Trait zksync_vm2_interface::StateInterface

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pub trait StateInterface {
Show 22 methods // Required methods fn read_register(&self, register: u8) -> (U256, bool); fn set_register(&mut self, register: u8, value: U256, is_pointer: bool); fn current_frame(&mut self) -> impl CallframeInterface + '_; fn number_of_callframes(&self) -> usize; fn callframe(&mut self, n: usize) -> impl CallframeInterface + '_; fn read_heap_byte(&self, heap: HeapId, offset: u32) -> u8; fn read_heap_u256(&self, heap: HeapId, offset: u32) -> U256; fn write_heap_u256(&mut self, heap: HeapId, offset: u32, value: U256); fn flags(&self) -> Flags; fn set_flags(&mut self, flags: Flags); fn transaction_number(&self) -> u16; fn set_transaction_number(&mut self, value: u16); fn context_u128_register(&self) -> u128; fn set_context_u128_register(&mut self, value: u128); fn get_storage_state(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = ((H160, U256), U256)>; fn get_transient_storage_state( &self, ) -> impl Iterator<Item = ((H160, U256), U256)>; fn get_transient_storage(&self, address: H160, slot: U256) -> U256; fn write_transient_storage( &mut self, address: H160, slot: U256, value: U256, ); fn events(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Event>; fn l2_to_l1_logs(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = L2ToL1Log>; fn pubdata(&self) -> i32; fn set_pubdata(&mut self, value: i32);
Expand description

Public interface of the VM state. Encompasses both read and write methods.

Required Methods§


fn read_register(&self, register: u8) -> (U256, bool)

Reads a register with the specified zero-based index. Returns a value together with a pointer flag.


fn set_register(&mut self, register: u8, value: U256, is_pointer: bool)

Sets a register with the specified zero-based index


fn current_frame(&mut self) -> impl CallframeInterface + '_

Returns a mutable handle to the current call frame.


fn number_of_callframes(&self) -> usize

Returns the total number of call frames.


fn callframe(&mut self, n: usize) -> impl CallframeInterface + '_

Returns a mutable handle to a call frame with the specified index, where zero is the current frame, one is the frame before that etc.


fn read_heap_byte(&self, heap: HeapId, offset: u32) -> u8

Reads a single byte from the specified heap at the specified 0-based offset.


fn read_heap_u256(&self, heap: HeapId, offset: u32) -> U256

Reads an entire U256 word in the big-endian order from the specified heap / offset (which is the index of the most significant byte of the read value).


fn write_heap_u256(&mut self, heap: HeapId, offset: u32, value: U256)

Writes an entire U256 word in the big-endian order to the specified heap at the specified offset (which is the index of the most significant byte of the written value).


fn flags(&self) -> Flags

Returns current execution flags.


fn set_flags(&mut self, flags: Flags)

Sets current execution flags.


fn transaction_number(&self) -> u16

Returns the currently set 0-based transaction number.


fn set_transaction_number(&mut self, value: u16)

Sets the current transaction number.


fn context_u128_register(&self) -> u128

Returns the value of the context register.


fn set_context_u128_register(&mut self, value: u128)

Sets the value of the context register.


fn get_storage_state(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = ((H160, U256), U256)>

Iterates over storage slots read or written during VM execution.


fn get_transient_storage_state( &self, ) -> impl Iterator<Item = ((H160, U256), U256)>

Iterates over all transient storage slots set during VM execution.


fn get_transient_storage(&self, address: H160, slot: U256) -> U256

Gets value of the specified transient storage slot.


fn write_transient_storage(&mut self, address: H160, slot: U256, value: U256)

Sets value of the specified transient storage slot.


fn events(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Event>

Iterates over events emitted during VM execution.


fn l2_to_l1_logs(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = L2ToL1Log>

Iterates over L2-to-L1 logs emitted during VM execution.


fn pubdata(&self) -> i32

Gets the current amount of published pubdata.


fn set_pubdata(&mut self, value: i32)

Sets the current amount of published pubdata.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
