAULT_AA_VHASH instead. It is expected that:

VM does not mask the code for system contracts; see sem.FarCall.step.

DEFAULT_AA_CODE is the decommitter’s answer to the query DEFAULT_AA_VHASH.

Library EraVM.Arith

From mathcomp Require ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype tuple zmodp.
Require Types.
Import Types ssreflect.tuple ssreflect.eqtype ssrbool.

Common project-independent definitions

Section Operations.
  Import operations ZArith.

  Record udiv_result {n} := mk_divrem { div: BITS n; rem: BITS n }.

  Definition uadd_of {n: nat} (a: BITS n) (b:BITS n) : bool × BITS n := adcB false a b.
  Definition uadd_wrap {n: nat} (a: BITS n) (b:BITS n) : BITS n := snd (uadd_of a b).
  Definition uinc_of {n: nat} (a: BITS n) : bool × BITS n := uadd_of a (fromZ 1).
  Definition uinc_by_32_of {n: nat} (a: BITS n) : bool × BITS n := uadd_of a (fromZ 32).

  Definition usub_uf {n: nat} (a: BITS n) (b:BITS n) : bool × BITS n := sbbB false a b.
  Definition umul {n: nat} (a: BITS n) (b:BITS n) : BITS (n+n) := fullmulB a b.

  Definition udiv {n: nat} (a: BITS (S n)) (b:BITS (S n)) : udiv_result :=
    let za := toZ a in
    let zb := toZ b in
    @mk_divrem (S n) (fromZ (BinInt.Z.div za zb)) (fromZ (BinInt.Z.rem za zb)).

  Definition lt_unsigned {n:nat} (a b: BITS n) := ltB a b.
  Definition gt_unsigned {n:nat} (a b: BITS n) := lt_unsigned b a.
  Definition le_unsigned {n:nat} (a b: BITS n) := lt_unsigned a b || (a == b).
  Definition ge_unsigned {n:nat} (a b: BITS n) := gt_unsigned a b || (a == b).

  Definition bitwise_xor {n} := @xorB n.
  Definition bitwise_or {n} := @orB n.
  Definition bitwise_and {n} := @andB n.

  Definition characteristic (n:nat): Z := 2 ^ (Z.of_nat n).
  Definition unsigned_max (n:nat) :Z := characteristic n - 1.
  Definition unsigned_min :Z := 0.

  Definition min {n} (a b: BITS n) : BITS n := if lt_unsigned a b then a else b.
  Definition max {n} (a b: BITS n) : BITS n := if gt_unsigned a b then a else b.

  Definition widen {s} (result_size: nat) (val: BITS s): BITS (s + (result_size - s)) := @zeroExtend (result_size - s)%nat s val.

  Definition rolBn {n} (p: BITS (S n)) (k: nat): BITS (S n) := Nat.iter k rolB p.
  Definition rorBn {n} (p: BITS (S n)) (k: nat): BITS (S n) := Nat.iter k rorB p.

  Definition subrange_len {skip} (from:nat) (len:nat) (w:BITS ((from + len) + skip)) :=
    (@high len from (@low skip (ssrnat.addn from len) w)).

  Definition subrange {skip} (from:nat) (to:nat) (w:BITS (from + (to-from) + skip)) :=
    @subrange_len skip from (to-from) w.

End Operations.

Declare Scope ZMod_scope.

Infix "+" := (uadd_of) : ZMod_scope.
Infix "-" := (usub_uf) : ZMod_scope.
Infix "×" := (umul) : ZMod_scope.
Infix "<" := (lt_unsigned ) : ZMod_scope.
Infix ">" := (gt_unsigned) : ZMod_scope.
Infix "≤" := (le_unsigned) : ZMod_scope.
Infix "≥" := (ge_unsigned) : ZMod_scope.
(* Equality is already provided by eqType of ssreflect.  *)

Notation "w { from , to }" := (@subrange _ from to w) (at level 10) : ZMod_scope .

Bind Scope ZMod_scope with BITS.