Building ZKsync compiler with sanitizers

This is a guide on how to build the ZKsync Solidity compiler with sanitizers enabled.


Sanitizers are tools that help find bugs in code. They are used to detect memory corruption, leaks, and undefined behavior. The most common sanitizers are AddressSanitizer, MemorySanitizer, and ThreadSanitizer.

If you are not familiar with sanitizers, see the official documentation.

Who is this guide for?

This guide is for developers who want to debug issues with ZKsync compilers.


For sanitizers build to work, the host LLVM compiler version that is used to build LLVM MUST have the same version as the LLVM compiler that is used internally by `rustc` to build the ZKsync compiler.

You can check the LLVM version used by rustc by running the following command rustc --version --verbose.

Build steps

The general steps to have a sanitizer enabled build include:

  1. Build the LLVM framework with the required sanitizer enabled.
  2. Build zksolc with the LLVM build from the previous step.

Please, follow the common installation instructions until the zksync-llvm build step.

This guide assumes the build with AddressSanitizer enabled.

Build LLVM with sanitizer enabled

When building LLVM, use --sanitizer <sanitizer> option and set build type to RelWithDebInfo:

zksync-llvm build --sanitizer=Address --build-type=RelWithDebInfo
Please note that the default Apple Clang compiler is not compatible with Rust. You need to install LLVM using Homebrew and specify the path to the LLVM compiler in the `--extra-args` option. For example:
zksync-llvm build --sanitizer=Address \
  --extra-args '\-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin/clang' \

Build zksolc with sanitizer enabled

To build the ZKsync compiler with sanitizer enabled, you need to set the RUSTFLAGS environment variable to -Z sanitizer=address and run the cargo build command. Sanitizers build is the feature that is available only for the nightly Rust compiler, it is recommended to set RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP=1 environment variable before the build.

It is also mandatory to use --target option to specify the target architecture. Otherwise, the build will fail. Please, check the table below to find the correct target for your platform.

PlatformLLVM Target Triple
Linux arm64aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
Linux x86x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
macOS arm64aarch64-apple-darwin
macOS x86x86_64-apple-darwin

Additionally, for proper reports symbolization it is recommended to set the ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH environment variable. For more info, see symbolizing reports section of LLVM documentation.

For example, to build the ZKsync compiler for macOS arm64 with AddressSanitizer enabled, run the following command:

export ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH=$(which llvm-symbolizer) # check the path to llvm-symbolizer
TARGET=aarch64-apple-darwin # Change to your target
RUSTFLAGS="-Z sanitizer=address" cargo test --target=${TARGET}

Congratulations! You have successfully built the ZKsync compiler with sanitizers enabled.

Please, refer to the official documentation for more information on how to use sanitizers and their types.